For WRL and others

No war is not always bad. War for no reason is bad. I have always said that if this war had been against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan I would have been here with WRL and the rest defending the war against the people who destroyed the WTC. I have no problem going after the people that attacked us. But attacking Iraq made no sense and still doesn't no matter how bad a man Saddam was.
No war is not always bad. War for no reason is bad. I have always said that if this war had been against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan I would have been here with WRL and the rest defending the war against the people who destroyed the WTC. I have no problem going after the people that attacked us. But attacking Iraq made no sense and still doesn't no matter how bad a man Saddam was.

I agree. What I don't understand is the need to keep saying this point no one is going to change his mind.
what bothers me is this. Our soldiers are placed in a position where they have to kill people that but for the actions of their commander in chief they would have never had to kill. It is one thing to kill a man in combat because that person truly is the enemy, they have been involved in in an action that was an act of war or aggression against the US and our country is fighting them because they and their country present a clear and present danger to your country and its way of life. Saddam did not present that threat and so men were placed in a situtation where they were forced to cross paths with men they would have not other wised crossed paths and then they were forced to kill them. That wears on a mans mind. Especially when it is not clear that you should ever have to had to killed anyone. and that buddies of yours died and you, for what ever reason got to live.
The 30% that support this war now would support any war.

We have come as far as we can when it comes to gaining support for ending the war, now we must act to end it; and act soon.
Might I propose: War Against People Who Support War. WAPWSW. Kill off that 30 percent and see how much happier the world would be.
It's a good piece, and as the young man states, a vet connects with other vets as they share a common bond, and as a Veteran myself, I doubt I need a lecture on military hardships from you, but thanks. His particular story is sadley typical, you celebrate us when it pleases you, send us through enormous hardships, with politicians like a Hillary Clinton, send men to their deaths with votes for war, and then lack the political conviction to see the fight through to victory, thereby honoring these sacrifices. The best way to honor these sacrifices, is to see this through to victory, to see that no one shed blood in vain, let no sacrifice go in vain. We must gain a ME where a great swath grows up away from the vein of terrorism, be it the Taliban's support of OBL, of Saddam Hussein paying 25,000 to the families of suicide bombers, we have to ensure these men's sacrifice are not in vain, and when the ME has the chance Europe and Asia had after WWII, then you can answer the true question posed.
It's a good piece, and as the young man states, a vet connects with other vets as they share a common bond, and as a Veteran myself, I doubt I need a lecture on military hardships from you, but thanks. His particular story is sadley typical, you celebrate us when it pleases you, send us through enormous hardships, with politicians like a Hillary Clinton, send men to their deaths with votes for war, and then lack the political conviction to see the fight through to victory, thereby honoring these sacrifices. The best way to honor these sacrifices, is to see this through to victory, to see that no one shed blood in vain, let no sacrifice go in vain. We must gain a ME where a great swath grows up away from the vein of terrorism, be it the Taliban's support of OBL, of Saddam Hussein paying 25,000 to the families of suicide bombers, we have to ensure these men's sacrifice are not in vain, and when the ME has the chance Europe and Asia had after WWII, then you can answer the true question posed.
It's a good piece, and as the young man states, a vet connects with other vets as they share a common bond, and as a Veteran myself, I doubt I need a lecture on military hardships from you, but thanks. His particular story is sadley typical, you celebrate us when it pleases you, send us through enormous hardships, with politicians like a Hillary Clinton, send men to their deaths with votes for war, and then lack the political conviction to see the fight through to victory, thereby honoring these sacrifices. The best way to honor these sacrifices, is to see this through to victory, to see that no one shed blood in vain, let no sacrifice go in vain. We must gain a ME where a great swath grows up away from the vein of terrorism, be it the Taliban's support of OBL, of Saddam Hussein paying 25,000 to the families of suicide bombers, we have to ensure these men's sacrifice are not in vain, and when the ME has the chance Europe and Asia had after WWII, then you can answer the true question posed.

How am I responsible for Hillary's vote? I've never gotten an opportunity to vote for her, and if I do, I will not.

Define victory please.

Palestinian suicide bombers, by the way, nobody that posed any threat to us. But you always conveniently leave that out.
Terrorism is not a problem limited to a cave in Pakistan, it's a regional problem, and by toppling the terror supporting Taliban and Saddam, we have given a great swath of the ME a chance to grow up away from the domination of radical Islam, when state sponsors use schools to indoctrinate, use state run media to promote and reinforce the perspective of the terrorists, then they are a target in the war on terror. Not to mention Saddam was a mass murdering, genocidal dictator, who dropped WMD on civilian villages to 'calm' them down. He was in violation of the 91 cease fire, and subject to a resumption of hostilities for 13 years, his time ran it's course, and 13 years of failed diplomacy is a 'chance' Now he has become apart of a new Marshall Plan for the ME.
Terrorism is not a problem limited to a cave in Pakistan, it's a regional problem, and by toppling the terror supporting Taliban and Saddam, we have given a great swath of the ME a chance to grow up away from the domination of radical Islam, when state sponsors use schools to indoctrinate, use state run media to promote and reinforce the perspective of the terrorists, then they are a target in the war on terror. Not to mention Saddam was a mass murdering, genocidal dictator, who dropped WMD on civilian villages to 'calm' them down. He was in violation of the 91 cease fire, and subject to a resumption of hostilities for 13 years, his time ran it's course, and 13 years of failed diplomacy is a 'chance' Now he has become apart of a new Marshall Plan for the ME.

You're so delusional. It's saddening.

Even if Saddam did support terorrism, he never could've been a big supplier. The only thing you've ever provided me with was saying that he gave money to the families of suicide bombers. Basically, you are taking a kind gesture as the worst of all things in the world. The Iraq war has made everyone American twice as vulnerable as they were before. You're marshall plan is never going to work and it's going to be viewed as interference which will hurt he US even more than you already have.
funding terrorism is a 'kind gesture' and you call me delusional? America twice as vunerable, we havn't been hit in the homeland in seven years, under pretty much Republican leadership, thinking back before then, to when the democrats dismissed Bin Laden's declaration of war on America, I can recall the USS Cole, the embassy bombings in Kenya, the Kohbar towers bombings, the first World Trade Center attack, and don't forget our hasty retreat from Somalia, led by Bill Clinton, to which Osama bin Laden cited the withdrawal from Somalia as a victory for Islamist forces "You left the area carrying disappointment, humiliation, defeat and your dead with you"

and used it as an example for militants to follow when he “declared war” against the United States in 1996. Bin Laden said:

"Your [US] most disgraceful case was in Somalia … However, when tens of your solders were killed in minor battles and one American pilot was dragged in the streets of Mogadishu, you fled.
what bothers me is this. Our soldiers are placed in a position where they have to kill people that but for the actions of their commander in chief they would have never had to kill. It is one thing to kill a man in combat because that person truly is the enemy, they have been involved in in an action that was an act of war or aggression against the US and our country is fighting them because they and their country present a clear and present danger to your country and its way of life. Saddam did not present that threat and so men were placed in a situtation where they were forced to cross paths with men they would have not other wised crossed paths and then they were forced to kill them. That wears on a mans mind. Especially when it is not clear that you should ever have to had to killed anyone. and that buddies of yours died and you, for what ever reason got to live.

These lives are considered MORE expendable to the collective, and devaluing their lives so the "collective" is strengthened is considered a mark of enlightenment and leadership potential. It's the "right" attitude.
In the words of USMC Major General Smedley Butler, recipient of two Congressional Medals of Honor - one of only two Marines so honored ..

War is a Racket

Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933 by General Smedley Darlington Butler, USMC. General Butler was the recipient of two Congressional Medals of Honor - one of only two Marines so honored.

"War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses. . . .

There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its "finger men" to point out enemies, its "muscle men" to destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war preparations, and a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism.

It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism."

Take the time, go to the link and get to know General Butler.
So if war is a rackett then speaking German right now would be OK with you? I don't propose that what is taking place in the ME right now is anything to compare to WWI or WWII, but I cannot be a pacifist and disagree with all wars as it seems many are willing to do.