Facts Are Stubborn Things

So what's the problem? Email him and tell him what you don't like about the plan. Sheesh, you're unbelievable.

She's gone beyond the usual quota of the delusional paranoid.

This morning, it was the Dems secret plan to control the people - by seeking to lower their deductibles....
WE didn't live under Bush's reign of terror. Would you suggest that the citizens of Baghdad who endured Bush's "shock and awe" did NOT?

you're confusing war with a "reign".....and bush never reigned over iraq

and you have the nerve to question my intelligence and professional abilities....thanks for the laugh
She's gone beyond the usual quota of the delusional paranoid.

This morning, it was the Dems secret plan to control the people - by seeking to lower their deductibles....

yeah, we know about the Government take over of our health care system is to lower our deductible..
you're confusing war with a "reign".....and bush never reigned over iraq

and you have the nerve to question my intelligence and professional abilities....thanks for the laugh

are you suggesting that Bush did not "reign" over Iraq with shock and awe and then, after he invaded, conquered and occupied that country?

morons laugh at anything.
are you suggesting that Bush did not "reign" over Iraq with shock and awe and then, after he invaded, conquered and occupied that country?

morons laugh at anything.

you're just making yourself look stupid....when did bush do any of these:

1 a: royal authority : sovereignty <under the reign of the Stuart kings> b: the dominion, sway, or influence of one resembling a monarch <the reign of the Puritan ministers>
2: the time during which one (as a sovereign) reigns
you're just making yourself look stupid....when did bush do any of these:

1 a: royal authority : sovereignty <under the reign of the Stuart kings> b: the dominion, sway, or influence of one resembling a monarch <the reign of the Puritan ministers>
2: the time during which one (as a sovereign) reigns

are you suggesting that when we invaded and conquered and occupied Iraq, that Bush was not the de facto ruler of that nation?


who WAS ruling Iraq in those days after Saddam was deposed and Al Makiki was elected? Putin??? The Pope???? WHO????
it was you....LMAO....even a nutter like maineman thinks you're full of crap on that claim

i couldn't remember who said it...hence why i didn't say your name....but thanks for admitting it!!!

Yeah, I know you have the inside on what everybody thinks. You're wasting your talents here, you should start a business like this:

are you suggesting that when we invaded and conquered and occupied Iraq, that Bush was not the de facto ruler of that nation?


who WAS ruling Iraq in those days after Saddam was deposed and Al Makiki was elected? Putin??? The Pope???? WHO????

answer my question...when did bush do any of those things listed in the definition....
answer my question...when did bush do any of those things listed in the definition....

are you suggesting that your definition is the ONLY possible meaning for the word reign?

Bush did NOT do any of the things listed in YOUR definition.

Now...grow a set of balls and answer mine, girlieman.
are you suggesting that your definition is the ONLY possible meaning for the word reign?

Bush did NOT do any of the things listed in YOUR definition.

Now...grow a set of balls and answer mine, girlieman.

it is M-W definition, not "mine"

and unless you have a different definition, which you have not offered, then my point stands..... bush did not reign as you claim....thank you for answering that.

it is M-W definition, not "mine"

and unless you have a different definition...

funny you should ask

from freedictionary.com:

reign (rn)
1. Exercise of sovereign power, as by a monarch.
2. The period during which a monarch rules.
3. Dominance or widespread influence

so yes...Bush did, in fact, reign as I suggested. Thanks for playing.
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well....two different sources....MW is obviously more respected than free dictionary....so i was not wrong in my understanding or definition. you have another....ok. but i wouldn't act like a child and go around prancing like you won something....you already clearly admitted that according to MW, bush did not reign.

this historical and accurate definition is MW's....the word has modernly taken on a broader meaning....however, you were referring specifically to a president and i thought it appropriate to stay with historical and accurate meaning as relating to a monarch.
well....two different sources....MW is obviously more respected than free dictionary....so i was not wrong in my understanding or definition. you have another....ok. but i wouldn't act like a child and go around prancing like you won something....you already clearly admitted that according to MW, bush did not reign.

this historical and accurate definition is MW's....the word has modernly taken on a broader meaning....however, you were referring specifically to a president and i thought it appropriate to stay with historical and accurate meaning as relating to a monarch.

I wasn't referring to George Washington, but a MODERN president, so using the modernly taken word is more appropriate.

So...do YOU now clearly admit that, according to the modern meaning of the word, that Bush DID reign? I would hope so.
and you have the nerve to continually whine that i focus on minutia and split hairs....

good lord, i already said "ok" to your definition....neither of us is wrong regarding our definitions, but you seem to think that you're the only one who is right and remain insistent on prancing around like a four year old who just woke up for the first time and realized he didn't wet his bed....
and you have the nerve to continually whine that i focus on minutia and split hairs....

good lord, i already said "ok" to your definition....neither of us is wrong regarding our definitions, but you seem to think that you're the only one who is right and remain insistent on prancing around like a four year old who just woke up for the first time and realized he didn't wet his bed....

hey asshole...YOU are the one who broke out the dictionary to PROVE that Bush did not reign over anything in Iraq. Hoist by your own petard.:pke:
hey asshole...YOU are the one who broke out the dictionary to PROVE that Bush did not reign over anything in Iraq. Hoist by your own petard.:pke:

um...bedwetter....giving you a definition is not the same thing as you acting like a child nor is giving a definition splitting hairs or focusing on minutia...but now that i know that is what you think....i will forever laugh when you accuse me of such....and think that wow....i must actually be doing something good, like giving a definition
um...bedwetter....giving you a definition is not the same thing as you acting like a child nor is giving a definition splitting hairs or focusing on minutia...but now that i know that is what you think....i will forever laugh when you accuse me of such....and think that wow....i must actually be doing something good, like giving a definition

it isn't just breaking out the definition, yurtie...it is breaking it out and suggesting that your definition PROVES that I was incorrect in my statement.

THAT is the sort of bullshit you pull and it is what I rammed right back down your throat...

and awwww....you don't seem to LIKE that now, do you?

tough shit.

and "bedwetter"???? can you possibly BE any more adolescent?

that's almost as gay as "meadowmuffins"