Finally oil is getting a fair price

gotta admit that's a little over my head and haven't studied it like I have real estate and stocks. That said, before the bust tools were stealing catalitic converters and other car parts for the copper around here. Some were breaking into Katrina repair houses to gut the copper. So, if I were to buy any metal it would be copper after several days of bad news had driven it down and just do it as a trade to get a quick 5 to 10%. I also think silver has some good qualities.
Don't like gold, never have. Saw an analyst this morning that show'd since 1979 gold has tracked inflation. But, His main point was if you go back to the civil war had it tracked inflation it would be 1,5000. some have called for 1,500 gold, others say it doesn't have intrinisic value.
I think if it goes to 1,500 I'm wiped out in my 50% oil stock (dump move) 30% S&P 500 index and 20% corp bonds (which I keep trading off vs commercial real estate etf).
gotta admit that's a little over my head and haven't studied it like I have real estate and stocks. That said, before the bust tools were stealing catalitic converters and other car parts for the copper around here. Some were breaking into Katrina repair houses to gut the copper. So, if I were to buy any metal it would be copper after several days of bad news had driven it down and just do it as a trade to get a quick 5 to 10%. I also think silver has some good qualities.
Don't like gold, never have. Saw an analyst this morning that show'd since 1979 gold has tracked inflation. But, His main point was if you go back to the civil war had it tracked inflation it would be 1,5000. some have called for 1,500 gold, others say it doesn't have intrinisic value.
I think if it goes to 1,500 I'm wiped out in my 50% oil stock (dump move) 30% S&P 500 index and 20% corp bonds (which I keep trading off vs commercial real estate etf).
I look at it very simply. Any mineral resource has intrinsic value. What you have to do is look at how the markets have manipulated these minerals. Turn on the radio or TV and they're all selling gold. Advertising is expensive, and causes a hyped up demand, so automatically that tell me that gold isn't a good buy. Diamonds have been hyped since Debeers formed a cartel; and of course the oil market is screwed up with a cartel. But right now the price of oil is down.