Fed bails out AIG

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Same as the rational on the war. Sure the Republicans did it, but the Democrats allowed them to do it!

The insurance companies and the Mortgage markets are becoming Nationalized, BAC and Jarod should be having a love fest...
The insurance companies and the Mortgage markets are becoming Nationalized, BAC and Jarod should be having a love fest...

Then you don't understand "nationalized."

If they were nationalized they would belong to the American people who would then enjoy the benefits .. which is NOT going to happen with these companies.
LOL... Yeah, sure, the Democrat Congress didn't have one damn thing to do with spending $85 billion taxpayer dollars, it was the sole decision of 2 republicans. Democrats can effectively stonewall anything Republicans try to do, but are suddenly powerless when it comes to government bailouts!

You people are the stupid idiots... YES, Paulsen and Beranke authorized the bailout, WITH THE BLESSINGS OF THE DEMOCRAT CONGRESS!
YOu REALLY are a fucking MORON. CONGRESS didn't do a fucking thing here. This was sec tres and the FED and that is IT! You have shown your ass for the moron you are. You should start a website called MORON.COM.
YOu REALLY are a fucking MORON. CONGRESS didn't do a fucking thing here. This was sec tres and the FED and that is IT! You have shown your ass for the moron you are. You should start a website called MORON.COM.

I aM noT THe Onwe SoO bEnt oUT of ShaPe THat hE is TYpin aLL scREWy liKe a RETaRd. The Secretary of the Treasury and Chairman of the Federal Reserve do not have UNILATERAL authority to do a goddamn thing with TAXPAYER MONEY! The Congress has to AUTHORIZE this! SOMEONE other than these two men, HAVE to sign off on it! My understanding is, that would be Christopher Dodd (D)- Senate Finance Committee Chairman and Harry Reid (D)- Senate Majority Leader.
I aM noT THe Onwe SoO bEnt oUT of ShaPe THat hE is TYpin aLL scREWy liKe a RETaRd. The Secretary of the Treasury and Chairman of the Federal Reserve do not have UNILATERAL authority to do a goddamn thing with TAXPAYER MONEY! The Congress has to AUTHORIZE this! SOMEONE other than these two men, HAVE to sign off on it! My understanding is, that would be Christopher Dodd (D)- Senate Finance Committee Chairman and Harry Reid (D)- Senate Majority Leader.


Dixie, I salute your ignorant redneck ass. Rammer Jammer, Yellowhammer, give 'em hell Alabamer!