
Thus proving that systemic racism is a lie you insufferable dumbass. :palm:

Why are you being difficult?

That's a moronic statement. What we need is an honest debate as to why Dishonest dumb Democrats seem tone deaf when it comes to young urban blacks killing each other. The anti-Police narrative just makes these urban sewers more vulnerable to crime and killings. Try to be less stupid. :palm:

There are plenty of reasons for the violence in inner cities, dumbass. And it isn't just the Democrats.
"Systemic" racism is excuse number 1. No

There's a difference between a person making excuses for being a racist asshole, regardless of their skin tone, and pointing out that the "system" is gamed by either party.
Why are you being difficult?

Why are you dishonest nd stupid? [/size]

There are plenty of reasons for the violence in inner cities, dumbass.

Name some of them you thread trolling moron. :palm:

And it isn't just the Democrats.

Democrats control ALL of the urban shit holes where black on black crime is prolific and make excuses for the black community as if they have nothing to do with it. So yes, it is JUST the morons in the Democratic Party of the Jackass.

It is their policies that promote out of wedlock births, high dropout rates, high murder rates and high crime rates. In truth, you would think that the racist Democratic Party of the Jackass likes when blacks are murdering each other. Why else would they clamor to defund the police. A patently stupid claim that is leading to MORE urban black deaths. Try to be less uninformed and stupid.
Lord, Tard Timmy sure is insufferable. I wonder what he's like in real life.



There's a difference between a person making excuses for being a racist asshole, regardless of their skin tone, and pointing out that the "system" is gamed by either party.

Who makes excuses for being racist dimwitted wonder dunce? Your post makes ZERO sense.

This isn't about racism. That's a canard Democrats use to prevent honest debate.

How is this nation a systemically racist nation, dotard? Hell, we elected a black dude with an Islamic name to the Presidency for fucks sake.
Why do you continue to be an asshole?

I am amused that you don't think you're a thread trolling asshole. Buy a fucking mirror you cretin. You don't want to be treated like one, stop being one. :palm:

War on Drugs to name one.

DUMB! So explain how the war on drugs has created the sewer like conditions in black urban communities dimwit. As expected, you don't have the slightest clue why the black community suffers from high crime, high out-of-wedlock births, fatherless children, high dropout rates and high murder rates. :palm:
DUMB! So explain how the war on drugs has created the sewer like conditions in black urban communities dimwit. As expected, you don't have the slightest clue why the black community suffers from high crime, high out-of-wedlock births, fatherless children, high dropout rates and high murder rates. :palm:

Let me guess..... it's because of Democrats?
There's a difference between a person making excuses for being a racist asshole, regardless of their skin tone, and pointing out that the "system" is gamed by either party.

That has not a single fucking thing to do with what I said. Go back to licking your father's pussy.
Let me guess..... it's because of Democrats?

Democratic policies dimwitted wonder dunce. Policies that promote false narratives like the "war on drugs", "blm" and "welfare" and "defunding the police."

Blacks aren't being shot by police because of racism. Unless race is what makes them stupidly believe that they don't have to obey police commands, can struggle with cops and refuse to be taken in.

Democrat welfare programs encourage fatherless families and out of wedlock births. Democrat efforts to release long time criminals while blaming police creates an environment of crime and drug use that makes it impossible for businesses to want to risk opening stores or factories in those neighborhoods.

Democrat excuse making suggesting that our educational standards should be dumbed down for blacks does nothing to educate the black community. Critical race theory promotes the lies fed to these communities making personal responsibility someone else's problem.

If we look at the efforts of decades of Democratic policies, we see what is the definition of racism. Democrats are content as long as these blacks stay in the urban sewer plantations that they have created.

Detroit is the best example of where Democratic policies will lead this country. It went from one of the world's premier industrial cities in 1945 to now a corrupt, rotting, crime ridden pile of malaise and poverty.

Democrats believe in a zero sum economy. They think they can TAX their cities into prosperity while promoting the dumb narrative that boils down to the belief that people are too stuopid to make it on their own and need BIG Government handouts. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Democratic policies dimwitted wonder dunce. Policies that promote false narratives like the "war on drugs", "blm" and "welfare" and "defunding the police."

Blacks aren't being shot by police because of racism. Unless race is what makes them stupidly believe that they don't have to obey police commands, can struggle with cops and refuse to be taken in.

Democrat welfare programs encourage fatherless families and out of wedlock births. Democrat efforts to release long time criminals while blaming police creates an environment of crime and drug use that makes it impossible for businesses to want to risk opening stores or factories in those neighborhoods.

Democrat excuse making suggesting that our educational standards should be dumbed down for blacks does nothing to educate the black community. Critical race theory promotes the lies fed to these communities making personal responsibility someone else's problem.

If we look at the efforts of decades of Democratic policies, we see what is the definition of racism. Democrats are content as long as these blacks stay in the urban sewer plantations that they have created.

Detroit is the best example of where Democratic policies will lead this country. It went from one of the world's premier industrial cities in 1945 to now a corrupt, rotting, crime ridden pile of malaise and poverty.

Democrats believe in a zero sum economy. They think they can TAX their cities into prosperity while promoting the dumb narrative that boils down to the belief that people are too stuopid to make it on their own and need BIG Government handouts. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Is that why there is only one black GOP Senator?
That has not a single fucking thing to do with what I said. Go back to licking your father's pussy.
Jesus, dude. You should look yourself in the mirror when you say shit like that just to see how simple-minded you look.