for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression

Thank you Pastor Ralph for today's sermon.

I am not quite sure what it clarified or answered but thank you.......

I know lots of ppl that are Jewish & Christian, I will have to ask them if they feel the same way as the OP..

It is certainly not hard to see some feeling that way after the way they were treated in Europe & later in the greater western world.. Islam was more tolerant.

If this was foretold-what was suppose to happen, how can you blame Pilate or all Jews when it was only a small group of Jews involved in the plot to have Jesus crucified.

Feel? :laugh: Right....err....left. I simply presented the actual passage of scriptures where all Christian faith is built. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Should I go with what I think about how others "FEEL" :laugh: Or the actual text found in God's revelations to mankind? I choose door number 2.... I will follow the actual TEXT. :good4u: There are many individuals that FEEL real good about their lives, but the road to hell is paved with good feelings. That's the difference between a progressive and a realist. One deals with reality the other's are legends within their own minds.

Feelings...……..:laugh: When was your nads removed?
Bobb,did Jesus die for your sins?
If so you are the reason he was crucified!

Don't be such a fcking retard. The issue is who's guilty of killing Jesus, not who benefits. The Jews are guilty and God damned them for it.
christian evangelism to Jews in Israel is illegal.

In Israel it’s legal to express a person’s world view, including religious beliefs, even if they are not accepted by the majority of the public. The exception to this rule is what is known in Israel as the “Missionary Law”. This is actually two separate sections of the Israeli criminal code; the first law, from section 174 of the Penal Code – 1977, forbids a person to proselytize another to change his religion by means of material benefit. The second law, from section 368 of the Penal Code, forbids persuading or seducing a minor (under the age of 18) to change his religion. This law also forbids to conduct any ceremony for a minor to change religion, without the consent of both parents.

Visitors who enter Israel with a B-2 tourist visa usually receive an approval to stay in Israel for 3 months. However, in certain circumstances, even after entry to Israel, a tourist may find himself arrested by the Israel immigration police. Following the detention the visitor is brought before an immigration tribunal and handed an expulsion order out of Israel. Thereafter the immigration authority workers will proceed to fly this person back to their country as fast as possible. It has happened in the past that tourists visiting Israel have been expelled from Israel due to allegations regarding missionary activity. These cases usually involve the tourist participating in a public missionary campaign with a high profile organization. This activity may attract resistance from the local public and complaints to the police. Even though the allegations may be false, it’s extremely difficult to stop the expulsion process once it starts.

so this thread would be illegal in Israel....
Feel? :laugh: Right....err....left. I simply presented the actual passage of scriptures where all Christian faith is built. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Should I go with what I think about how others "FEEL" :laugh: Or the actual text found in God's revelations to mankind? I choose door number 2.... I will follow the actual TEXT. :good4u: There are many individuals that FEEL real good about their lives, but the road to hell is paved with good feelings. That's the difference between a progressive and a realist. One deals with reality the other's are legends within their own minds.

Feelings...……..:laugh: When was your nads removed?

Wow, Pastor is pretty giggly today, that first blunt of the day make him very happy.....:cool:

Well posting all that is well & good, but no one is going to read it, moreless look them up.:dunno: As w/ most of your sermons I imagine..

Why not just paraphrase w/ your early morning jovial insight?? Share the joy.:)

As you learned your first year in seminary~always keep in mind, & take into account your audience..

I dunno about your realist or progressive as neither is found in the bible, kinda like your road to hell-not there..

Good advice:thinking:
Don't be such a fcking retard. The issue is who's guilty of killing Jesus, not who benefits. The Jews are guilty and God damned them for it.

Not everyone that had a hand in it were Jews, not every Jew had a hand it.....

Where is it written God dammed the Jews??
If any God Damned Jew doesn't want to be blamed, let them condemn that small group of Jews. (God damned them, not me, don't blame the messenger.)

Hmmm, looks like no Jew wants to step up and separate himself from that small group of Jews.

I am a bit surprised that some of the "faithful" here are not speaking up to defend their faith..:thinking:

I would think Pastor Ralph would have a nice long sermon for you...:)

Do you know any that have condemned that small group??

Where in the bible does it say Jews are dammed unless they condemn that small group??

You are a messenger, from who are you sent??
Wow, Pastor is pretty giggly today, that first blunt of the day make him very happy.....:cool:

Well posting all that is well & good, but no one is going to read it, moreless look them up.:dunno: As w/ most of your sermons I imagine..

Why not just paraphrase w/ your early morning jovial insight?? Share the joy.:)

As you learned your first year in seminary~always keep in mind, & take into account your audience..

I dunno about your realist or progressive as neither is found in the bible, kinda like your road to hell-not there..

Good advice:thinking:

Road to HELL NOT THERE? Really? This is not truthful in the least. Your view would only work if TRUTH were indeed relative to FEELINGS. Your problem? Truth by its very definition is "EXCLUSIVE". There can be and are many untruths concerning Christianity out there....but only one TRUTH. Just like your opinion that the road to hell is NOT IN THERE...anywhere.

Reality: ENTER BY THE NARROW GATE; THE FOLLOWING OF TRUTH; is then narrow, while all other paths are many and exponential. The truth: "Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction; and there are many that go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few that find it." -- Matthew 7:13-14

Do those that profess to atheism actually worship Satan? Hardly, there might be a few, by definition atheists don't believe that Satan really exists. But....just like the democrats INACTION at the border that caused this latest crisis (standing by refusing to reform the many loopholes in the current system)….being Neutral is just as dangerous as being an active combatant when your inaction gives comfort to the enemy. It does not take active participation to help Satan with his work. It simply takes inaction..... in doing what you know is righteous and honorable.

"Therefore, my beloved; as you have always obeyed, not in my presence only, but much more in my absence, WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING, for it is God who works in you (by learning the word and allowing it to live and breath in your heart/minds) both to will and to do for His good pleasure." -- Phil. 2:12-13

Exactly.....The majority of so called Christians will not take the time to actually read the text found in the inspired word of God, the Holy Scriptures, they are to lazy so they "listen" to others about how they should FEEL as compared to what the actual Last Will and Testament of the Christ demands of us in order for him to stand between God and our sins. But.....just like you, you suddenly attempt to present yourself as some expert witness when it comes to what a Christian should and should not be.

You remind me of the TV evangelical preachers. "God loves you but send your money to "MY" address". The one's that promote the Big send as 10 bucks and God's law that will repay you 10 fold. BS, total BS.

Me? What do I see on TV? Is see false profits with $1000 suits, $100,000 cars....jet planes....declaring that God loves a cheerful giver but they always use their address to collect the offerings, conning the elderly on a fixed income into promising a monthly gift they really can't afford or gullible housewifes that take from their family budgets in order to get their 10 fold reimbursement.

They have a staff of people writing their sermons, all dedicated to fleecing the flock. They have staff to outsource their Christian duties as representatives of their vist the Hospitals...always with a camera ready. They tell jokes instead of teaching scripture...the majority have but a few passages of scriptures memorized that deal with prosperity. While they brag about the size of their church buildings....of course all paid for by little old ladies and gullible people as TAX FREE investments.

Who am I? Just someone that delivers the truth as written in scripture. I present the actual gospel truth, nothing more, nothing less....why? As the apostle stated, "For I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST....FOR IT IS THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALAVATION." -- Romans 1:16. The Christian faith offers nothing special to the people that follow the gospel...we all are guilty of sin, no one person better than the next. The rain falls on the just and the unjust equally. God has no respect of person. The reward comes after this life is over....that is the Sabbath for the Christian.

And.....just like the apostle to the Gentiles also said, "All I know is I am determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and Him sacrificed". -- 1 Cor. 1:13. ;) Me? I could care less about how others might FEEL when I present the simple truth found in scripture....when I can read the truth that does not alter in relation who might be reading it. We are to use this text to TEST THE SPIRITS, its our only armor against evil in high places. Its our sword and shield.
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Road to HELL NOT THERE? Really? This is not truthful in the least. Your view would only work if TRUTH were indeed relative to FEELINGS. Your problem? Truth by its very definition is "EXCLUSIVE". There can be and are many untruths concerning Christianity out there....but only one TRUTH. Just like your opinion that the road to hell is NOT IN THERE...anywhere.

Reality: ENTER BY THE NARROW GATE; THE FOLLOWING OF TRUTH; is then narrow, while all other paths are many and exponential. The truth: "Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction; and there are many that go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few that find it." -- Matthew 7:13-14

Do those that profess to atheism actually worship Satan? Hardly, there might be a few, by definition atheists don't believe that Satan really exists. But....just like the democrats INACTION at the border that caused this latest crisis (standing by refusing to reform the many loopholes in the current system)….being Neutral is just as dangerous as being an active combatant when your inaction gives comfort to the enemy. It does not take active participation to help Satan with his work. It simply takes inaction..... in doing what you know is righteous and honorable.

"Therefore, my beloved; as you have always obeyed, not in my presence only, but much more in my absence, WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING, for it is God who works in you (by learning the word and allowing it to live and breath in your heart/minds) both to will and to do for His good pleasure." -- Phil. 2:12-13

Exactly.....The majority of so called Christians will not take the time to actually read the text found in the inspired word of God, the Holy Scriptures, they are to lazy so they "listen" to others about how they should FEEL as compared to what the actual Last Will and Testament of the Christ demands of us in order for him to stand between God and our sins. But.....just like you, you suddenly attempt to present yourself as some expert witness when it comes to what a Christian should and should not be.

You remind me of the TV evangelical preachers. "God loves you but send your money to "MY" address". The one's that promote the Big send as 10 bucks and God's law that will repay you 10 fold. BS, total BS.

Me? What do I see on TV? Is see false profits with $1000 suits, $100,000 cars....jet planes....declaring that God loves a cheerful giver but they always use their address to collect the offerings, conning the elderly on a fixed income into promising a monthly gift they really can't afford or gullible housewifes that take from their family budgets in order to get their 10 fold reimbursement.

They have a staff of people writing their sermons, all dedicated to fleecing the flock. They have staff to outsource their Christian duties as representatives of their vist the Hospitals...always with a camera ready. They tell jokes instead of teaching scripture...the majority have but a few passages of scriptures memorized that deal with prosperity. While they brag about the size of their church buildings....of course all paid for by little old ladies and gullible people as TAX FREE investments.

Who am I? Just someone that delivers the truth as written in scripture. I present the actual gospel truth, nothing more, nothing less....why? As the apostle stated, "For I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST....FOR IT IS THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALAVATION." -- Romans 1:16. The Christian faith offers nothing special to the people that follow the gospel...we all are guilty of sin, no one person better than the next. The rain falls on the just and the unjust equally. God has no respect of person. The reward comes after this life is over....that is the Sabbath for the Christian.

And.....just like the apostle to the Gentiles also said, "All I know is I am determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and Him sacrificed". -- 1 Cor. 1:13. ;) Me? I could care less about how others might FEEL when I present the simple truth found in scripture....when I can read the truth that does not alter in relation who might be reading it. We are to use this text to TEST THE SPIRITS, its our only armor against evil in high places. Its our sword and shield.

I dunno why you would write all that knowing full well no one is gonna read it :dunno: Of course you could be smarter than seems & just keep posting the same sermon over & over, & only one that know it is you.....:nolovejesus:

Now take another toke & get back in your happy place & listen to this
Christianity bears primary responsibility for historic antisemitism. Few ideas can have been as poisonous as, and inspired more murderousness than, the idea that Jews were the Christ-killers. Of course, only the Romans had the legal authority to crucify someone: it was their signature way of dealing with troublemakers. But this fact became historically inconvenient for a religion that was eventually to place its global headquarters within Rome itself.

Yet, it was the Christians whom the Jews persecuted and requested that the Romans crucify Jesus and his followers.
Yet, it was the Christians whom the Jews persecuted and requested that the Romans crucify Jesus and his followers.
^^Yet another conservative attempting to blame the Jews for the execution of Jesus of Nazareth.

Pontius Pilate was a brutal Roman overlord who would not have hesitated to execute anyone deemed an enemy of the Roman state. Historical accounts independent of the bible attest to his brutality. The fact that Jesus called himself a messiah or king was a direct challenge to Roman authority, and it was all the reason that Pontius Pilate needed to order the execution of Jesus.

You can trace the Gospels in chronological order (Mark, Luke, Matthew, John, and the non-canonical Peter) and see that the early Christian writers were intent on making Pontius Pilate and the Romans more and more innocent, and the Jews more and more guilty over the passage of time.