Facts - antidote for liberalism

The Constitution mandates the separation of church and state

The First Amendment ensures freedom of belief, not freedom from religion.

The First Amendment reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion; or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

The First Amendment prevents the government of the United States from establishing a national religion like those in many Muslim terror states.

It gives American citizens total freedom from the fear of being coerced to show devotion to any particular national belief system - secular humanist, environmentalist, or otherwise.

The unabridged text of the Founding Fathers vis-a-vis the First Amendment is contained in the Congressional Records of June 7 to September 25, 1789. Nowhere in these discussions does the phrase "separation of church and state" appear.

Republicans are the party of the rich

In the 2000 election, counties that voted Bush had a smaller percentage of their population with annual incomes over $100,000 than the counties that voted Gore.

Bush-carried counties also had a higher percentage of population earning under $30,000 a year.

In the 2002 election cycle, the top ten donors to federal candidates and political parties gave more, way more, to Democrats.

Of the $59,305,429 donated by the top ten donors, 92.4 percent ($54,798,216) went to Democrats.

7.6 percent ($4,507,212) went to Republicans.

Of the top ten individual contributors to "527s" in the 2004 election, the vast majority of funding came from very wealthy liberal donors and went almost without exception to Democrat organizations. Only one private donor gave to GOP organizations.

Big money to Democrat 527s from nine of the ten top donors totalled $31,802,503;

Big money to Republican 527s from one of the ten top donors was $1,020,000.

That's 97 percent to Democrat 527s and 3 percent to Republican 527s.

Bush is stupid

George W. Bush and John Effin' Kerry both went to Yale, where Bush had a higher grade-point average.

Bush also scored higher than Kerry on intelligence tests that both men took in the military.

Saint Al "Nobel Warming" Gore went to Harvard, where he finished in the bottom fifth of his class two years running.

Tax cuts are for "the rich"

The top 50% of wage earners pay 97% of all income taxes.

The top 1% of wage earners pay 39% of all income taxes.

Taxes under BJ Clinton's corrupt administration (1999):

Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $21,000

Taxes under Bush, 2008:

Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K - tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
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Bush IS stupid, though. He's really, really stupid. Don't you know people who are book smart, but exceedingly stupid otherwise? That's Bush. Although, I'm not so sure he was book smart, either, given his connections.

Bush brags about not thinking about things "too much." He's stupid.
You're wrong, really, really wrong. In fact, you're the one who's stupid.

See, I can make claims unsupported by any facts, too.

What do you mean? I have facts. Bush invaded Iraq unnecessarily - that was really stupid. There is a quagmire now, and a power vacuum for Iran...those results are facts that show how stupid Bush is.

Bush thought tax cuts were going to create a boom; we're right on the cusp of what could be a deep recession, with record foreclosures, record debt, and rising inflation. Those results are facts that show how stupid Bush is.

Bush can't speak very well extemporaneously. He says things like "OBGYN's need to practice their love," and "nucular."

He's really stupid.
When 9/11 hit, Bush sat there with the blankest expression I've ever seen, for 7 full minutes after hearing nothing but "America is under attack," with - appropriately - a copy of "My Pet Goat" in front of his vacuous eyes.

That's stupid. That's not a leader, or someone with courage & brains; it's stupid.
What do you mean? I have facts. Bush invaded Iraq unnecessarily - that was really stupid. There is a quagmire now, and a power vacuum for Iran...those results are facts that show how stupid Bush is.

Bush thought tax cuts were going to create a boom; we're right on the cusp of what could be a deep recession, with record foreclosures, record debt, and rising inflation. Those results are facts that show how stupid Bush is.

Bush can't speak very well extemporaneously. He says things like "OBGYN's need to practice their love," and "nucular."

He's really stupid.

Oh the obgyn is one of my favorites. OBGYN'S need to be free to practice their love on women". Oh yeah. The one thing every woman fears.
When 9/11 hit, Bush sat there with the blankest expression I've ever seen, for 7 full minutes after hearing nothing but "America is under attack," with - appropriately - a copy of "My Pet Goat" in front of his vacuous eyes.

That's stupid. That's not a leader, or someone with courage & brains; it's stupid.

What did you want him to do, panic in front of all of those kids? How would that have looked. His people were obviously taken care of whatever needed to be done to remove him and collect the facts of what was happening at that moment.

But really, what do you think he should have done based on what he knew at the moment? And be specific...

Actually, if you think about it, It sounds like it was a surprise to him, so for those nut cases that think he planned the attack and 9-11 was an inside job, that pretty much blows that theory.
Bush IS stupid, though. He's really, really stupid. Don't you know people who are book smart, but exceedingly stupid otherwise? That's Bush. Although, I'm not so sure he was book smart, either, given his connections.

Bush brags about not thinking about things "too much." He's stupid.

I know many like that... smart as hell, but completely lacking of common sense and street smarts.
What did you want him to do, panic in front of all of those kids? How would that have looked. His people were obviously taken care of whatever needed to be done to remove him and collect the facts of what was happening at that moment.

But really, what do you think he should have done based on what he knew at the moment? And be specific...


This is always the response from Bushies. The only 2 options - upon learning that the U.S. was under attack - were:

1) Sitting there dumbfounded for 7 full minutes
2) Panicking in front of the kids

How about something more simple - simply getting up & calmly excusing himself, saying somegthing like "Sorry, but I have to leave early, kids; the President has some business to take care of."

That "didn't want to panic the kids" isn't fooling anyone.
What did you want him to do, panic in front of all of those kids? How would that have looked. His people were obviously taken care of whatever needed to be done to remove him and collect the facts of what was happening at that moment.

But really, what do you think he should have done based on what he knew at the moment? And be specific...

Actually, if you think about it, It sounds like it was a surprise to him, so for those nut cases that think he planned the attack and 9-11 was an inside job, that pretty much blows that theory.

He should have stood up calmly.... said "Kids, I am sorry to have to cut this short, but something has come up that I have to take care of. I will come back another time to finish the story. " Then he should have walked out and made sure the CAP was up over areas where planes were still unaccounted for.
What do you mean? I have facts. Bush invaded Iraq unnecessarily - that was really stupid. There is a quagmire now, and a power vacuum for Iran...those results are facts that show how stupid Bush is.

Bush thought tax cuts were going to create a boom; we're right on the cusp of what could be a deep recession, with record foreclosures, record debt, and rising inflation. Those results are facts that show how stupid Bush is.

Bush can't speak very well extemporaneously. He says things like "OBGYN's need to practice their love," and "nucular."

He's really stupid.

The quagmire is assisted by the many of the Liberal Peace Movement given support to the other side. I can show you photos if you like. This shows the people we are fighting that we are not united as a country. If Saddam had abidded by the terms of the ceasefire agreement, he and his sons would still be in power and none of this would be happening.

The foreclosures are due to policies passed by the Democrat controlled Congress and their idea to force lenders to loan people money for homes that they could not afford. That is hardly the fault of President Bush.

As far as the record debt, this shows how little you know about who actually spends the taxpayers money. It is the House of Representatives that has the power to originate appropriation bills, or bills authorizing the expenditure of federal funds. So if you have a problem with the mounting debt, it is the Demcrat controlled House of Representatives where you need to send your complaints to.

What is the inflation rate, 4%? What was it under the Carter Administration?
He should have stood up calmly.... said "Kids, I am sorry to have to cut this short, but something has come up that I have to take care of. I will come back another time to finish the story. " Then he should have walked out and made sure the CAP was up over areas where planes were still unaccounted for.

Perhaps you are right, but inorder to make that claim, you would have to know exactly what did the person actually say to him about the 9-11 attack? What was the Secret Service doing? Did they want to move the President at that moment? It is clear that they had already secured the area around the school, so they knew that was a safe place to be. Was information being gathered and placed on Air Force One to handle the situation? Was Air Force One being readied to handle the specific attack? The one thing neither you nor I do not know the answers to these questions, but until you do, your statement is nothing more than speculation.
"The quagmire is assisted by the many of the Liberal Peace Movement"

Sorry, but I didn't get past this line.

The Liberal Peace Movement works to empower the terrorists. The Peace Movement protests the military. They never refer to the actual terrorists planting the car bombs and using and becoming suicide bombers as terrorists, but they constantly refer to the troops "War Criminals" and "Terrorisits".
The Conservative Hate Movement works to empower the terrorists. The Hate Movement protests the citizens. They never refer to the actual terrorists (IE George Bush and Dick Cheney) planting the car bombs and using and becoming suicide bombers as terrorists, but they constantly refer to the citizens "War Criminals" and "Terrorisits".

Fixed it.