Evolutionist BS

The theory of evolution states that the human eye is the result of millions of years of random mutations. Evolutionists claim that the eye began as a patch of light sensitive skin that gradually became more complex over time.

The human eye is auto focus. It can see ten million colors. It can simultaneously process three million pieces of information.

And you idiots think it's the result of random mutations? Could I interest you in a get rich quick scheme?

That's the exact same talking point that I see all the time in debates about evolution. These people are usually the ones who also say that the bible tells them that the earth is flat. Are you a flat-earther?
That's the exact same talking point that I see all the time in debates about evolution. These people are usually the ones who also say that the bible tells them that the earth is flat. Are you a flat-earther?

More of a flat-header, but yeah. lol

What a sad commentary on current affairs that religion + science = politics.
The theory of evolution states that the human eye is the result of millions of years of random mutations. Evolutionists claim that the eye began as a patch of light sensitive skin that gradually became more complex over time.

The human eye is auto focus. It can see ten million colors. It can simultaneously process three million pieces of information.

And you idiots think it's the result of random mutations? Could I interest you in a get rich quick scheme?

Evolution is a religion. There is nothing scientific about it. Just like any other religion, it cannot be proven true, it cannot be proven false. It can only be accepted or rejected on a faith basis.
what an ignoramus, typical uneducated fundy christ-stain

He's actually correct about that. Evolution is a religion; it is not science.

You seem to be quite angry towards people who you perceive to be Christians. Why such anger?
Gru...you are so ignorant of Biology that you make a laughing stock out of yourself.
'You don't understand' mantra coupled with an Insult Fallacy.

There is nothing "random" about biological evolution. Random genetic mutations occur...it happens all the times in GENETICS...but then they are...and read carefully here...this is a critical word...don't let it slip through your grasp...THEY ARE SELECTED!!!!
According to your religion... Science has no theories about the non-falsifiable.

Natural Selection, as the name implies, is anything but random. I mean do you guys really have any notion how us Biologist laugh and laugh and laugh at your scientific illiteracy? :)
Natural Selection WAS a theory of science, but it has since been falsified. Organisms exist which contain traits that do not help it to survive (such as albinism). It only takes one such example to falsify the theory. Also, Logic falsifies Natural Selection. This theory presupposes a 'variety' to "select" from. Where did this 'variety' come from if Natural Selection has always been occurring? This brings the theory into a state of paradox.
How would you know? You don't even know what science is or even how it works. You just make your own shit up and call it science.

Science is a set of falsifiable theories. That's what science is.

It works by testing falsifiable theories against a null hypothesis. If a theory survives, then it becomes a theory of science. If it continues surviving, then it continues being a theory of science. If it at any point fails to survive, then it is no longer a theory of science. It is completely and utterly destroyed at that point.
So let's see the evidence. Got any? Show us how the human eye gained the ability to process three million pieces of data simultaneously through random mutations.

Yup. They need to make their case. You don't need to do anything.
LOLOL.. Is that your defense of creation science?

There is no such thing as "creation science". Creationism is not science; it is a religion, like the Theory of Evolution is a religion.

Past unobserved events (such as events which supposedly occurred many millions of years ago, or over many millions of years) are not falsifiable.
Maybe you'll find this as interesting as I did. This simple Wikipedia entry will explain it all to you. First paragraphs:

"Many researchers have found the evolution of the eye attractive to study, because the eye distinctively exemplifies an analogous organ found in many animal forms. Simple light detection is found in bacteria, single-celled organisms, plants and animals. Complex, image-forming eyes have evolved independently several times.[1]

"Complex eyes appeared first within the few million years of the Cambrian explosion. Prior to the Cambrian, no evidence of eyes has survived, but diverse eyes are known from the Burgess shale of the Middle Cambrian, and from the slightly older Emu Bay Shale.[2] Eyes are adapted to the various requirements of their owners. They vary in their visual acuity, the range of wavelengths they can detect, their sensitivity in low light, their ability to detect motion or to resolve objects, and whether they can discriminate colours. "


The entry includes much more detailed explanations of various eye structures, the chemistry behind vision, and variances between species. It's really fascinating, and I thank you for provoking me into learning more. Much appreciated.

Wikipedia is summarily dismissed on sight. I do not accept Wikipedia as a source.
A favorite tactic of bible thumpers, conspiracy theorists, and evolution deniers: "If scientists have not figured out all the details, that must mean sky god did it all!"
Nope. That's not my position at all. That would be making an Argument From Ignorance Fallacy.

I believe the simplest explanation is this: we are basically relatively smart chimpanzees. We simply do not have the brain power to fully understand and comprehend something as complex as all the details in the universe. Our brains are not evolved or equipped for that task.

In terms of expanding human knowledge we can either choose empiricism and rationality.
Or we can choose superstition and guesswork.

As over-sized chimpanzees, all we can really do is use human reasoning to explore ontological and epistemological questions, and expand our base of knowledge. Which hopefully, gets us reasonably close to the truth.
We are not chimpanzees. We are humans.

Obviously, we know the broad outlines of evolution with a high degree of scientific confidence.
The Theory of Evolution is not science. It is a religion. It is not falsifiable.

We do not know all the details. And we probably never will.
Yup. You have religion. Nothing that resembles science.

That does not discount that the broad outlines of natural selection and evolution of species are a firmly established tenet of science which is unimpeachable at this point.
You are a fundamentalist of your Evolution religion to the point where you don't even realize that it is a religion and is NOT science. Natural Selection, while it once WAS a theory of science, has since been falsified. It is no longer a theory of science.

I continue to be amazed that evolution denial
Not everyone chooses to believe in the same religions that you do...

along with climate denial
Not everyone chooses to believe int he same religions that you do... "Climate Change" is a circularly-defined buzzword (doesn't make reference to anything outside of itself), thus it is meaningless, thus it is a void argument. "Climate Change" outright rejects logic, science, and mathematics.

tends to find favor in the Republican party.
It has nothing to do with political affiliation...