Federal Judge oks Ten Commandments in front of county courthouse

Oh Noes! Now I'm going to have to convert! I mean how can I possibly see the 10 Commandments every day without spontaneous conversion?
This is fine. Some of the united state's history IS tied to judeo-christian values. It's historical if anything.
This is fine. Some of the united state's history IS tied to judeo-christian values. It's historical if anything.

I didn't notice the court case, but I'm sure that was the basis of the ruling.
Oh Noes! Now I'm going to have to convert! I mean how can I possibly see the 10 Commandments every day without spontaneous conversion?

You've hit the nail on the head. That's why the whole 1st Amendment argument put forth by the ACLU and their ilk is total crap.
All these silly lawsuits by the aclu are a waste of time and money. There are a lot more really important things they could be concerning themselves with besides a few religious icons being displayed.

Looking at icons means nothing to me. God and religion are an historical part of this country. they go with the territory. They are not forcing any religion on anyone. Now if they stop me and say I have to worship in front of those icons or I must believe as they do then they are stepping over the line. But that is not being done.

The american communist lawyers union needs to stop their silly shit and start doing what they were formed to do, protect peoples constitution rights.
Excellent! So we're well on our way to that theocracy you're hoping for!

Next stop; outlaw the constitution.

Alright! Well, it's all in a day's work for you America-haters.
Excellent! So we're well on our way to that theocracy you're hoping for!

Next stop; outlaw the constitution.

Alright! Well, it's all in a day's work for you America-haters.

Yep some commandments that have been sitting there for decades, get to still sit there, sounds like a real theocratic direction.

It's amazing how the left can get away with the massive LIE about pretending that some tradition that does not change somehow equals "direction".

Do me a favor Darlalaling and take my theocratic quiz?

1. The words "under God" were not challenged to be removed from the pledge until what decade:
A) 1960's
B) 1970's
C) 1980's
D) 1990's
E) The present one

2. Gay marriage has only ever been allowed in America in which period of time:
A) 1800-1900
B) 2000-present

3. The 10 commandments sat on a courthouse for many decades before finally being removed in which president's term of office?:
A) Bill Clinton
B) Gerald Ford
C) George W Bush
D) George Bush Sr.

4. Which president was a Sunday School teacher, even while in office?
A) George W Bush
B) Ronald Reagan
C) Jimmy Carter
D) Bill Clinton

5. The number of atheists in GW Bush's America is growing?
A) True
B) False

1. E - The present decade in 2004:
2. B - The present decade
3. C - 2003
4. C - Jimmy Carter
5. True

Clearly we are moving away from what little religion exists in government. To claim the "religious right" is taking over this country or government is unfounded. In trying to remove some religion from government, yes there are people who object, but to claim their defense of religion somehow constitutes an "attack" on non-believers or that they are "pushing" religion on society is just completely false. It just isn't so.
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I don't want to see religion in government. But if someone wants to pray in school or under God is in the pledge it makes no difference to me. Its all part of our history. Now if religion is government controled as is islam then i have a problem. The Christian Right is a prime example of what i would not like to see in our government. Leave the traditional stuff alone. And just keep the seperation there.
Dano and Gaffer are both right, imho, Darla.....

We are not moving towards a theocracy and we never will become one....it is not even possible for us to become one, because those people that do want it are in a minority and because our constitution would prevent it from happening...

We are moving more and more away from religion in this great country of ours....if anything! Just look around....we ain't living in any kind of heavenly atmosphere here on Earth are we? porn, pedophilia, divorce, child slayings,....it's not very pretty out there if you take a good look...God appears to be losing in this stage of the game, if you believe in one....! :D
It's amazing how the left can get away with the massive LIE about pretending that some tradition that does not change somehow equals "direction".

Do me a favor Darlalaling and take my theocratic quiz?

1. The words "under God" were not challenged to be removed from the pledge until what decade:
A) 1960's
B) 1970's
C) 1980's
D) 1990's
E) The present one

I've got another quiz, for you.

What decade was 'under god' added?

A: 1950's
We are moving more and more away from religion in this great country of ours....if anything!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
look around here anyold...

fewer and fewer people go to church than ever before!

Almost all Blue Laws that were in place have been abolished or diminished....

Every battle this religious right has had, they have LOST....due to the protection of the Constitution...

Porn was legalized, prostitution legalized in some states, gambling legalized, alcohol was legalized, abortion was legalized...all to the chagrin of the religious right....

The religious right is getting nowhere, and that is why they are so frustrated...they are losing bigtime!

To pretend something different is happening here in America is ludarice, and would have to involve unrealistic paranoia imho.

good morning anyold!

To pretend something different is happening here in America is ludarice, and would have to involve unrealistic paranoia imho.

The figures of US christians might have dropped slightly but that slack is picked up by other religions.

The truth is the US is still a nation guided by religious doctrine, from the President and his rapture fantasies down to the Madrass-style biblical universities that permeate the society. Whilst figures might go down, the fervent nature of the religious increases...
sure he's talkin' religion, but he ain't walkin' religion, therefore a false prophet! ;)

And all of his Talk is protected under the constitution....

As far as Bush being a Believer, I seriously doubt it....but it is not my final say!

The first amendment is not being violated by what influences him...or what YOU THINK influences him... ;)

I, and many others that are religious know better, AND it was nothing more than an act on his part to get the vote.....those that follow this "man" over God are following the 'beast' involved in revelation 13, 17, 18 imho :D

And YES, I know that means nothing to you....so in English: those that follow this man, even when he is doing harm to others, are following someone who is antichrist....from this humble Christian's perspective...