For you idiots, the alleged crimes!

So what you keep trying to tell us is that all the jury has to do is think Trump committed a crime or intended to commit a crime with regards to those book keeping entries. Whether he actually did commit a crime, was convicted of said crime, or anything else tangible, is irrelevant to the case. How utterly Stalinist of you, or are you channeling Orwell's 1984?
You are either intentionally or very stupidly confusing the charged crime with the triggering event.

For the charged crime to be a felony, Trump had to intend to commit or hide an uncharged crime.

Its a little complicated, are you able to grasp the concept?
Burglary requires you take things not leave them. Breaking and entering is the act of getting inside through a barrier.
Burglary requires breaking and entering with an intent to commit a crime, taking things is one of the potential crimes.
Trump paid a porn star. Biden is allowing millions of illegals into our country across an open border costing us hundreds of billions, illegally threw the college loan debt, onto the backs of the working Americans is spending a trillion dollars every 100 days, caused inflation to eat up 20% of our incomes and savings, turned a blind eye to criminals roaming our streets, sent the DOJ at the last minute to cripple his major opponent with lawsuits, refuses to give his other opponent secret service protection, and literally cannot complete a daily task without creating a comical news highlight.

You choose.
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Wow, I really hit a nerve, look at all those I triggered.

(Cue unrelated personal attacks)

No, you didn't hit a nerve. You stun us with your glaring lack of intelligence and dishonesty. In addition, you become triggered when confronted with your glaring ignorance and dishonesty.

Stop projecting and attempt to debate and defend your laughable nonsense instead of flailing and deflecting.
Is that your reaction to finding out there really are crimes charged?

Yet, you have failed to defend this laughably false contention. Bragg hasn't even named the underlying crime that brings a misdemeanor to the level of a felony while prosecuting a former President on specious, inept legal theories.

Your TDS blinds you to any facts, the truth or reality. November is going to be harsh on leftist liars like you.
A triggered person resorts to unrelated mockery.

You know you embarrassed a Trumpper when they refuse to do anything but try to come up with stupid personal attacks.

I dishonest partisan hack resorts to flailing, whining and deflections.
I’m enjoying Trumppers being against law and order. In the past the authoritarians were always on the side of the prosecution!
Prosecutors have suggested three possible crimes since filing the charges against Mr. Trump last year:

Only an uneducated dolt can believe that one can be brought to trial without specificity as to what crime constitutes a felony.

a federal campaign finance violation,

Bragg cannot try Federal election crimes. The FEC clearly stated there is no case and didn't even fine the Trump campaign. Obama and Hillary did get fined, although their malfeasance deserved far more.

tax fraud and a state election-law crime.

I didn't see any evidence of a tax fraud charge. Why do you make stupid things up all the time? Is it because you don't know what you are bloviating about?

But since the start of the trial, they have largely focused on the state election-law crime: conspiracy to promote or prevent election.

Really? What State election law crime was that? It hasn't been brought up in the trial with any supporting evidence.
Only the crime charged must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. This just might be too complex for you.

What part of the 6th amendment do you not comprehend?

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.[1]

You appear to be as ignorant of the Constitution as the partisan hack corrupt judge on this case.
They do not seem to even have an elementary understanding of the criminal justice system.

Projecting now. You continue to avoid honest debate and instead, prefer flailing, projecting and illustrating your complete ignorance regarding our laws and Constitution.
I’m enjoying Trumppers being against law and order. In the past the authoritarians were always on the side of the prosecution!

Another lie filled strawman. I don't think you can post without lying and constructing weak dishonest strawmen.
So you Trumppers can stop asking!

In NY a GJ charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records. All felonies.

Stop pretending that he was not charged with a crime, you are making fools of yourselves.

Falsifying business records in the first degree

§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.
So hes been convicted? Or is this just your usual verbal diarrhea?