Finally Obama reacts!

Neither would take much time.
Neither has taken you any time so far. But I see you are already rephrasing the question so you won't have to answer what I asked.

And stop with the smilies.
It's not a smiley. It's someone rolling his eyes in patient disbelief at your constant fibs and attempts to pretend conservatives believe what you claim.

Are we going to talk about the issue, or are you going to keep giving orders?

BTW, since no one has expressly covered it so far: The perps caused the 9/11 attacks because they thought our presence in the ME was spreading a culture they considered inferior. So inferior, in fact, that they felt we deserved to be murdered en masse for it.

Probably a sentiment held by Michael Cho toward his fellow Virginia Tech classmates and teachers. And with similar results.

And usc: strange smells around you, don't come from me, sorry.
If I really need to answer this..........

Ahh yes the Mentally Feeble Generation lends its thoughts.

How did "enablers" like me help?

you are too far gone to help...ask your Lib they got you to enable them...he/she did a good job on you eppi!
Neither has taken you any time so far. But I see you are already rephrasing the question so you won't have to answer what I asked.

You just said 'Name One'. That is not clear to me either what the hell you're asking. Are you asking name one conservative or name one reason?
Are you asking name one conservative or name one reason?

Name one person of any stripe (a "neocon" is a misnamed liberal who joined the Republican party but didn't stop being liberal) who believes we were "sitting around minding our own business since 1776" until Muslim fanatics attacked us on Sept. 11.

I've never heard anyone claim that until epicurus did. Yet he keeps hammering on it as though it were true.
I thought the perps already made it pretty clear why they attacked America. Who are we to second guess the ones who planned it? Do you think it was a diversion and they are just trying to throw us off track?

Excellent point, dilloduck! Yes, the Terrorists already TOLD us, they are ORDERED, by Muhammed, by Osama Bin Laden, by their Madrassas, to KILL THE INFIDEL. They are taking ACTUAL PASSAGES AND QUOTES from the Q'ouran, and using them to JUSTIFY, 1.) The TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL AND ALL ITS PEOPLE, and 2.) The Killing of ALL who will NOT BOW to Islam. They quote the lines that tell them a Christian or Jew must be given 2 choices. Convert or Die. Of course, not ALL Muslims adhere to these particular passages, but a LARGE ENOUGH segment, to be a worry and a problem, and that segment is GROWING,due to the Power gained by these minority of groups, like the Taliban in Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Shiite Fundamentalists in Iran, backinf Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. Instead of telling them we CANNOT STAND for this behavior, we have those, like Jimmah Carter, and Obama which want to APPEASE, and HOLD HANDS with them.
Hey, obfuscate, as FUNNY as that video IS, I hope that's not YOU. If it is, I would ask, is THAT how you treat your women? Because personally, I could think of LOTS better things to do, with that blonde chick.
actually that was pretty good.

But I am not stupid enough to get burned twice if you get my drift.

Seems like it did blow a fuse for little nut or something though, no response yet.

actually, he did respond to you at the bottom of one of his posts... you know... if you got into the habit of actually reading what people write, you might have noticed it.
