Fake Disability in America

Who is at fault for fake disability?

  • The party who supports helping the disabled?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The person who wants a free pass and attempts to get disability?

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • The doctors and lawyers that profit on disability cases?

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters
You’re no “man,” you’re just a fucking vote bribing leftist crook.

My children are self-supporting proud and confident citizens of the United States. Your children are Wussies milking the government tit well taught the socialist ropes by their bleedin-heart daddy.

I don't generally "flex up" on the internet....

But I will guarantee that I could whoop you and your whole family within 30 seconds. I'm a very big man but only because I was raised by an idiot like you who beat and abused me.

Parents take 2 paths in life. The "better" path. Or the "taught" path.

I became a fighter because my parents were uneducated. I thought beating my chest and punching faces was the answer to everything. But one day I realized that this was basically a "third world country" state of mind.

Today; I can debate nearly anyone. Because the brain/pen is mightier than the sword. I no longer get mad in political engagements like "Fox News" use to teach me to. I saw "cult" documentaries which explained that "Cults only happen when you ignore information from other people".

America is stupid and it's getting more CULT like than ever. ALL parties need to wake up and be more normal. "Anyone who is certain is mistaken"
Basic response but you added "in my family".

You seem to have a ton of America's most needy in your family. You are a unique case. Or a liar...*ladder* If I'm correct you are like every other hard Right Winger and have never been compromised with the need of help from other Americans. But just like the rest of them, you will turn when that need hits YOU. Because UNITED we stand. DIVIDED we fall.

Your lack of comprehension is only exceeded by your total stupidity Goober. “My family” is a general term to identify my actions should the possibility of adversity inflict a member thereof.

Your word “ladder” is defined as “a portable piece of equipment with rungs attached to sides made of metal, wood, or rope, used for climbing up or down.”

The word “latter” is defined as “the second of two people or things that have been mentioned, or that are being considered or referred to.”

If I’m a “right-winger” as you accuse, how come I support gay rights, 4th amendment privacy for pregnant women, and I’m anti Patriot Act, anti-undeclared unconstitutional war and anti-religious theocracy????

Or maybe it wasn't when the Right Congressmen decided to stop hating gays because it happened in his family. Or maybe it wasn't when the Hurricane Sandy hit. Or maybe it wasn't when the oncoming Depression forced Romney and Ryan to ask for "bail-outs". Basic Libertarian frame of mind is "me" not the rest of the Country. The rest of us are trying to balance that out with GOOD DECISIONS.

I want to shoot myself, I have the Liberty to......"Do it or Stop it" You fail on this argument and you know it.

Actually what I know Goober is that you’re a fucking idiot. Your so called leftist ”GOOD DECISIONS” have run up a 17 trillion $ national debt and the vast majority of those absurd decisions have no fucking authority in the Constitution. Also Goober they’re the fucking answer to your original post. Your “GOOD DECISIONS” perpetrate “FRAUD.”

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution or prohibited by it to the States, are RESERVED to the States respectively or to the people.” (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)
If I explained my life situation and you still called it a "scam" .........you are an idiot that doesn't deserve to be in America.

I guarantee you Goober I was in America before you were unless you were born before 1936.

I’ve watched the fucking Democrats since FDR perpetrate the fucking socialist bribery vote buying scam and I’ve watched the fucking Republicans try to become the nation’s moral dictators and I’ve watched both perpetrate the Military Industrial Complex, the American World Police Force and I’ve seen both violate the Constitution on a regular basis.

Your life situation Goober was perpetrated by an uninformed idiot voting population and massive mob of crooked bastards in political offices.
I don't generally "flex up" on the internet....

But I will guarantee that I could whoop you and your whole family within 30 seconds. I'm a very big man but only because I was raised by an idiot like you who beat and abused me.

How fucking good are you at dodging fucking bullets Goober tough guy???

Today; I can debate nearly anyone. Because the brain/pen is mightier than the sword.

You’re a fucking legend in your own fucking mind Goober!!!!!
I guarantee you Goober I was in America before you were unless you were born before 1936.

That explains a lot. You're nothing but an unloved senile old bitter man who can't get it up who feels the need to take out his impotent hatred on the interwebs.

Face it, Gramps, the fifties are gone. Time for you to crawl in a six foot hole and go away. The world would be a better place.

That explains a lot. You're nothing but an unloved senile old bitter man who can't get it up who feels the need to take out his impotent hatred on the interwebs.

I can out-fuck you physically and verbally Goober!!!

Face it, Gramps, the fifties are gone. Time for you to crawl in a six foot hole and go away. The world would be a better place.

I look forward to the day when I’m liberated from the likes of fucking sorry assed morons such as you Goober!!!!
I can out-fuck you physically and verbally Goober!!!

I look forward to the day when I’m liberated from the likes of fucking sorry assed morons such as you Goober!!!!

You aren't that old....you speak like a 20-something that's been spoon fed your whole fucking life and now is out on his own and realizes that life is fucking hard for the first time in your overpriveleged existence and and you're pissed that mommy and daddy aren't changing your fucking diapers anymore.
You aren't that old....you speak like a 20-something that's been spoon fed your whole fucking life and now is out on his own and realizes that life is fucking hard for the first time in your overpriveleged existence and and you're pissed that mommy and daddy aren't changing your fucking diapers anymore.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one even morons like you Goober!!!
Your lack of comprehension is only exceeded by your total stupidity Goober. “My family” is a general term to identify my actions should the possibility of adversity inflict a member thereof.

Your word “ladder” is defined as “a portable piece of equipment with rungs attached to sides made of metal, wood, or rope, used for climbing up or down.”

The word “latter” is defined as “the second of two people or things that have been mentioned, or that are being considered or referred to.”

If I’m a “right-winger” as you accuse, how come I support gay rights, 4th amendment privacy for pregnant women, and I’m anti Patriot Act, anti-undeclared unconstitutional war and anti-religious theocracy????

Actually what I know Goober is that you’re a fucking idiot. Your so called leftist ”GOOD DECISIONS” have run up a 17 trillion $ national debt and the vast majority of those absurd decisions have no fucking authority in the Constitution. Also Goober they’re the fucking answer to your original post. Your “GOOD DECISIONS” perpetrate “FRAUD.”

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution or prohibited by it to the States, are RESERVED to the States respectively or to the people.” (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)

Oh, a grammer Nazi.
Ever read about the Bush family ties to the Nazi party? Big corp, big weapons, slaves etc. Sound familiar?

And it's spelled grammar. I just spelled it wrong to poke at you kid :)
I guarantee you Goober I was in America before you were unless you were born before 1936.

I’ve watched the fucking Democrats since FDR perpetrate the fucking socialist bribery vote buying scam and I’ve watched the fucking Republicans try to become the nation’s moral dictators and I’ve watched both perpetrate the Military Industrial Complex, the American World Police Force and I’ve seen both violate the Constitution on a regular basis.

Your life situation Goober was perpetrated by an uninformed idiot voting population and massive mob of crooked bastards in political offices.

So you are 77 years old, you use the term "Goober" constantly and you don't know anything about politics yet? Unfortunate. But you are fun to poke at old timer.
How fucking good are you at dodging fucking bullets Goober tough guy???

You’re a fucking legend in your own fucking mind Goober!!!!!

I was raised by an abusive family and was taught to fight. I got good at it. I thought all of life's problems could be solved by force and power. I was a poor Right Wing redneck. I became a good fighter, in fact my last 3 were against 2-3 men and I came out well. But when I got to the point where a brain confronted me and told me "I don't care if you try to kick my ass, just answer some questions" for me to fold and realize that people who can't think, fight.

Now, when you bring up shooting me when I tell you I will fight you......what does that make you think of. Pretty sissy move and basically everything wrong with America today.

I started using brain power more than speed/muscle power and 2 things happened. I actually got better at fighting. And I don't need to fight anymore. I can think now.

So you need to focus on political debate. If you can't debate it, YOU ARE WRONG. And if you debate me and prove me wrong, I'll admit it and start repeating what you taught me. But when you are wrong and your entire defense is "I'll shoot you", you lose and are pathetic. :) Kids..
I was raised by an abusive family and was taught to fight. I got good at it. I thought all of life's problems could be solved by force and power. I was a poor Right Wing redneck. I became a good fighter, in fact my last 3 were against 2-3 men and I came out well. But when I got to the point where a brain confronted me and told me "I don't care if you try to kick my ass, just answer some questions" for me to fold and realize that people who can't think, fight.

Now, when you bring up shooting me when I tell you I will fight you......what does that make you think of. Pretty sissy move and basically everything wrong with America today.

I started using brain power more than speed/muscle power and 2 things happened. I actually got better at fighting. And I don't need to fight anymore. I can think now.

So you need to focus on political debate. If you can't debate it, YOU ARE WRONG. And if you debate me and prove me wrong, I'll admit it and start repeating what you taught me. But when you are wrong and your entire defense is "I'll shoot you", you lose and are pathetic. :) Kids..

Wow...great response.....no matter which side of the debate you are on.

Classical Liberal? I think you're done on this one....

EDIT: Which kind of confirms my suspicion that CL was NOT born in 1936 and is a little 20-something punk who can't stand the fact that Mama and Dada don't pay for his shit anymore and he's just realizing how tough things are out there.....but is unwilling to recognize or appreciate the amount of shit his parents swallowed to get him where he is.
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Oh, a grammer Nazi.
Ever read about the Bush family ties to the Nazi party? Big corp, big weapons, slaves etc. Sound familiar?

I don’t give a flying fuck about the Bush family Jr. Goober.

And it's spelled grammar. I just spelled it wrong to poke at you kid :)

Yeah right!!! You’re not only a fucking moron, you’re a fucking liar too!!!
So you are 77 years old, you use the term "Goober" constantly and you don't know anything about politics yet? Unfortunate. But you are fun to poke at old timer.

Keep "poking" moron, you're the best entertainment I get here.
I was raised by an abusive family and was taught to fight. I got good at it. I thought all of life's problems could be solved by force and power. I was a poor Right Wing redneck. I became a good fighter, in fact my last 3 were against 2-3 men and I came out well. But when I got to the point where a brain confronted me and told me "I don't care if you try to kick my ass, just answer some questions" for me to fold and realize that people who can't think, fight.

Now, when you bring up shooting me when I tell you I will fight you......what does that make you think of. Pretty sissy move and basically everything wrong with America today.

I started using brain power more than speed/muscle power and 2 things happened. I actually got better at fighting. And I don't need to fight anymore. I can think now.

So you need to focus on political debate. If you can't debate it, YOU ARE WRONG. And if you debate me and prove me wrong, I'll admit it and start repeating what you taught me. But when you are wrong and your entire defense is "I'll shoot you", you lose and are pathetic. :) Kids..

You’re not only a moron you’re a fucking liar too. You couldn’t fight your way out of a paper bag Jr. Goober nor can you debate your way out of a paper bag. You were never raised by an abusive family, you are a pampered little fucking rich kid that eats your pabulum with a fucking silver spoon.

I don’t waste my time fighting morons and tough guys, if attacked I’ll shoot to kill. So save your tough guy rhetoric for morons you can intimidate with lying fucking rhetoric. You’re a bullshitting pussy!!!!!
Wow...great response.....no matter which side of the debate you are on.

Classical Liberal? I think you're done on this one....

EDIT: Which kind of confirms my suspicion that CL was NOT born in 1936 and is a little 20-something punk who can't stand the fact that Mama and Dada don't pay for his shit anymore and he's just realizing how tough things are out there.....but is unwilling to recognize or appreciate the amount of shit his parents swallowed to get him where he is.

Why am I not surprised that fucking idiots flock together????
Fake disability is bullshit. Do you know how long it takes to get disability?Or,how little you get when your on it? Its not worth it to get disability if you are not disabled. Its subsistence level living.I didnt take your poll because it is skewed to your point of view.Its the lowest of all people who attack the disabled.
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Fake disability is bull$&@%. Do you know how long it takes to get disability?Or,how little you get when your on it? Its not worth it to get disability if you are not disabled. Its subsistence level living.I didnt take your poll because it is skewed to your point of view.Its the lowest of all people who attack the disabled.

Before I talk, I will say I haven't read through this entire thread. The answer to your questions is "yes." And yes, it is subsistence living, I agree. But there are some who are satisfied with that and will scam the program if they can get away with it. We have had 3 people in the last 2 years turned in for it. I would never attack the disabled, wanderingbear, but will always point out the scammers. Now I have a question. Do you think a healthy person should be required to work for a living?
Before I talk, I will say I haven't read through this entire thread. The answer to your questions is "yes." And yes, it is subsistence living, I agree. But there are some who are satisfied with that and will scam the program if they can get away with it. We have had 3 people in the last 2 years turned in for it. I would never attack the disabled, wanderingbear, but will always point out the scammers. Now I have a question. Do you think a healthy person should be required to work for a living?

Can I answer that...or is only for wanderingbear?