Facts - antidote for liberalism

Perhaps you are right, but inorder to make that claim, you would have to know exactly what did the person actually say to him about the 9-11 attack? What was the Secret Service doing? Did they want to move the President at that moment? It is clear that they had already secured the area around the school, so they knew that was a safe place to be. Was information being gathered and placed on Air Force One to handle the situation? Was Air Force One being readied to handle the specific attack? The one thing neither you nor I do not know the answers to these questions, but until you do, your statement is nothing more than speculation.

Don't mess their fantasy. THEY KNOW that Bush was just plain acting wrong. Don't ask me how----they just KNOW. It is pure insanity to suggest a scenario different then the one that they present.
Hey is does the freedom of speech also mean the freedom not to speak ?
Depends on what you mean.

The freedom from being compelled to testify against yourself is covered in the 5th.

If silence is being used by an individual as a form of protest, then it would be a 1st amendment right. (Comes to mind an ad I saw a long time ago of someone with tape across their mouth, calling attention to some issue or another. I forget what the message was supposed to be though.)

I cannot imagine one's 1st amendment right to protest through silence ever being violated. Any opponents of an issue being protested through silence, be they government or private, would be more than happy to take advantage and simply talk loudly while ignoring the silent protester.
Don't mess their fantasy. THEY KNOW that Bush was just plain acting wrong. Don't ask me how----they just KNOW. It is pure insanity to suggest a scenario different then the one that they present.

This is more telling than anything. Essentially, what you are saying is Don't ask me about any facts, just believe me.

You just want to find fault with anyone what does not agree with you. You don't even care to have facts that substantiate your position.

If President Bush was told something like, "Two planes just crashed into the World Trade Center, just wait here and we will be ready to leave in a few minutes once we have a better handle on what is actually happening and where we need to go." It has to take a few minutes to assess the information and make the proper decision on where to move next.
This is more telling than anything. Essentially, what you are saying is Don't ask me about any facts, just believe me.

You just want to find fault with anyone what does not agree with you. You don't even care to have facts that substantiate your position.

If President Bush was told something like, "Two planes just crashed into the World Trade Center, just wait here and we will be ready to leave in a few minutes once we have a better handle on what is actually happening and where we need to go." It has to take a few minutes to assess the information and make the proper decision on where to move next.

True dat he was waiting to be told what to do next.
Maybe they had trouble finding Rove.
Bush was told "America is under attack." The White Office response to the 9/11 Commission is as follows:

""The President told us his instinct was to project calm, not to have the country see an excited reaction at a moment of crisis . . . The President felt he should project strength and calm until he could better understand what was happening."

This must be how Bushies think, because it's the same lame excuse Bush apologists give every time. The only options were sitting there dumbfounded, and panicking.

I guess they never heard of calmly, politely excusing yourself. I guess the first thing they think when they hear their country is under attack is, "I need to project strength & calm to these students, so I should just sit here like a deer in the headlights."