Finally someone speaks out

If we had tried, I mean really tried, to help the Afghans create a livable country and it failed then I might agree that we should just pull up stakes and haul ass. But we have NEVER really attempted at creating a working atmosphere in this country. We abandoned them in 1989, and then again when the war in Iraq began. Say what you want, the surge worked in Iraq. It stabalized things. It probably stabalized it in such a way that the Shia are going to be able to full eliminate the Sunni in 10 years, but whatever the ultimate end, the surge stablized things in Iraq. The object is to figure out how to stabalize a situation, insure fair democratic elections, and sufficiently support the infrastructure so that the country does not fail in 6 months. Shit isn't always easy and sometimes it comes with fatalities. Soldiers know this, and are willing to take the risk. We need to make sure that the mission minimizes those risks.
Back during the Iraq War the liberals would constantly bash Bush for taking troops out of Afghanistan, and scream and cry over every US soldier death. Now that Obama's basically doing nothing in Afghanistan and letting our troops die by attrition, the liberals are silent.

Are you forgetting bush took the troops out of Afghanistan 6 years ago to fight his trumped up war in Iraq, creating even more death? bin Laden or the terrorists were never in Iraq. The inconsistencies belong to bush, Rummy, Cheney, et al, and, I presume, the RW sycophants such as .........
Yes, lets just leave. Lets leave the Afghan girls to a life of third class personhood. A place where should she get raped and not have 4 witnesses that saw EXACTLY the same thing, they will stone her to death for fornication. Lets leave this place to the victimizers who don't so much practice their relgions but who instead use it as a weapon to justify all manner of crimes against the citizens of Afghanistan. We left this fucking mess 20 years ago. We helped kick the Soviets out and then left them to rot. In hindsight it would have been better to have left the communists in power because at least that way you didn't have these fucked up followers or a distorted Islam. In someways I think no religious freedom would be preferable to what the people of Afghanistan have to live with.

Fuck you soc, you go fight that fight. This fucking lie was supporsed to be about 911 not all the misttreated little girls of the world. We need to gtf out now.
Are you forgetting bush took the troops out of Afghanistan 6 years ago to fight his trumped up war in Iraq, creating even more death? bin Laden or the terrorists were never in Iraq. The inconsistencies belong to bush, Rummy, Cheney, et al, and, I presume, the RW sycophants such as .........

Are you forgetting bush took the troops out of Afghanistan 6 years ago to fight his trumped up war in Iraq, creating even more death? bin Laden or the terrorists were never in Iraq. The inconsistencies belong to bush, Rummy, Cheney, et al, and, I presume, the RW sycophants such as .........
What does that have to do with Afghanistan now? This is Obama's war now. Will he take responsibility for it, or throw our troops under the bus with his grandmother and his pastor?
What does that have to do with Afghanistan now? This is Obama's war now. Will he take responsibility for it, or throw our troops under the bus with his grandmother and his pastor?

He's going to throw the troops under the bus, obviously. Why do you think he went to Dover last night?
Fuck you soc, you go fight that fight. This fucking lie was supposed to be about 911 not all the mistreated little girls of the world. We need to gtf out now.


However, I don't believe it's about the mistreated little girls either. That's just an emotional play. It's about taking over the country. Instilling a puppet government which is the usual practice in that part of the world. We've seen it going back to the Shah of Iran but it goes back much further.

The rural tribes don't want us. They don't want our way of life. They don't want our way of government. They want nothing to do with us.

That's why there are always "terrorists" and "rebels" popping up once the surge leaves. The so-called terrorists and rebels are the natives of Afghanistan.

A surge doesn't get rid of the terrorists/rebels. They simply blend into society until the surge leaves and then reconstitute their form of government.

We've seen it numerous times. The "terrorists/rebels" are in a town. Thousands of soldiers go. The "terrorists/rebels" then appear in another town. The troops leave and go to that town. Big news stories about how "terrorists/rebels" are driven out. Then they appear in another town.

Common sense tells us the "terrorists/rebels" are not some traveling circus. :lol:

That's why we've been there so many years. That's why the Soviets went home.

There's no war to be won unless the goal is to take over the country and that's exactly what Bush and his cronies had in mind. The greater population, the tribes and clicks and groups and gangs, like the current rape and plunder way of life. They don't want to be "liberated". Feuding is their way of life.

Leave them alone and bring the troops home.