Fairness Doctrine

which is why I keep asking Desh if she believes it should apply to all media and not just the forum the conservatives dominate. Somehow I doubt I will ever get an answer to that.

I feel that any entity that represents its self as a current affairs or news platform would ideally be held to this standard.

I dont remember seeing the question SP.
Last time I looked Soros appeared to be REALLY good at capitalism. He should buy a radio network and put left wing talk radio on the AM dial. And then keep shoveling money at it cause no one is listening to it on a national scale.

If he buys a network then I get one too. I'm starting to think this fair thing is a great idea. I'll have one of whatever Mr. Soros has , please !
I feel that any entity that represents its self as a current affairs or news platform would ideally be held to this standard.

I dont remember seeing the question SP.

She can say anything Superfreak because the doctrine applies only to radio.

Nope it applies to all broadcasting

The Federal Communications Commission has for many years imposed on radio and television broadcasters the requirement that discussion of public issues be presented on broadcast stations, and that each side of those issues must be given fair coverage. This is known as the fairness doctrine, which originated very early in the history of broadcasting and has maintained its present outlines for some time.

this is a supreme court document.
The fairness doctorine will apply to all people no matter their leanings.

This is about the fact that corporations will only finacially support talk that helps them keep their hands arround the neck of Americas government.

This is how they yhave been able to fuck your party so well they own it cawack.

Want your party back from the rich bastards then the fairness doctrine will help you do that. They wont be able to fuck your party with people Like Rush "carrying the water " for this party.

Shit, I welcome the rich in my party. Bring on the Charles Emmerson Winchester III's of the nation (my hero from MASH). Its those damned populists/neocons and other former Democrats that piss me off on a regular basis. I mean, what do I expect from the ideology that killed republican govt. by the mid-19th Century?...
Nothing wrong with having them IN your party but having them ,sell and own your party at your expense is a fools idea of a party
Nothing wrong with having them IN your party but having them ,sell and own your party at your expense is a fools idea of a party

Where would the Dems be without Soros and his billions? Concentrate Desh------we all are owned.
I feel that any entity that represents its self as a current affairs or news platform would ideally be held to this standard.

I dont remember seeing the question SP.

funny, because I have asked it multiple times over the past couple of threads on the subject.

So you believe the NY times should give equal space in their paper for dissenting views to all of their op ed pieces?

The same for mediamatters, huffingtonpost, moveon.... etc...?

yeah, that will go over well.
funny, because I have asked it multiple times over the past couple of threads on the subject.

So you believe the NY times should give equal space in their paper for dissenting views to all of their op ed pieces?

The same for mediamatters, huffingtonpost, moveon.... etc...?

yeah, that will go over well.

If we are really shooting for fair, pass a law that NO media can discuss politics---period.
If we are really shooting for fair, pass a law that NO media can discuss politics---period.

Yeah, what we need is a public that is even MORE uninformed. The point is that there is more than enough outlets for people to get their message out. Some are pretty unbiased, others are biased to the right and others are biased to the left.

Pretending that everyone should have an equal amount of time on each one is silly.