Father of Newtown Victim Heckled

The above is quite comical given it is you that is trying to invoke emotion into the situation. Pretending it was 'heckling', then 'agressive', also 'gun nuts establishing an environment of fear and hostility' (paraphrasing)... you are simply trying to blow this into something that it wasn't in order to further YOUR political agenda. Meaning you only care about YOU and what YOU want.

You keep talking about my agenda. So tell me, what is my 'agenda'?

What is Neil Heslin's 'agenda'?
You laid out your agenda in your introductory sentence, "We have a cancer in this country, and they are armed."

If being an asshole was your objective, you succeeded. So now tell me Neil Heslin's 'agenda?

BTW, are you Superfreak??
So tell me Neil Heslin's 'agenda?

It's apparent that you're not a parent; because if you were, you wouldn't have to ask this question.
It's the same agenda that a parent wants, when their child OD's.
It's the same agenda that a parent wants, when their child dies in an accident.
It's the same agenda that a parent wants, when their child dies from SDIs.
It's the same agenda that a parent wants, when their child dies from cancer.
It's the same agenda that a parent wants, when thier child dies from (place whatever circumstance you want).

The agenda is, the question "WHY".
And that's because we as humans are always looking for the explanation for things we don't understand.
We feel that if we find the answer, that it will make things "all better"; but the truth is, nothing ever makes it all better.
Therefore, we continue to look and question; but sometimes there is no answer and if there is one, it doesn't mean we accept it.

Humans tend to fear that, which they think they have no control over; ergo: this is why the hypocritical left are scared of guns.
Because they think that if they have control, that it will make everything "all better".
It's apparent that you're not a parent; because if you were, you wouldn't have to ask this question.
It's the same agenda that a parent wants, when their child OD's.
It's the same agenda that a parent wants, when their child dies in an accident.
It's the same agenda that a parent wants, when their child dies from SDIs.
It's the same agenda that a parent wants, when their child dies from cancer.
It's the same agenda that a parent wants, when thier child dies from (place whatever circumstance you want).

The agenda is, the question "WHY".
And that's because we as humans are always looking for the explanation for things we don't understand.
We feel that if we find the answer, that it will make things "all better"; but the truth is, nothing ever makes it all better.
Therefore, we continue to look and question; but sometimes there is no answer and if there is one, it doesn't mean we accept it.

Humans tend to fear that, which they think they have no control over; ergo: this is why the hypocritical left are scared of guns.
Because they think that if they have control, that it will make everything "all better".

I am a parent and my agenda is the same as Neil Heslin's. You don't even have the respect, decency or intelligence to gain any knowledge about Neil Heslin. Instead, you have decided to provide a self portrait and dogmatic dribble.

Neil Heslin supports the 2nd amendment, even after his son was murdered. BUT, like myself, he believes the assault weapon that riddled his son's body has no place in our communities. The weapon has deemed ITSELF a "dangerous and unusual weapon" by the carnage it has reigned upon our citizenry. No one needs that rate of fire or clip capacity to protect themselves, their family or their property. The cancer on our society are the absolutists like the NRA and you who are even willing protect criminals and murderers to cling to your "dangerous and unusual weapons" out of the overwhelming fear of black helicopters that infests your little brains.
I am a parent and my agenda is the same as Neil Heslin's. You don't even have the respect, decency or intelligence to gain any knowledge about Neil Heslin. Instead, you have decided to provide a self portrait and dogmatic dribble.

Neil Heslin supports the 2nd amendment, even after his son was murdered. BUT, like myself, he believes the assault weapon that riddled his son's body has no place in our communities. The weapon has deemed ITSELF a "dangerous and unusual weapon" by the carnage it has reigned upon our citizenry. No one needs that rate of fire or clip capacity to protect themselves, their family or their property. The cancer on our society are the absolutists like the NRA and you who are even willing protect criminals and murderers to cling to your "dangerous and unusual weapons" out of the overwhelming fear of black helicopters that infests your little brains.

You're afraid of the unknown and would willingly sacrifice everything, just to FEEL safe.
What you're scared to admit thought, is that your attempts to FEEL safe are an illusion and that if you get your way and something else happens; it will just become your new "rant-du-jour".

You so much want to be in control of EVERYTHING, that you're willing to sacrifce EVERYTHING.

More people die every year as a result of alcohol, then as a result of shootings; but I don't see liberals screaming and hollering for a ban on alcohol.

You're nothing more then an opportunist, like every other liberal.
You're afraid of the unknown and would willingly sacrifice everything, just to FEEL safe.
What you're scared to admit thought, is that your attempts to FEEL safe are an illusion and that if you get your way and something else happens; it will just become your new "rant-du-jour".

You so much want to be in control of EVERYTHING, that you're willing to sacrifce EVERYTHING.

More people die every year as a result of alcohol, then as a result of shootings; but I don't see liberals screaming and hollering for a ban on alcohol.

You're nothing more then an opportunist, like every other liberal.

If I were fearful for my safety, I would own a gun. I don't. You are trying to project YOUR absolutism onto me. You fail.

But to make your absolutist argument, you NEED me to be an absolutist too. I'm not. You fail again.

You laid out your agenda in your introductory sentence, "We have a cancer in this country, and they are armed."

The fact that he actually thinks he didn't spell out his position already makes me think he is simply parroting left wing nonsense and he really doesn't have anything of substance to add himself.
The fact that he actually thinks he didn't spell out his position already makes me think he is simply parroting left wing nonsense and he really doesn't have anything of substance to add himself.

You say that about every single person who disagrees with you including DH, which is what really destroys your credibility. I wouldn't be surprised if DH ended up to be David Plouffe or someone like that, LOL. And you call him a moron and a parrot.

So you know, it just calls your judgement into question and renders your statements jokes. Just so you know.
You say that about every single person who disagrees with you including DH, which is what really destroys your credibility.

I do it with Dung, because he most certainly does parrot left wing nonsense, especially the warped Keynesian views of people like Krugman etc... He repeats the same type of nonsense over and over again.

As for Bfgrn... he stated in his OP what he thought. Wacko called him on it and he pretended he was unaware that he had stated a position. If it looks like a parrot, sounds like a parrot and asks for a cracker... it is probably a parrot.

I wouldn't be surprised if DH ended up to be David Plouffe or someone like that, LOL. And you call him a moron and a parrot.

LMAO... funny you use Plouffe as an example. Because that is exactly the type of person I see Dung being. A political science guy who has no understanding of economics and who will defend Obama on every single criticism. Plouffe (and Dung) are certainly bright. But mainly that intelligence is used in the field of playing the political game.

Dung likes to twist data to fit his political agenda, he routinely refuses to address any data that blows up his 'Dems are super awesome' mindset. He is an ideologue who puts partisanship ahead of all else.

So you know, it just calls your judgement into question and renders your statements jokes. Just so you know.

Just so you know... I truly find it comical when you pass your little judgements like the above.
If I were fearful for my safety, I would own a gun. I don't. You are trying to project YOUR absolutism onto me. Epic fail.

But to make your absolutist argument, you NEED me to be an absolutist. I'm not. Epic fail.

You live every day in fear.
You fear what you don't understand and that which you have no control over.
It scares you so bad, that the fear can be smelled on you.

Grow a pair and stop living in fear.
It will make your life more enjoyable.
You live every day in fear.
You fear what you don't understand and that which you have no control over.
It scares you so bad, that the fear can be smelled on you.

Grow a pair and stop living in fear.
It will make your life more enjoyable.

Textbook projection. If I am so 'scared', why don't I cling to a gun like you? It is no secret conservatism IS fear. It's been known for over a century.

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809-1898)

Now we even have scientific proof...Conservatives have larger “fear center”


Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds
Are people born conservative?

Peering inside the brain with MRI scans, researchers at University College London found that self-described conservative students had a larger amygdala than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

The liberal party is generally more intellectual and the conservative party is more anti-intellectual.

The conservative party is big on national defense and magnifies our perception of threat, whether of foreign aggressors, immigrants, terrorists, or invading ideologies like Communism. To a conservative, the world really is a frightening place.
Psychology Today

No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.
Edmund Burke
Textbook projection. If I am so 'scared', why don't I cling to a gun like you? It is no secret conservatism IS fear. It's been known for over a century.

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809-1898)

Now we even have scientific proof...Conservatives have larger “fear center”


Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds
Are people born conservative?

Peering inside the brain with MRI scans, researchers at University College London found that self-described conservative students had a larger amygdala than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

The liberal party is generally more intellectual and the conservative party is more anti-intellectual.

The conservative party is big on national defense and magnifies our perception of threat, whether of foreign aggressors, immigrants, terrorists, or invading ideologies like Communism. To a conservative, the world really is a frightening place.
Psychology Today

No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.
Edmund Burke

Maybe some counseling will help you with your fear of the unknown; but then again, it may be to late.
Especially since you tend to dismiss and ignore that which you're scared of.
Please don't cry.
Maybe some counseling will help you with your fear of the unknown; but then again, it may be to late.
Especially since you tend to dismiss and ignore that which you're scared of.
Please don't cry.

Let's see; I have provided logic, reason and scientific facts and you emote dogma...tough call...
Let's see; I have provided logic, reason and scientific facts and you emote dogma...tough call...

What you did provide was nothing more then emotional assumptions, emotional assertions, emotional accusations, etc.

You only keep telling yourself that you're right; because you FEEL you are.

Pleae seek help, for your unfounded fears; because you appear to be bordering on a phobia, ie: Hoplophobia.