First look: Film dives into threats of Christian nationalism

Christian nationalism is nothing more than religious fanaticism/religious extremism and has no business being a part of our government either, federal or state?!!

A new documentary examines how rising white Christian nationalism in the U.S. could upend democracy and impose theocratic rule at a time when the nation is becoming more diverse and less religious.

Why it matters: "God & Country," set to be released in select theaters Friday, arrives as books published recently by former and practicing evangelicals have issued alarms about the Christian nationalism that has increased its presence in churches and Republican politics.

  • The film, produced by Rob Reiner, follows the rise of white Christian nationalism, from its role in fighting racial desegregation in the 1950s to its influence on the Jan. 6 insurrection in 2021.
Zoom in: The left-leaning Reiner, who directed "[video=youtube;rMz7JBRbmNo]"]When Harry Met Sally

  • Through interviews with white and Black evangelicals, religious leaders and scholars, the new documentary portrays how a once-fringe part of the evangelical movement became a dominant force in right-wing Christian circles.
  • The film describes how the movement's increasing popularity bled into the nation's politics and helped fuel the election of Donald Trump — a New York real estate mogul who had little connection to Christianity or the evangelical movement before he ran for president.
Among those interviewed are Charlie Sykes of The Bulwark, a conservative anti-Trump website, and Russell Moore, a theologian who resigned from the Southern Baptist Convention amid a backlash over his criticism of Trump.

  • Also interviewed are the Rev. William Barber, a significant figure on the Christian left, and former far-right evangelical leader Rob Schenck.
  • They speak of how the Christian nationalist movement drove a rise in megachurches whose leaders preached a form of white nationalism while decrying civil rights and LGBTQ+ people.
The intrigue: The film includes footage of rallies where attendees wave Christian nationalist and Confederate flags, and sound bites of Christian leaders denouncing diversity programs and immigrants.


Christian White Nationalism was a major force in who attacked us on 1/6/21. These were white supremacists groups like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, many of whom, thankfully are now in jail and who trump plans to pardon if he wins in 2024. Geez the country is fucked if trump wins.
Christian nationalism is nothing more than religious fanaticism/religious extremism and has no business being a part of our government either, federal or state?!!

A new documentary examines how rising white Christian nationalism in the U.S. could upend democracy and impose theocratic rule at a time when the nation is becoming more diverse and less religious.

Why it matters: "God & Country," set to be released in select theaters Friday, arrives as books published recently by former and practicing evangelicals have issued alarms about the Christian nationalism that has increased its presence in churches and Republican politics.

  • The film, produced by Rob Reiner, follows the rise of white Christian nationalism, from its role in fighting racial desegregation in the 1950s to its influence on the Jan. 6 insurrection in 2021.
Zoom in: The left-leaning Reiner, who directed "[video=youtube;rMz7JBRbmNo]"]When Harry Met Sally

  • Through interviews with white and Black evangelicals, religious leaders and scholars, the new documentary portrays how a once-fringe part of the evangelical movement became a dominant force in right-wing Christian circles.
  • The film describes how the movement's increasing popularity bled into the nation's politics and helped fuel the election of Donald Trump — a New York real estate mogul who had little connection to Christianity or the evangelical movement before he ran for president.
Among those interviewed are Charlie Sykes of The Bulwark, a conservative anti-Trump website, and Russell Moore, a theologian who resigned from the Southern Baptist Convention amid a backlash over his criticism of Trump.

  • Also interviewed are the Rev. William Barber, a significant figure on the Christian left, and former far-right evangelical leader Rob Schenck.
  • They speak of how the Christian nationalist movement drove a rise in megachurches whose leaders preached a form of white nationalism while decrying civil rights and LGBTQ+ people.
The intrigue: The film includes footage of rallies where attendees wave Christian nationalist and Confederate flags, and sound bites of Christian leaders denouncing diversity programs and immigrants.


‘God and Country’ Flops with $38K Opening

In 85 theaters, Reiner’s bigoted attack on Christians who dared to vote for Donald Trump earned just $38,415 over four days. As one website put it, that’s “averaging $451 [per] theater over four days, which is incredibly low.” If you assume it only had “one showing each day (and likely it had several), it brought in around 112 dollars a day, or ten people a day spread across however many showings.”

Christianity has been opposed to abortion since the earliest days of the church. If it's extreme to try and stop baby killing then so be it.

No it hasn't.

Abortion isn't mentioned anywhere in the Bible and until the 1870's, even the Catholic Church supported abortion.

The Catholic Church once allowed for abortions. Everything changed in 1873
Until the 1880s, abortions were morally acceptable and legal, with even the Catholic Church approving of the procedure before 'quickening.' Historians say the desire to ban the procedure had more to do with business than women's health.

Abortion is going to happen whether or not you make it illegal, so you might as well make it legal so you can regulate it and make sure it's safe.

Yakuda proving once again that every single Conservative will be the biggest, dumbest piece of shit until the next one.
The entire cabal has to go. They're treating citizens as terrorists. Plus they got 2 genocides going on the other side of the globe. I don't know if Trump will end this insanity, but something's gotta give.

Conservatism is never, ever, ever, ever, ever going to make the world an objectively better place.
If I hadn't read the NT and the only people I listened to were Christian Nationalists, I would expect to read it and find Christ yelling all day about the evils of homosexuality and abortion. I'd expect to read angry, hateful diatribes, full of judgment and condemnation.

Good thing I've actually read the NT.
‘God and Country’ Flops with $38K Opening

In 85 theaters, Reiner’s bigoted attack on Christians who dared to vote for Donald Trump earned just $38,415 over four days. As one website put it, that’s “averaging $451 [per] theater over four days, which is incredibly low.” If you assume it only had “one showing each day (and likely it had several), it brought in around 112 dollars a day, or ten people a day spread across however many showings.”


So what you're saying is: Reiner is doing the country a service - warning us about the actual bigots who attacked us on 1/6 and plan to do so again! Thanks, Rob!
Have you checked the debt clock lately? We can't bomb our way out of that mess.

Oh you mean the clock that was turned back on after Trump's tax cut, which added $2T to the debt before adding $6T because he fucked up COVID?
Have you checked the debt clock lately? We can't bomb our way out of that mess.

The mess you morons created because Conservatism always fails.


All the time.

Every time.

No exceptions.

Conservatism has never once made the world an objectively better place.


Not once.

Not ever.