Federal prosecutors reviewing altered election documents tied to Florida Democrats..

Crickets frim the idiot left

Caroline Rowland, an FDP spokesperson, brushed off the issue, saying the Scott administration’s election office was drumming it up as a distraction.

"The courts have already forced Rick Scott to drop a lawsuit after false claims of fraud, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement rejected his desperate attempts to interfere with the important work of counting ballots,” she said in an email. “Now, Scott is once again trying to divert attention and resources from a smooth and successful recount.
Federal prosecutors reviewing altered election documents tied to Florida Democrats


Whoops! Shut it down. Disallow all Broward votes, jail the peeps involved.

Pretty simple, too simple.

1. Election rules were not followed
2. Integrity of the count IS compromised
3. Ballots cannot be guaranteed 100% accurate

The county’s votes cannot be accepted. Period.

This is why we need a non partisan group to oversee election results. Or at least bipartisan.
Let the justice system do its job. If there are irregularities that can be proven in court of law, I assume prosecutors will do so. Your own party controls the state and federal level justice departments so I don't see why you seem to have so little faith in them.
Let the justice system do its job. If there are irregularities that can be proven in court of law, I assume prosecutors will do so. Your own party controls the state and federal level justice departments so I don't see why you seem to have so little faith in them.

Voting is controlled by local boards; this one just having to be a cheating Liberal Democrat who has been at it many times before. ALL the other counties can get it right except for this one. Why do you think that is? I'll give you a hint; a corrupt, lying and incompetent dunce named Brenda Snipes.
You FAIL OPie!

Let the justice system do its job. If there are irregularities that can be proven in court of law, I assume prosecutors will do so. Your own party controls the state and federal level justice departments so I don't see why you seem to have so little faith in them.

I had to laugh when I read this:

"Republicans have pointed to embattled Broward Elections chief Brenda Snipes' record of past election gaffes in arguing that the largely Democratic country is tilted against them — perhaps fraudulently so."

With all of the illegal gerrymandering, and suppression of voting, by the Repugnants, for them to say anything is a joke.
Let the justice system do its job. If there are irregularities that can be proven in court of law, I assume prosecutors will do so. Your own party controls the state and federal level justice departments so I don't see why you seem to have so little faith in them.
the point is nothing can be proven now since there was no vote totals given and literally tens of thousands of votes were then added
the point is nothing can be proven now since there was no vote totals given and literally tens of thousands of votes were then added

Like how can you be so certain there's no way they'd leave any evidence? If they rigged the vote count I assure you they probably tripped up somewhere and left a trail, also witnesses will probably come forward, and that counts as evidence in court of law too. Don't be so paranoid and cynical. I assure you Democrats are not halfway competent enough to flawlessly stuff tens of thousands of votes with no evidence, and what's more hire a perfectly loyal team who unanimously completely keep their mouths shut about the affair.

The governor of Florida has the power to remove the elections board supervisor. Snipes predecessor got that treatment from Jeb. Rick Scott can do so here, and appoint someone he trusts to oversee the recount.

I have seen accusations that invalid votes were mixed in with valid ones in certain machines. But the physical ballots still exist, clearly we know what the invalid votes were if we know they were inappropriately mixed in with valid ones, and we can throw them out in the recount.

And also, by examining the physical ballots you could discover evidence of ballot stuffing anyway if you so wish. The fake stuffed ballots would, unlike normal ballots, have little to no variance in the style in which they were filled out, and be filled out with suspiciously identical and regular patterns of votes.

The senators are not going to be seated until January, I don't see why you are panicking and immediately rushing to extreme and autocratic solutions. You should probably at least try before declaring that it's impossible to prove therefore you know for certain tens of thousand of votes were added. There is a reason that the process exists, anatta. Do you honestly think that governors should have the sort of power, to just throw out a counties votes even though they can't prove in court of law that fraud actually did occur? Don't you think maybe that could be abused a bit?

OK let's imagine a world in which your scenario is totally true, the Democrats pulled some kind of amazing vote stuffing operations and left absolutely zero evidence. Then let's imagine a world where, in fact, all votes counted were valid, but the governor decided to lie his ass off, and claim that there was a huge fraud that can no longer be proven. As an outside observer, how am I supposed to tell the difference between these two situations? Either could be plausibly be inferred, they would, in fact, look exactly identical to the neutral outside observer with no inside knowledge. If you give the governor the authority to deal with the former, you also give him the ability to do the latter.

In general, if part of your conclusion is that the regular standards of evidence need to be relaxed, because of some perceived threat that you imagine too be too deceptive and hidden to be dealt with using the normal rules of law, there is something wrong with your thought process. That is 100% exactly how you get witch hunts.

Stop hyperventilating and give the system some time.
Florida wants absentee ballots counted even if the voter had their birth date wrong.......it is wrong to believe voters would remember when their birth day was.......