Excellent news: Clinton and Obama likely to continue trashing each other for months

When polled, American people say they want to hear about issues but their reaction to tedious position papers cast some doubt about the truth of that.
When polled, American people say they want to hear about issues but their reaction to tedious position papers cast some doubt about the truth of that.

That is because we aren't really honest people.

For example, if someone says that they wish a guy would just be honest with them (as far as romance is concerned), they do not: a guy who is completely upfront with a woman about a relationship would be seen as a freak.
Epi you would really rather have a president that continually says he knows shit about the economy?

I've repeatedly said there is pretty much no scenario in which I would vote for McCain. The campaign season will determine whether I vote for Obama or the Libertarian Party. I'm inclined to vote Obama right now, but I could still be dissuaded.

I was making an observation about the American people's supposed affinity for hearing about substance rather than personality in the campaigns.
McCain is going to get hammered on the economy in the fall campaign. He has set himself up for it; he has about 3-4 statements from the past that will haunt him.
McCain is going to get hammered on the economy in the fall campaign. He has set himself up for it; he has about 3-4 statements from the past that will haunt him.
And he'll simply say, that is why I hired <insert name here> and the hammer will turn to a plastic toy hammer that some kid is using to try to insert a square peg into a round hole.

Knowing your weakness is not a negative.