faith is boolean

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
you either have it or you do not

faith cannot be contested

more people lose faith than gain it after reaching adulthood

faith brings comfort to the logically challenged - it requires belief in that which cannot be demonstrated or proven

faith teaches us that those that believe are superior to those that do not believe and that if we are true to our faith we will be rewarded when we die and those that do not believe will be punished - if we believe and act on belief (do not sin or repent bad acts) we will go to heaven while EVERYONE else will go to hell

oh well
you either have it or you do not

faith cannot be contested

more people lose faith than gain it after reaching adulthood

faith brings comfort to the logically challenged - it requires belief in that which cannot be demonstrated or proven

faith teaches us that those that believe are superior to those that do not believe and that if we are true to our faith we will be rewarded when we die and those that do not believe will be punished - if we believe and act on belief (do not sin or repent bad acts) we will go to heaven while EVERYONE else will go to hell

oh well

We all have faith, it is an inherent human attribute. You believe, since you have waged war on religious faith, through your personal bigotry and ignorance, you are obligated to post such absurd notions on a message board, in hopes of having your ignorance confirmed by others, who also seek to be ignorant with you. This is how you enable each other to remain in ignorance of the truth, and in denial of your ignorance.

To practice logic itself, requires faith in something. You simply can't be logical without it. You must have faith in laws of physics and the universe, to be able to support any belief in logic or reality. Regardless of what you would like to personally believe, humans require faith and are bound to it.

Now that this has been established, I interpret your complaint to be about Religious Faith. You say... faith teaches us that those that believe are superior to those that do not believe... But I honestly don't know which Religion teaches supremacy. Most of them teach unity, and the concept that we share commonality as children of the deity.

...and that if we are true to our faith we will be rewarded when we die and those that do not believe will be punished...

Everyone is true to their faith, you wouldn't be human otherwise. As I established earlier, all humans require faith, and you are naturally true to that faith, whatever it is, that is why you require it. It defies logic for you to be untrue to what you have faith in. It is not unreasonable that people of religious faith would be any different, they remain true to their faith because it is required for them as humans. Concepts they may form in order to follow their faith, are a natural progression. Just as you have formed the concepts stated in this thread, to remain true to your personal faith.

...if we believe and act on belief (do not sin or repent bad acts) we will go to heaven while EVERYONE else will go to hell...

This sounds as if it is more specifically directed at Judeo-Christian Religious Faith, which prompts me to believe this is the target of your bigotry and ignorance. Christianity is purely a religion of acceptance. This means, you have to accept Christianity, it can't make you have faith in it. It is believed by these followers, God loved the world so much, he sacrificed his only son, Jesus, in repentance for our sins as mortal human beings. If you accept this faith in Jesus as God's son, you live eternally in Heaven. There is nothing threatening about that, it is the pure love of God. As a follower of this faith, you will aspire to live by his words in what is commonly referred to as The Bible. There is nothing abnormal or threatening about The Bible, it is filled with very wise advice and stories which put that advice into illustrative example. Many people have found it to be a very comprehensive basis for decent human moral behaviors, and most of our laws are directly related to the moral codes found in The Bible.

I think you should clarify exactly what you are at war with here, is it Christianity, or Morality in general? It seems you are attacking one of the main sources of modern morality, and you don't seem to realize it. Would you really want to live in an immoral world. Think about that for a moment. As much fun as it may be for you to live an immoral and decadent lifestyle, would you really want the entire world to live that way?
We all have faith, it is an inherent human attribute. You believe, since you have waged war on religious faith, through your personal bigotry and ignorance, you are obligated to post such absurd notions on a message board, in hopes of having your ignorance confirmed by others, who also seek to be ignorant with you. This is how you enable each other to remain in ignorance of the truth, and in denial of your ignorance.

To practice logic itself, requires faith in something. You simply can't be logical without it. You must have faith in laws of physics and the universe, to be able to support any belief in logic or reality.
Simply false and idiotic. One can be logical in some matters, like construction of a hut, but still be completely ignorant of the laws of the universe, or be completely skeptical of them as presented to him.
Regardless of what you would like to personally believe, humans require faith and are bound to it.
Bound to it by what? The Commandments of god? The noahide court?
Now that this has been established, I interpret your complaint to be about Religious Faith.
Reality check. Nothing is established. You stand refuted and fisted.
You say... faith teaches us that those that believe are superior to those that do not believe... But I honestly don't know which Religion teaches supremacy.
All of them.
Most of them teach unity, and the concept that we share commonality as children of the deity.
except when they talk about smiting everyone around them for allah and or god.
...and that if we are true to our faith we will be rewarded when we die and those that do not believe will be punished...

Everyone is true to their faith, you wouldn't be human otherwise.
Especially the pedophile priests.
As I established earlier,
all humans require faith, and you are naturally true to that faith, whatever it is, that is why you require it.

It defies logic for you to be untrue to what you have faith in. It is not unreasonable that people of religious faith would be any different, they remain true to their faith because it is required for them as humans. Concepts they may form in order to follow their faith, are a natural progression. Just as you have formed the concepts stated in this thread, to remain true to your personal faith.
Some people form their concepts off empirical evidence and rational thinking. They don't mold their thinking to support whatever myths may have been instilled into them by questionable authorities. Maybe this explains why you're so fucked up. You form your concepts to remain true to your faith. You don't form your concepts based on rationality. This explains a lot about the disconnect we all have with you.

...if we believe and act on belief (do not sin or repent bad acts) we will go to heaven while EVERYONE else will go to hell...

This sounds as if it is more specifically directed at Judeo-Christian Religious Faith, which prompts me to believe this is the target of your bigotry and ignorance. Christianity is purely a religion of acceptance. This means, you have to accept Christianity, it can't make you have faith in it. It is believed by these followers, God loved the world so much, he sacrificed his only son, Jesus, in repentance for our sins as mortal human beings. If you accept this faith in Jesus as God's son, you live eternally in Heaven. There is nothing threatening about that, it is the pure love of God. As a follower of this faith, you will aspire to live by his words in what is commonly referred to as The Bible. There is nothing abnormal or threatening about The Bible, it is filled with very wise advice and stories which put that advice into illustrative example. Many people have found it to be a very comprehensive basis for decent human moral behaviors, and most of our laws are directly related to the moral codes found in The Bible.
Holy shit.
I think you should clarify exactly what you are at war with here, is it Christianity, or Morality in general? It seems you are attacking one of the main sources of modern morality, and you don't seem to realize it. Would you really want to live in an immoral world. Think about that for a moment. As much fun as it may be for you to live an immoral and decadent lifestyle, would you really want the entire world to live that way?

The war is against theocratic idiots like you.
I think you mean faith is binary, not boolean. Binary is simple - it is either 1 (yes) or Zro (no). You state (truly) that one either has faith, or they do not have faith (referring specifically to faith in a religion, as Dixie is correct that everyone has faith in something.)

Boolean is a mathematical method used to design and determine the outcomes from multiple binary signals. In boolean you have four functions: AND, OR, NAND (Not-AND) and NOR (Not-OR). Boolean is used to design circuits so that when one applies an electrical current to a device, the correct output is received when the controls of the device are activated. Every micro circuit in the computer you used to post this thread was designed using boolean logic.

Just a thought that if you want to use modern technological terminology to criticize religion, you might study enough to choose the correct terms.
I think you mean faith is binary, not boolean. Binary is simple - it is either 1 (yes) or Zro (no). You state (truly) that one either has faith, or they do not have faith (referring specifically to faith in a religion, as Dixie is correct that everyone has faith in something.)

Boolean is a mathematical method used to design and determine the outcomes from multiple binary signals. In boolean you have four functions: AND, OR, NAND (Not-AND) and NOR (Not-OR). Boolean is used to design circuits so that when one applies an electrical current to a device, the correct output is received when the controls of the device are activated. Every micro circuit in the computer you used to post this thread was designed using boolean logic.

Just a thought that if you want to use modern technological terminology to criticize religion, you might study enough to choose the correct terms.

Boolean logic is true or false. Binary is a type of number system, like decimal and hexadecimal, with only two numbers before it repeats. Binary is often used to approximate boolean logic, but it is not a logic system. The AND, OR, NAND, and NOR functions return either true or false based on the conditions. In vernacular, boolean usually means the people have oversimplified things into being either true or false without taking shades of grey into account.
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Boolean logic is true or false. Binary is a type of number system, like decimal and hexadecimal, with only two numbers before it repeats. Binary is often used to approximate boolean logic, but it is not a logic system. The AND, OR, NAND, and NOR functions return either true or false based on the conditions. In vernacular, boolean usually means the people have oversimplified things into being either true or false without taking shades of grey into account.
Try studying what you want to talk about. I never said binary was logic.

Boolean logic is a mathematical system by which one analyzes the results of applying decision matrices using AND, NAND, OR and NOR conditions. It is used in programming as well as circuit design. Search engines use boolean logic.

If one wants to be accurate in applying technological terminology to sociological conditions, then the CORRECT term for stating one sees an issue in black and white as opposed to shades of gray would be "binary thinking", not boolean.

Boolean can be applied to binary conditions (ie: either a given circuit has electricity flowing through it, or it does not) to result in shades of gray, or even color. (It's how they designed the circuits that control and operate your computer display.) So Boolean thinking would be to accept shades of gray in an issue, not to deny them.
I think you mean faith is binary, not boolean. Binary is simple - it is either 1 (yes) or Zro (no). You state (truly) that one either has faith, or they do not have faith (referring specifically to faith in a religion, as Dixie is correct that everyone has faith in something.)

Boolean is a mathematical method used to design and determine the outcomes from multiple binary signals. In boolean you have four functions: AND, OR, NAND (Not-AND) and NOR (Not-OR). Boolean is used to design circuits so that when one applies an electrical current to a device, the correct output is received when the controls of the device are activated. Every micro circuit in the computer you used to post this thread was designed using boolean logic.

Just a thought that if you want to use modern technological terminology to criticize religion, you might study enough to choose the correct terms.

i stand corrected, i was using the either/or portion of boolean - however, binary extends past the original 0/1 such as a binary sort

as for faith, i studied the 'laws' of physics and tend to believe them as i can observe them and they have been reliable to date - however, such belief is subject to change if a better set of laws is brought forth...

the 'faith' that i was describing is based on that which cannot be verified by observation (unless 'miracles' are considered)
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i stand corrected, i was using the either/or portion of boolean - however, binary extends past the original 0/1 such as a binary sort

as for faith, i studied the 'laws' of physics and tend to believe them as i can observe them and they have been reliable to date - however, such belief is subject to change if a better set of laws is brought forth...

the 'faith' that i was describing is based on that which cannot be verified by observation (unless 'miracles' are considered)
One can study the laws of physics and chemistry and "believe" they have a good grasp on how the universe functions. But you still are exercising faith - faith that your methods yielded accurate results, faith that your hypothesis can be extended beyond the sets of experimental data that have so far verified the hypotheses. (Which in physics is risky, as it has already been shown how quickly Newtonian laws break down under various circumstances.)

And religious faith is based on the observation of miracles. Life is a miracle. Science CLAIMS to have an explanation for life, but when that explanation is examined closely, one finds as many unsupported, unobservable and untestable assumptions in that explanation as one finds in a religious explanation.

As is the very set of laws of chemistry and physics upon which you base your observations. One can say the laws that allowed us to develop and to use the periodic table of elements to describe - and predict - the behavior of the elements is "just the way the universe works". Or one can say it is because the laws of chemistry (and physics) were deliberately and carefully designed. Neither view is observable, testable, nor provable. Both views are based on faith in one's own conclusions.
One can study the laws of physics and chemistry and "believe" they have a good grasp on how the universe functions. But you still are exercising faith - faith that your methods yielded accurate results, faith that your hypothesis can be extended beyond the sets of experimental data that have so far verified the hypotheses. (Which in physics is risky, as it has already been shown how quickly Newtonian laws break down under various circumstances.)

And religious faith is based on the observation of miracles. Life is a miracle. Science CLAIMS to have an explanation for life, but when that explanation is examined closely, one finds as many unsupported, unobservable and untestable assumptions in that explanation as one finds in a religious explanation.

Yeah, Einsteins theory of relativity is totally just as likely as a God that just randomly appeared out of nowhere, decided to create humanity, and loves to communicate with us, but only through ambigious mediums.
as for faith, i studied the 'laws' of physics and tend to believe them as i can observe them and they have been reliable to date - however, such belief is subject to change if a better set of laws is brought forth...

the 'faith' that i was describing is based on that which cannot be verified by observation (unless 'miracles' are considered)

People who have religious faith, can observe the miracles of God all around them. Even things Science offers no explanation for, can be explained through the miracles of God. You have faith in results, and define it as what you can see... yet, you can't see gravity, only the results of it. You also can't see the theory of relativity, only it's results. To "believe" anything at all, is to have "faith" as they are synonymous. As I said before, mankind is hopelessly tied to faith, it is part of the human condition. We simply can't function as human beings, without some measure of faith in something.

You claim you 'believe' (i.e.; have faith) in the laws of physics, however, black holes and anti-matter seem to defy the laws of known physics. Inside a black hole, light can not escape, which seems to indicate a contradiction to scientific and physical principles and laws, yet you still have faith in those theories, in spite of this observation.

Now, the beauty of "faith" is, you can have it in spite of your observational data. With faith in Science or physical laws and principles, you can observe contradiction with the 'faith' that science has simply not answered all questions and is not infallible. Just as those with religious faith can say, God knows all, and it's not for us to second guess. So we can see, there is really no fundamental difference in the faith held by people of science and physics, and people of religion.

If you weren't already closed-minded and bigoted toward religious faith, I could suggest a scientific test to offer observational data, regarding faith in religious/spiritual belief. Begin and end each day with a spiritual ritual of meditation. Give verbal thanks for the food you consume, and spend one hour on Sunday morning, meditating about your week in review. Think about things you did wrong, how you could have been a better human being, and what you did the past week, which you regret or believe to be wrong in hindsight. Conduct this experiment for a year, and document any positive or negative changes in your life. Note any change in health, social relationships, finances, or job success. If, at the end of a year, you have seen no observable benefits to the ritual, you will have the results you desire, in order to determine there is no purpose for religious/spiritual faith. But of course, you aren't going to do this, because your mind is closed to the possibility. You have already drawn a conclusion, which is one of the primary no-no's of Science, as it is intended to continually explore the possibilities and ask questions.
I'd just like to note, for future archaeologists, that WM stopped reading at approximately this point

Well you can stop reading if you like, it's still the truth of the matter. People who have religious faith can tell you all about the miracles of God they've observed, just ask any of them! Whether you and I accept these observations, is irrelevant, the people of religious faith made the observations for themselves.
An experiment, to be scientifically valid, needs a control. Your lack of understanding of science is astounding. An eighth-grader would know what's wrong with your suggestion immediately, yet you're going to continue to defend it.
Dixie, that is not an experiment. It's retarded.

No, it's actually a valid scientific test you can conduct, to observe the results of practicing spirituality on the human species. Nothing 'retarded' about it whatsoever. If you're not willing to conduct the experiments, how can you make any conclusions?
An experiment, to be scientifically valid, needs a control. Your lack of understanding of science is astounding. An eighth-grader would know what's wrong with your suggestion immediately, yet you're going to continue to defend it.

What do you mean, it needs a 'control'? I have given you the parameters to conduct the controlled experiment. Practice meditations first thing every morning, and last thing every night, give thanks for your food, devote 1 hour a week to reflect on the week's events and contemplate how you could have been a better person. Do this for 1 year, and record any subsequent changes in your conditions. If you can come back in 1 year, and tell me you experienced absolutely no change for the positive in your life, then you will have confirmed your theories and refuted mine. Simple as that.... but you won't do it because you are closed-minded and have already drawn your conclusions.
Dixie, that is not an experiment. It's retarded.

Actually, within the framework of the debate, it is an experiment.

Dixie simply suggested that you try certain life style and record any changes.

Whether those changes would occur because of some higher power or because of your own self-awareness would still be up for debate.

But it most certainly is an experiment.