Food prices soar as incomes stand still

I think if you sit on the sofa all day, most people would say depression has already set in!

No wonder you sound so depressed and want to drag every thread down with you; I'll bet you're a fat tub of lard who plays a tough guy on the internet. ;)
Actually Cheney opened the door to food cost inflation with his secret energy meeting, and you certainly can't blame Obama for wages that have been stagnant for 15 years.


When I read nonsense like this, it provides further proof of how a dunce like Barackus Obamanus (the imperial President) can get elected.
Food prices soar as incomes stand still

By/Michelle Miller/CBS News/February 15, 2014, 8:02 PM

It's is not her imagination. While the government says prices are up 6.4 percent since 2011, chicken is up 18.4 percent, ground beef is up 16.8 percent and bacon has skyrocketed up 22.8 percent, making it a holiday when it's on sale.
"Oh my god!" Singer said as she spied bacon for $3.

"The things that are going up in price are the things I absolutely need to buy," she said. "It's the meat, it's the milk, it's the eggs and it's getting out of hand."
Food inflation is far greater than the government thinks it is," he said.

But the big problem for families: Wages are not budging.

We can't seem to buy livestock this year....the lines are crazy. Can't even get close to the cattle to see them. We got some chickens but paid a small fortune.
Actually Goober inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. You can thank QE1, QE2, & QE3 and your beloved Federal Reserve, G. W. Bush & Barrack Obama for that. FOX NEWS ISN'T the fucking government Goober.

So you think America's problem with not being able to afford anything is too much money.................................................You, like similar small brains, repeat anything the Koch Brothers will tell you to repeat so you won't focus on the real issue. Your media rots your brain kiddo...

You are at least partially correct though. The federal reserve's printing of excess money can cause inflation, but it's inflation between us and other Countries. Our supply and demand remains the same. Printing excess money is also part of our Petrol Dollar system. But I'll let you do your own homework on that topic kid, you have a computer, use it.
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Sitting on a couch doesn't supply a lot of dollars for spending.
It does generate massive crocodile tears though.

Again, I'm curious why these small brains think they are actually part of a debate with a simple minded insult..

Do you have anything to say about the actual topic kiddo? :stup2:
Food prices soar as incomes stand still

By/Michelle Miller/CBS News/February 15, 2014, 8:02 PM

It's is not her imagination. While the government says prices are up 6.4 percent since 2011, chicken is up 18.4 percent, ground beef is up 16.8 percent and bacon has skyrocketed up 22.8 percent, making it a holiday when it's on sale.
"Oh my god!" Singer said as she spied bacon for $3.

"The things that are going up in price are the things I absolutely need to buy," she said. "It's the meat, it's the milk, it's the eggs and it's getting out of hand."
Food inflation is far greater than the government thinks it is," he said.

But the big problem for families: Wages are not budging.

Whole CPI /= an accurate estimation of food prices. It is, as it claims to be, an estimation of prices in the economy as a whole. If you want to know JUST food prices, there is a damn index for that, and I assume it's where these idiots got their estimation of chicken and beef prices.
One of the causes of inflation with regards to Whole CPI is too much money chasing too few goods. That same effect does not apply to just food inflation, though. Food inflation - whole CPI = increased prices caused by supply problems specific to the food industry.
Whole CPI /= an accurate estimation of food prices. It is, as it claims to be, an estimation of prices in the economy as a whole. If you want to know JUST food prices, there is a damn index for that, and I assume it's where these idiots got their estimation of chicken and beef prices.

Food prices are going up because everyone is getting educated on the additives that are harmful to our health. They are also going up because Big Farm is crushing small farms. Also businesses like Monsanto are squeezing farmers as well as suing some.

Hell I've even read articles where Big Farm turn in little farm communities for having a town wide supper. The government showed up and shut the FREE community dinner down for not having food at the right temperatures (it was in the process of cooking..)
You said Americans can't afford to but stuff, they can. You can't

Ok, you paint a broad picture. Tell me what I can or can't afford. Also tell me why Corporations have all time high profits and workers have all time low wages.

If you want to talk about Politics, here is your chance kid. Don't just act like you know me and say I can't afford stuff moron.
Ok, you paint a broad picture. Tell me what I can or can't afford. Also tell me why Corporations have all time high profits and workers have all time low wages.

If you want to talk about Politics, here is your chance kid. Don't just act like you know me and say I can't afford stuff moron.

I know you don't work. From you
I know you bitch about companies. From you
I now I love dividends and being the top economy in the world
No wonder you sound so depressed and want to drag every thread down with you; I'll bet you're a fat tub of lard who plays a tough guy on the internet. ;)

I guarantee it, he smokes the dope he eats the Doritos, he smokes the dope he eats the doughnuts, he smokes the dope he drinks the two liter, Then once he is high, and full he threatens people.