Fact check: Biden’s false and misleading claims at high-stakes news conference

"15 time zones" indicates that he travelled about two thirds of the way around the world (there are officially 24 time zones) in the week before. I suspect that's an outright lie given reports he was at Camp David that whole time prepping for the debate...
Indeed…just another lie.
It is rare that CNN ever fact checks a Democrat.

They did and found that Biden, AKA the turnip, lied six (6) times to the American people during a short news conference last night.

The leader of the free world, the holder of the nuclear codes, the C-in-C lied six (6) times to the American people.

The fact that Biden, AKA the turnip, lied multiple times to the American people is overshadowed by the failure of his domestic and foreign policies.

The out of control borders, crime, inflation, drugs, drug gangs, terrorists and wars and the world on fire and now his mental illness…it’s time to remove these far left Democratic Socialist loons who colluded to hide his mental illness to elect this loon.

The far left, colluding, lying media should be shunned.

"15 time zones" indicates that he travelled about two thirds of the way around the world (there are officially 24 time zones) in the week before. I suspect that's an outright lie given reports he was at Camp David that whole time prepping for the debate...

Well, well, well...... Look who's suddenly feigning poutrage over a supposed lack of truthfulness out of a President.

Trump lies every time his fat, stupid lips move and you shitbags never utter a sound.
Beautiful riposte, gecko. Do you have any more gems?

This was CNN fact checking the turnip. CNN!

Don't you care that the president, AKA the turnip, lied to you, multiple times?
I remember back in the days when most men had a CB radio back in the 70's.

Well, me and a friend I worked with at Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, planned a canoe trip down the Brazos river. We ended up taking a couple of our bosses with us. One of them being Glen, who was a really nice man, but he had a terrible stutter. On the way down to the river, Glen rode shotgun, and he grabbed my buddy's CB radio microphone, and said, " B-B-B-Break one, one, one, n-n-n-nine, C-C-Can- you g-g-g-give us a S-S-S-Sm-Sm-Smo-Smok-ey-ey ey-R-R-Rep-p-p-port.......................Oh Fuck it........where's the cops at"?

You just had to be there, but it was hilarious! :laugh:
Alexander Mercouris is reporting today that the Europeans are irate that this was done at the end of the NATO meeting....this was the time to do the Empire business of pushing the NATO message.
The war in Afghanistan

Biden spoke of how he had encouraged Israeli leaders not to “occupy anywhere” and instead target the Hamas terrorists who attacked their country, avoiding the mistakes the US made after it was attacked on September 11, 2001. Biden said, “You may recall, I still get criticized for it, but I was totally opposed to the occupation and trying to unite Afghanistan. Once we got bin Laden,” in 2011, “we should’ve moved on, because it was not in our – no one’s ever going to unite that country.”

Facts First: Biden’s claim that he was “totally opposed to the occupation” of Afghanistan is misleading at best. In the early years of the war, Biden, then a US senator for Delaware, was a vocal public supporter of the US having a sustained military presence in Afghanistan and engaging in extensive “nation-building” there – and he explicitly rejected the idea of a narrow military mission targeting terrorists. Biden did eventually change his mind, becoming a sharp internal critic of the war as President Barack Obama’s vice president beginning in 2009; he opposed Obama’s “surge” of additional troops into the country. But Biden has repeatedly suggested he always opposed the idea of a US military presence and nation-building efforts in Afghanistan, and that’s incorrect.

In an October 2001 speech in the Senate, Biden outlined a broad agenda for a “long-term solution” in Afghanistan, which he said would involve everything from “the restoration of women’s rights” to “building basic infrastructure” to the “creation of secular schools” to the establishment of a “crop substitution program for narcotics” – and said that it would be unwise to simply go after terrorists. He said, “We cannot repeat the mistakes of the past. If we think only in the short term, only of getting bin Laden and the Taliban – which we must do, but that is not all we must do – we are just begging for greater trouble down the line.”

In a speech in February 2002, after the Taliban regime was ousted, Biden said, “Like it or not, our leadership role must include soldiers on the ground, in my view. If others step forward and we are not needed on the ground, fine. But whatever it takes, we are going to have to be sure that there is a robust security force not only in Kabul but in every major municipal center in that country if there’s any prospect of transitioning to a government that is stable two years down the road, has a snowball’s chance in hell of succeeding, and is able to transition into a military and a police force that is a basic necessity for governance there.”

He continued: “History is going to judge us very harshly, I believe, if we allow the hope of a liberated Afghanistan to evaporate because we are fearful of the phrase ‘nation-building’ or we do not stay the course.”

And in comments on Afghanistan at a February 2003 meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden said, “In some parts of this [President George W. Bush] administration, ‘nation-building’ is a dirty phrase. But the alternative to nation-building is chaos – a chaos that churns out bloodthirsty warlords, drug traffickers, and terrorists. We’ve seen it happen in Afghanistan before, and we’re watching it happen in Afghanistan today.”
If you can't remember past 5 minutes ago is it truly a lie?
I remember back in the days when most men had a CB radio back in the 70's.

Well, me and a friend I worked with at Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, planned a canoe trip down the Brazos river. We ended up taking a couple of our bosses with us. One of them being Glen, who was a really nice man, but he had a terrible stutter. On the way down to the river, Glen rode shotgun, and he grabbed my buddy's CB radio microphone, and said, " B-B-B-Break one, one, one, n-n-n-nine, C-C-Can- you g-g-g-give us a S-S-S-Sm-Sm-Smo-Smok-ey-ey ey-R-R-Rep-p-p-port.......................Oh Fuck it........where's the cops at"?

You just had to be there, but it was hilarious! :laugh:
Is your point Biden needs to take a canoe trip or is it that we should be laughing at him? So confusing :unsure:
Is your point Biden needs to take a canoe trip or is it that we should be laughing at him? So confusing :unsure:
I was having a discussion with someone else. Not you! I do not expect someone like you to understand anything!

The point of my story was that Stutterers can be entertaining sometimes! I was also trying to humanize Biden's speech impediment!

But, I'm sure that notion bounced off of your thick little rabbit scull like a Superball bouncing off a SHERMAN TANK! :laugh:
Well, well, well...... Look who's suddenly feigning poutrage over a supposed lack of truthfulness out of a President.

Trump lies every time his fat, stupid lips move and you shitbags never utter a sound.
Democrats continually scream "Trump lies" so when their guy lies they should not be hypocrites and ignore his lies.
I was having a discussion with someone else.

The point of my story was that Stutterers can be entertaining sometimes!

But, I'm sure that bounced off of your thick rabbit scull like a Superball bouncing off a SHERMAN TANK! :laugh:
So you think making fun of someone's disability is OK????
So you think making fun of someone's disability is OK????
Yes, if it is all in innocent fun!

Biden would agree with me on this. Biden even makes fun of himself, and laughs at himself for that!

I have known Biden is a stutterer, and is subject to making gaffs, as a result of his speech impediment, for over 3 decades now!


Biden is not the ORATOR-IN-CHIEF- He is the Commander-In-Chief!

If you are unhappy with this fact- VOTE! THAT IS YOUR RIGHT!

But, you should weigh the fact that- NO CANDIDATE IS PERFECT!

I want a HUMAN BEING to be the president- NOT A GOLDEN IDOL!
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Democrats continually scream "Trump lies" so when their guy lies they should not be hypocrites and ignore his lies.
If Biden makes inaccurate statements on occasion, they aren't the kind of sleazy, deliberate, intentional deception that Trump engages in every time he speaks.

Get lost, Trumper scum.
Ahh, “you don’t understand Biden’s humor,” “Biden only said it to get a rise out of MAGA,” how many times have we heard that bullshit

Got to be kidding, a MAGA fact checking, their Messiah’s documented 30,000+ lies don’t concern them, but now Biden maybe lying is an issue, too funny. Is it possible MAGA doesn’t understand “people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?”
If Biden makes inaccurate statements on occasion, they aren't the kind of sleazy, deliberate, intentional deception that Trump engages in every time he speaks.

Get lost, Trumper scum.
One of Biden’s shortcomings, he’s so concerned with saying the wrong thing, elaborating policies, while Trump just generalizes with fabrications and lies.
Biden gave a long extemporaneous discussion of international relations that was way beyond Trump's ability to understand or say.