Fact checks.....

When all the Baby Boomers are retired, you won't be able to pay 80% of benefits into perpetuity. And if current workers are only paying the current retirees pensions, where is their own retirement going to come from? At some point, the pyramid scheme collapses, and someone is left with no retirement pension. The system is going broke, and if it's not reformed, it will tank. We are at a crucial point, we can currently fix the problems and make it solvent, but time is running out for that option. As of now, current retirees will be paid, but we're going to get to the point where that won't be possible.

Not only hasn't SS gone broke or is 'going broke' but it never contributed to our national debt...EVER....it's a very good program and people like it. The right has hated it from it's inception and want to get it's hand on the money for their own gains...

Haiku, if it's the right the wants to get their hands on the money why was LBJ the first President to raid the trust fund? And why did Clinton do the same during his term?

And I know Dungheap knows the answer to this, wasn't it under LBJ that the way we calculate the budget changed and S.S. was placed off budget (similar to how Bush fought the Iraq War) and that is why S.S. doesn't add to the national debt? If we calculated the budget prior to the changes LBJ made the unfunded trillions would be part of the debt.
Not only hasn't SS gone broke or is 'going broke' but it never contributed to our national debt...EVER....it's a very good program and people like it. The right has hated it from it's inception and want to get it's hand on the money for their own gains...

You're wrong. Each year, the general budget includes money being paid back to the SS trust fund that has already been spent by Democrats. Reforming SS will not affect the national debt because the money still has to be paid back, regardless. But yes, this DOES contribute to the national debt, there's just nothing we can do about it, if we are going to repay the trust fund.

The right hasn't "hated" anything, the Republicans were instrumental in passing Social Security into law... if they "hated" it, then it would have never become law.