For Darla: Losing jobs in unequal numbers


Abreast of the situations
Figured this would make your day!!

Losing jobs in unequal numbers
1,069,000 fewer men are working than a year ago. 12,000 more women are working.

By Robert Gavin, Globe Staff * December 5, 2008

The careers of Neal Boyle and Scott Hacker couldn't be more different. Boyle, whose education ended with high school, worked 20 years crushing rocks at the US Gypsum plant in Charlestown. Hacker, who holds an MBA, changed firms several times as he moved up the management ranks in New England's financial services industry.

But today they find themselves in the same place: laid off and looking for work. And together they represent the face of the current recession, one that is overwhelmingly male.

Men are losing jobs at far greater rates than women as the industries they dominate, such as manufacturing, construction, and investment services, are hardest hit by the downturn. Some 1.1 million fewer men are working in the United States than there were a year ago, according to the Labor Department. By contrast, 12,000 more women are working.

This gender gap is the product of both the nature of the current recession and the long-term shift in the US economy from making goods, traditionally the province of men, to providing services, in which women play much larger roles, economists said. For example, men account for 70 percent of workers in manufacturing, which shed more than 500,000 jobs over the past year. Healthcare, in which nearly 80 percent of the workers are women, added more than 400,000 jobs.

"As the recession broadens, the gap between men and women is going to close somewhat," said Andrew Sum, director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University. "But right now, the sectors that are really getting pounded are intensely male."

The divide is far starker than it was in last recession, when the technology crash battered professional and technical sectors in which women now hold more than 40 percent of jobs. From the beginning of 2001 to the beginning of 2002, the number of employed men declined by about 900,000, while the population of women with jobs fell by about 700,000.

The male-dominated construction industry held up much better then, too, as falling interest rates began to fuel the housing boom. This time, the housing bust that sparked the recession took construction with it. The downturn spread from the mortgage industry to the investment industry, leading to a credit crunch that undermined consumer spending and manufacturers of consumer goods, like auto makers.

Construction firms, in which 90 percent of workers are men, have cut more than 500,000 jobs, or nearly 7 percent of employment, over the past year. Men account for more than 60 percent of employment in investment firms, which through October had cut 1 percent, or 9,000 jobs.

That figure, the most recent available, excludes thousands of recently announced layoffs within the financial industry, including large cutbacks at two Boston companies: mutual fund manager Fidelity Investments and State Street Corp., which provides a variety of services for investment firms.

Hacker, 49, of Providence, worked for SS&C Technologies of Windsor, Conn., which also provides service to investment companies. When SS&C recently lost a client, it cost Hacker his job as manager of corporate governance. Several weeks later, he's talked to recruiters and staffing agencies, but all they have to offer are short-term contract jobs. And even so, he has yet to see a company hiring manager.

"I've been laid off before, but I've always managed to find work pretty quickly," he said. "But I've never dealt with this kind of financial meltdown."

Many analysts expect the investment industry that emerges from the financial crisis to be significantly smaller, with fewer jobs. Still, said David Autor, an economics professor at MIT, highly educated workers like Hacker are likely to fare well in an economy that values technical skills, analytical abilities, and advanced degrees.

"These guys will bounce back," Autor said. "But the job opportunities for less-educated males have declined substantially over the past 30 years, and there is a lack of alternatives for them."

Boyle, 54, for example, made about $70,000 a year, including overtime, at US Gypsum, and he's had no luck finding anything that will get him even close to that since getting laid off in March. He's tried manufacturers, construction firms, and sand and gravel companies. He recently completed training for a truck driver's license.

"You go to these places and they don't want to take on anyone else," he said. "It's really tough out there."

Finding jobs to replace the high-paying, blue-collar work that traditionally sustained men like Boyle and their families is among the greatest challenges facing the US economy, said the Center for Labor Market Studies' Sum. The erosion of these jobs has undermined both family income and family structure, he said.

Inflation-adjusted median income for young families has declined from $44,000 in 1979 to $38,000 in 2007, Sum said. During the same period, as jobs that allowed less-educated men to support a family have diminished, out-of-wedlock births to young women rose to 50 percent of births, from 20 percent in 1980.

"We lost a lot of jobs that used to be an opportunity for these young guys," Sum said. "But we haven't figured out how to create good-paying, blue-collar jobs for men who don't have a college degree."

Robert Gavin can be reached at
regression to the mean, in trouble times woman earn their pay more than overpaid men.
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Plus women are more likely to bring in a batch of homade cookies and such.

just what i want to be tempted with. Non stop around here. I avoid it 90% of the time unless there is a gorgeous looking chocolate covered Boston cream donut sitting there.
just what i want to be tempted with. Non stop around here. I avoid it 90% of the time unless there is a gorgeous looking chocolate covered Boston cream donut sitting there.

Guys usually bring the doughnuts, women bring the good stuff you cannot buy at dunkin doughnuts.
This guy at my works father owns a local donut shop so he brings them in from there. Puts D&D to shame.

I have like 8 women in my department here in High tech. 1 is the head, 2 are directors, 2 is a developer, 1 a tech writer, 1 intern, 1 admin. The rest of the department about 30 people are men. Far different then when i was in the financial industry where it was about 25-30% men and the rest women.

Anyhow not to many home cooked things coming in here.
I see that usc and dh already have figured out why this is.

More importantly, the jobs report that came out today really shook me. I hope I wasn't too quick to leave my job, because if my work dries up next year, I won't be able to get a job. I don't know, it's just crazy. I got a call from a friend from one of my networking groups this morning, and he directed me to a large engineering company who he knows the head of for years. She's a woman, which is cool. Anyway, she needs a pretty decent amount of copywriting. I can't believe how lucky I've been, but with job reports like this coming out...I don't know if anyone's luck can hold.
I see that usc and dh already have figured out why this is.

More importantly, the jobs report that came out today really shook me. I hope I wasn't too quick to leave my job, because if my work dries up next year, I won't be able to get a job. I don't know, it's just crazy. I got a call from a friend from one of my networking groups this morning, and he directed me to a large engineering company who he knows the head of for years. She's a woman, which is cool. Anyway, she needs a pretty decent amount of copywriting. I can't believe how lucky I've been, but with job reports like this coming out...I don't know if anyone's luck can hold.

See darla, anytime an american earns a living it means people are overpaying for stuff, because obviously, americans shouldn't be allowed to live and work; they are to be optimized out of the central plan, can you dig it?
Guys usually bring the doughnuts, women bring the good stuff you cannot buy at dunkin doughnuts.

If the best you have at your workplace is dunkin doughnuts, you should quit anyway.

Find a Krispy Kreme and wait for the "Hot Now" light to go on. mmmmm
I see that usc and dh already have figured out why this is.

More importantly, the jobs report that came out today really shook me. I hope I wasn't too quick to leave my job, because if my work dries up next year, I won't be able to get a job. I don't know, it's just crazy. I got a call from a friend from one of my networking groups this morning, and he directed me to a large engineering company who he knows the head of for years. She's a woman, which is cool. Anyway, she needs a pretty decent amount of copywriting. I can't believe how lucky I've been, but with job reports like this coming out...I don't know if anyone's luck can hold.

Well the best thing to do is just keep supporting politicians who will increase taxes and regulations, job-creating businesses love that. Oh yeah and make sure to go on even bigger government spending sprees to really boost confidence in the dollar.
Well the best thing to do is just keep supporting politicians who will increase taxes and regulations, job-creating businesses love that. Oh yeah and make sure to go on even bigger government spending sprees to really boost confidence in the dollar.

And the other party did so much to help the jobless rate??

Why not look at causes instead of doing your best to blame the dems?
Yes, as a matter of fact you are. At least on this topic.

New England

In 2002, Krispy Kreme opened its first store in New England (the "home turf" of competitor Dunkin' Donuts) in Rhode Island. What followed was a period of aggressive expansion throughout the region, followed by the closing of all stores, outside of two remaining in Connecticut, in the region. Many people have their own reason for why these New England stores failed. Some say that New Englanders' fidelity to Dunkin Donuts led to the Krispy Kreme collapse, others say that Krispy Kreme's coffee "left many locals unimpressed, a mortal sin in the joe-loving Hub."[7]