for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Christianity bears primary responsibility for historic antisemitism. Few ideas can have been as poisonous as, and inspired more murderousness than, the idea that Jews were the Christ-killers. Of course, only the Romans had the legal authority to crucify someone: it was their signature way of dealing with troublemakers. But this fact became historically inconvenient for a religion that was eventually to place its global headquarters within Rome itself.
christian evangelism to Jews in Israel is illegal.

In Israel it’s legal to express a person’s world view, including religious beliefs, even if they are not accepted by the majority of the public. The exception to this rule is what is known in Israel as the “Missionary Law”. This is actually two separate sections of the Israeli criminal code; the first law, from section 174 of the Penal Code – 1977, forbids a person to proselytize another to change his religion by means of material benefit. The second law, from section 368 of the Penal Code, forbids persuading or seducing a minor (under the age of 18) to change his religion. This law also forbids to conduct any ceremony for a minor to change religion, without the consent of both parents.

Visitors who enter Israel with a B-2 tourist visa usually receive an approval to stay in Israel for 3 months. However, in certain circumstances, even after entry to Israel, a tourist may find himself arrested by the Israel immigration police. Following the detention the visitor is brought before an immigration tribunal and handed an expulsion order out of Israel. Thereafter the immigration authority workers will proceed to fly this person back to their country as fast as possible. It has happened in the past that tourists visiting Israel have been expelled from Israel due to allegations regarding missionary activity. These cases usually involve the tourist participating in a public missionary campaign with a high profile organization. This activity may attract resistance from the local public and complaints to the police. Even though the allegations may be false, it’s extremely difficult to stop the expulsion process once it starts.
Ironically, Jews who live in Israel are the most vulnerable to missionaries. That’s because missionary groups see making inroads in the Jewish homeland as a special achievement and therefore invest tremendous energy and resources there. The missionary infrastructure in Israel is based mainly on a few large Christian cults and dozens of smaller ones.
"One of the most certain facts of history is that Jesus was crucified on orders of the Roman prefect of Judea, Pontius Pilate."

-Bart D. Ehrman, Ph.D., Professor of Religious History, University of North Carolina

It doesn't sit right with me that a lot of Christians attempt to put the lion's share of the blame on the Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus, and in some case Pontius Pilate is held out as a man of reason who did not really want to execute Jesus.
organized religion always twists things eventually

Organized religion builds the perfect sscaffolding for evil people to climb to power over others

it destroys the purity of the belief

stop organizing and purify your beliefs
It doesn't sit right with me that a lot of Christians attempt to put the lion's share of the blame on the Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus, and in some case Pontius Pilate is held out as a man of reason who did not really want to execute Jesus.

If one looks at the Gospels in chronological order, there is clearly an attempt to make the Jews look more and more guilty for the execution of Jesus, and to make Pontius Pilate and the Romans less and less culpable.

In historical terms, this almost undoubtedly represents attempts by early Christians to demonize the Jews and exaggerate their culpability in the death of Jesus.

The Gospel accounts of the crowds at the trial do not pass the criterion of contextual credibility. We know from Josephus that Pilate was a brutal ruler who did not cater to the whim of the populace.

The idea of the crowds calling for Jesus’ blood does not pass the criterion of dissimilarity; later Christians telling the story may have wanted to emphasize the culpability of the Jewish people.

We can trace this tendency through the Gospels in chronological order (Mark, Luke, Matthew, John, and the
non-canonical Peter). This trend was carried out in church traditions in the second century, including accounts of Pilate’s conversion. In other words, Pilate and the Romans became more innocent, and the Jews became more guilty as time passed. This overlooks the important fact that the Jewish leaders, not the Jewish people, instigated the arrest of Jesus.

source credit: -Bart D. Ehrman, Ph.D., Professor of Religious History, University of North Carolina
Jews bear primary responsibility for historic antisemitism.

Blaming Christian for blaming Jews for killing Jesus? No, blame the God Damned Jews.
Jews bear primary responsibility for historic antisemitism.

Blaming Christian for blaming Jews for killing Jesus? No, blame the God Damned Jews!
^^ Adding to my body of evidence that anti-semitism is prevalent in the Trump-supporting rightwing.

Trump-loving, Rightwing posters on this message board are trafficking in overt and degenerate anti-Semitism

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country’-hous&p=2683915#post2683915

Jewish-Americans are among the most reliably liberal and Democratic voters in the United States
It doesn't sit right with me that a lot of Christians attempt to put the lion's share of the blame on the Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus, and in some case Pontius Pilate is held out as a man of reason who did not really want to execute Jesus.

In some cases? In every case of anyone who isn't a fcking ignoramous, Pontius Pilate is held out as a man of reason who did not really want to execute Jesus. He tried everything he could think of to get the Jews to back down on their demands to kill Jesus.
It doesn't sit right with me that a lot of Christians attempt to put the lion's share of the blame on the Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus, and in some case Pontius Pilate is held out as a man of reason who did not really want to execute Jesus.

I'm responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus.
Because if everyone else wasn't a sinner,Jesus still would have gone to the cross to save me!
It doesn't sit right with me that a lot of Christians attempt to put the lion's share of the blame on the Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus, and in some case Pontius Pilate is held out as a man of reason who did not really want to execute Jesus.

Pilate had personal reasons for not wanting to execute Jesus. He had been a lousy administrator that routinely provoked the ire of the local population he was supposed to be governing. As such, there had been numerous rebellions, and Rome was beginning to lose its patience. Pilate was worried that Jesus represented a no-win situation that would result in a rebellion either way. Ultimately, he viewed the Christian community as the smaller/weaker faction, so, he had Jesus executed just so he could salvage his own political career.

Otherwise, Pilate likely wouldn't have thought too hard about it, and would likely have executed Jesus just to spite both factions (which he somewhat did when he placed the inscription on the top of the cross).
he had Jesus executed just so he could salvage his own political career.

Foward the Duck, please tell me where, besides you anus, you get the idea that Pilate's career was on the line.

He had been a lousy administrator that routinely provoked the ire of the local population he was supposed to be governing.

Yeah, your anus is right again, the Jews loved being occupied by Rome. They just didn't like Pilate.
Foward the Duck, please tell me where, besides you anus, you get the idea that Pilate's career was on the line.

Yeah, your anus is right again, the Jews loved being occupied by Rome. They just didn't like Pilate.

There was a difference between being occupied by Rome and having to deal with a particular nuisance like Pilate, you retard. When the Jews wrote the insciption for Hadrian of "may his bones be dust," do you think that means they loved Trajan, Nerva, or any other emperors?

Anyway, Pilate had a lot of incidents with the Jews, even after the death of Christ.

And then there's this:

[h=3]What were Pilate's motives?[/h]Pilate was desperate to keep the peace. His career in the Roman Empire depended on his running the province smoothly and efficiently.
He had 6,000 soldiers on hand to keep the peace in a city bulging with 2.5 million Jews. The religious authorities, whose cooperation he needed for a quiet life, wanted him to execute Jesus and there was an angry mob baying for Jesus' blood.
To release Jesus would have been likely to cause a riot; Pilate could have lost control of the city, and possibly the province.
Pilate sacrificed Jesus to preserve Roman rule and his own career.
Christianity bears primary responsibility for historic antisemitism. Few ideas can have been as poisonous as, and inspired more murderousness than, the idea that Jews were the Christ-killers. Of course, only the Romans had the legal authority to crucify someone: it was their signature way of dealing with troublemakers. But this fact became historically inconvenient for a religion that was eventually to place its global headquarters within Rome itself.

If it wasn't for the largess of Christians there wouldn't be a Jew alive on this earth.
There was a difference between being occupied by Rome and having to deal with a particular nuisance like Pilate, you retard. When the Jews wrote the insciption for Hadrian of "may his bones be dust," do you think that means they loved Trajan, Nerva, or any other emperors?

I asked you to support your claim that Pilate's career was on the line. You replied that the Jews didn't like a Roman emperor that came along a century later, per someone's inscription. Yep, you're a fcking moron.

Anyway, Pilate had a lot of incidents with the Jews, even after the death of Christ.

What happened after Christ is irrelevant. And, saying there were "incidents" isn't at all helpful.

So, I ask you again, why do you think it was about Pilate's career?

And, I ask you again, why do you think the Jewish desire to rebel was because Pilate was allegedly a lousy leader rather than just because the Jews didn't want to be occupied by Rome?

Pilate gave in to the demands of the Jews to prevent a rebellion. Why do you muddy the water with lame speculation that it was personal, about Pilate's career, or his quality of his leadership? Because you're an antichristian bigot who wants to make it about Pilate and Rome and not about the God Damned Jews.