Football Picks

The "aint's" got some help from the refs.
Refs this year suck far more than in years past.

Worse Refs ever,decide games!Ruin games with nitpick calls!
They NFL forgets it's antertainment!
Nothing entertaining about huge plays called back on sketchy calls.
How bout dem Cowboys!! Finally got a win over Pete and the Seahawks. We might not win another game this year but I’m pretty happy tonight.
You should! I started this long thread, and I've been away for several years. Please keep posting on it so I can pat myself on the back more and more.
You should! I started this long thread, and I've been away for several years. Please keep posting on it so I can pat myself on the back more and more.

Wow, it's great to see you again! Hope you're doing okay and just got bored with the forum. We had years of good times with the football picks and I still miss it. Hope you stick around.