Experts tell congress how to lower gas prices

They won't "end speculation" they'll regulate it to no end.

And I agree, we should bring online every available source until we are independent, then decrease fossil fuels as we bring other new sources online until we are free of emission too.

We should make it a national drive, like the moon shot.

Yes, they will try, but even the regulation will fail. Firms will simply take their money to foreign exchanges and trade there instead. Causing more US jobs and money to go overseas.

As for the rest... without question... it should be a national drive the likes of getting to the moon. It should be a top priority for every single one of us. No more blocking alt energy development, no more blocking domestic production of fossil fuels. Someone has to produce the energy we consume. We damn sure should do everything we can to keep as much of that production here as we can.
Southwest Airlines remains profitable because it is one of the best speculators of future oil prices.

From reading various articles, it is apparent that most of those who write the articles do not understand the difference between hedging and speculating.

Southwest engages in hedging, not speculation, just a Kellogg's, Proctor and Gamble, General Mills engage in hedging on the buy side. Commodity producers hedge as well - ADM, IBP, Cargill. Hedging is a form of risk reduction. So where does this risk go? That risk of price movement falls onto the speculators.
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From reading various articles, it is apparent that most of those who write the articles do not understand the difference between the two.

Southwest engages in hedging, not speculation, just a Kellogg's, Proctor and Gamble, General Mills engage in hedging on the buy side. Commodity producers hedge as well - ADM, IBP, Cargill. Hedging is a form of risk reduction. So where does this risk go? That risk of price movement falls onto the speculators.

Yes, hedging is done for risk reduction, but it is still a part of speculation. It is still speculating what the change will be in the current spot price of a commodity vs. the future price of the commodity. The fact that it is done to reduce risk does not change that they are still speculating on the basis.
the dumbtards troll for this shit, desh couldn't get a job as a cashier at a 711.
Nobody nows what speculation is adding.
Everybody knows supply and demand control prices.
Name another country sitting on billions of barrells and not drilling? Fast
Thanks demtards I actually like $4 gallon much more than the artificially low $2.
the dumbtards troll for this shit, desh couldn't get a job as a cashier at a 711.
Nobody nows what speculation is adding.
Everybody knows supply and demand control prices.
Name another country sitting on billions of barrells and not drilling? Fast
Thanks demtards I actually like $4 gallon much more than the artificially low $2.

We know you do toppy and we now like that you admitt you dont give a rats ass about this country and only care abotu yourself.

Thanks for being honest for a change.
We know you do toppy and we now like that you admitt you dont give a rats ass about this country and only care abotu yourself.

Thanks for being honest for a change.

Actually there are people who share your political affiliation that root for gas prices to rise as they believe that will be the impetus to finally get Americans out of their cars and into public transportation etc. It will also cause alternative fuels to become more viable. These people are within the environmental movement.
We know you do toppy and we now like that you admitt you dont give a rats ass about this country and only care abotu yourself.

Thanks for being honest for a change.

If you gave a rats ass about this country then you know that he is right, even though he is being an ass. We are creating this mess, not through speculation, but through our unwillingness to develop our own sources of energy. We are doing it to ourselves. Shipping billions of dollars overseas every month to energy producing countries. Which devalues the dollar, making the oil/gas/food all the more expensive. To further the problem we use our food for fuel, which causes even more increases in grain prices.
desh I truely wish more democrats were like me and had a real education.
Millions of us are oil company shareholders and workers. You should be on your knees thanking us for the cheap energy
"You should be on your knees thanking us for the cheap energy"

Here where I live, they have a shrine in the center of town in the shape of a big, god-sized gas pump. We go down there every day after work, immerse ourselves in used engine oil & sing worshipfully to OPEC & the oil companies.

Truly, we are not worthy to question or doubt the methods & intentions of these exalted dieties.
If you gave a rats ass about this country then you know that he is right, even though he is being an ass. We are creating this mess, not through speculation, but through our unwillingness to develop our own sources of energy. We are doing it to ourselves. Shipping billions of dollars overseas every month to energy producing countries. Which devalues the dollar, making the oil/gas/food all the more expensive. To further the problem we use our food for fuel, which causes even more increases in grain prices.

We need off the oil tit.

Renewable resources is what will keep us from having to cow tow to any penny ante dictator who has an oil field.

We dont need to further rape our own country by drilling everyfucking were no matter what other economic sectors it ruins.

We need to bering the hammer back down on the unregulated speculation First and formost.
desh I truely wish more democrats were like me and had a real education.
Millions of us are oil company shareholders and workers. You should be on your knees thanking us for the cheap energy

You are one of the stupidest dems I know.

You have no moral compass just a fat wallet.
We need off the oil tit.

Renewable resources is what will keep us from having to cow tow to any penny ante dictator who has an oil field.

We dont need to further rape our own country by drilling everyfucking were no matter what other economic sectors it ruins.

We need to bering the hammer back down on the unregulated speculation First and formost.

I agree we need to get rid of as much of our oil consumption as we can. But it is simply idiotic to suggest that is going to happen anytime in the next twenty years. To continue to refuse to tap our own oil and give money to those dictators is friggin insane.

Drilling for oil is NOT going to ruin any other economic sector.

The unregulated speculation has been there for DECADES. It is not the problem. The problem lies with people like you who continue to harp about not drilling our own oil.... lets let Saudi keep providing it for us. YOU are causing this problem.

YES, we should do everything we can to limit the environmental impact of drilling, but to NOT drill simply because we would rather other countries do it is idiotic. It means US jobs and US dollars will continue to flood towards other countries. It weakens the dollar and leads us to where we are today...

YES, Alt energy should be expanded (as I have stated repeatedly) as fast as possible to replace as much of our fossil fuel consumption as we can.
It fwill more likely happen when we make it a prioirity over new drilling which will take years to get up to snuff anyway.

Lets quit wasting our efforts on non renewable crap which lines the pocket of the scum who insist on making us spilling blood and wasting treasure on their behalf.
It fwill more likely happen when we make it a prioirity over new drilling which will take years to get up to snuff anyway.

Lets quit wasting our efforts on non renewable crap which lines the pocket of the scum who insist on making us spilling blood and wasting treasure on their behalf.

I have ZERO problem with making expansion of alt energy the top priority. But no matter what we do with alt energy, it will not change the fact that we will need oil and nat gas for decades to come. We do not have the current technology to replace it yet.

Which means we need oil and nat gas. It is idiotic to suggest that we should get that oil from foreign sources rather than drill our own. Who cares if it takes 5-10 years to get it on line. We are going to need it. The sooner we start, the sooner we STOP giving our money to foreign countries.
How long would it take to drill off the California or florida coast and have a well up and producing significant amounts of oil?
How long would it take to drill off the California or florida coast and have a well up and producing significant amounts of oil?

I already stated that Desh. New sites would take approximately 5-10 years to bring on line.

Now, are you suggesting that we have the technology to replace all of our oil and nat gas consumption in that time frame? If not, then we should start drilling now. Had we begun 10 years ago, we would have it right now and would not be sitting in this situation of such high dependency.

Again, this is not to say that we should not ALSO be doing everything we can to reduce our use of fossil fuels. We should absolutely be doing BOTH.
Desh my IQ is dozens of points higher than yours, I've got 2 degrees more than you.
I wish you would get off the oil tit today, but like the rest of your false outrage dems your a huge hypocrite
They've already got plots in the Gulf they haven't even touched and we're wanting to give them more for some reason.

DEMAND is clearly not the issue. I've not seen more than two totally full gas stations in the last year, and that's probably below normal.