Federal prosecutors reviewing altered election documents tied to Florida Democrats..

Florida wants absentee ballots counted even if the voter had their birth date wrong.......it is wrong to believe voters would remember when their birth day was.......

That makes a good point!

However, how many John Wilsons reside in that county. I see room for errors on the records keeping here as well. People with the same name may be being mistaken for someone other than themselves with the very same name!

With finger print technology and retina ID technology being is where it is today, we may have to adopt those technologies into our election process.

I mean we do have to identify people if we will ever have integrity in our elections again.
Why do counties wait until after their elections are over to start counting offshore and absentee votes?

They should have already been counted first!

Also, voting machines should always produce a paper ballot, and I truly believe the ballot should not be recognized as a Republican or Democrat vote by anyone counting the paper ballots. The paper ballots should be then counted by a machine. The paper ballot should produce a code that can only be recognized by the counting machine and two senior auditors for the precinct that represents both sides, should it become necessary.
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I had to laugh when I read this:

"Republicans have pointed to embattled Broward Elections chief Brenda Snipes' record of past election gaffes in arguing that the largely Democratic country is tilted against them — perhaps fraudulently so."

With all of the illegal gerrymandering, and suppression of voting, by the Repugnants, for them to say anything is a joke.

Which gerrymandering is illegal?

With the highest mid-term turnout in fifty years voter suppression seems unlikely--suppression is supposed to result in fewer votes.
With finger print technology and retina ID technology being is where it is today, we may have to adopt those technologies into our election process.

Sounds like a good idea, but it would make voter registration more complicated than it is today and people would yell "suppression."

Also, mail-in ballots create the most fraud and it would be difficult to allow elderly and disabled to still vote by mail and check fingerprints or retina iD.

I had a friend who worked in security in the Atlanta Olympics and they used devices that read the entire hand. One Japanese gymnast's hand was so small it would not work.
Which gerrymandering is illegal?

With the highest mid-term turnout in fifty years voter suppression seems unlikely--suppression is supposed to result in fewer votes.

I would suggest you just do a little research on your own, and you will find the court cases that have found it all illegal in States like No. Carolina, Georgia, etc. Not hard to find if you are interested in the truth.
That makes a good point!

However, how many John Wilsons reside in that county. I see room for errors on the records keeping here as well. People with the same name may be being mistaken for someone other than themselves with the very same name!

With finger print technology and retina ID technology being is where it is today, we may have to adopt those technologies into our election process.

I mean we do have to identify people if we will ever have integrity in our elections again.
I've long advocated a biometric ID . It would be logical in this day of national security concerns as well

Yes it stops in person fraud,and in the case of mail in absentee etc. it at least establish the true identity for registration
Sounds like a good idea, but it would make voter registration more complicated than it is today and people would yell "suppression."

Also, mail-in ballots create the most fraud and it would be difficult to allow elderly and disabled to still vote by mail and check fingerprints or retina iD.

I had a friend who worked in security in the Atlanta Olympics and they used devices that read the entire hand. One Japanese gymnast's hand was so small it would not work.

Since the fingerprints of a newborn infant can be read I seriously doubt it was the hand size that created the problem.
I've long advocated a biometric ID . It would be logical in this day of national security concerns as well

Yes it stops in person fraud,and in the case of mail in absentee etc. it at least establish the true identity for registration

Look for it to be discussed more and more in the debates.

We have to have a way to identify people and the technology is there already! Let's use it!
I would suggest you just do a little research on your own, and you will find the court cases that have found it all illegal in States like No. Carolina, Georgia, etc. Not hard to find if you are interested in the truth.

I am aware of the ones which have been found illegal, but I thought they had been redrawn. They were not illegal when they were drawn--the illegal partisan gerrymander is a new concept to be decided by the Supreme Court.

Racial gerrymandering to ensure minority representation was declared illegal years ago.
I am aware of the ones which have been found illegal, but I thought they had been redrawn. They were not illegal when they were drawn--the illegal partisan gerrymander is a new concept to be decided by the Supreme Court.

Racial gerrymandering to ensure minority representation was declared illegal years ago.

Do I have to look it up for you? Being illegal has not stopped the Republicans from doing so. Check out what happened with the Native Americans in No. Dakota. Check out what happened to the Hispanic/Black community in Dodge City, Kansas.



You see how it is done? Your chickenshit Repugnants pass a law they know is illegal too close to the election day, and then another chickenshit Repugnant judge says it is too late to do anything.

Typical asshole Repugnants.
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Do I have to look it up for you? Being illegal has not stopped the Republicans from doing so. Check out what happened with the Native Americans in No. Dakota. Check out what happened to the Hispanic/Black community in Dodge City, Kansas.



You see how it is done? Your chickenshit Repugnants pass a law they know is illegal too close to the election day, and then another chickenshit Repugnant judge says it is too late to do anything.

Typical asshole Repugnants.

You are confusing voting polls with redistricting. The case of the Indians and Dodge City have nothing to do with gerrymandering.

You asshole Repugnants need to learn the difference.
You are confusing voting polls with redistricting. The case of the Indians and Dodge City have nothing to do with gerrymandering.

You asshole Repugnants need to learn the difference.

I would suggest you read what I said, and stop being the fool. I was referring to illegal acts, and gave two examples. Has nothing to do with the illegal gerrymandering by the Repugnant Party. What is being proven here, as always, is that the g=right wingers, or which you are one, have not the intelligence to do their own research, or the integrity to seek out the truth, or the honor to admit when they are in the wrong.



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I would suggest you read what I said, and stop being the fool. I was referring to illegal acts, and gave two examples. Has nothing to do with the illegal gerrymandering by the Repugnant Party. What is being proven here, as always, is that the g=right wingers, or which you are one, have not the intelligence to do their own research, or the integrity to seek out the truth, or the honor to admit when they are in the wrong.

If you think I am a right-winger you are making wild false assumptions based on knee-jerk reactions to something you do not agree with or thoughts you are attributing to someone else.

If we are going to make a big jump from gerrymandering to illegal acts we can include all kinds of acts by both parties.