forced sterilization, who supported it?

I even saw the issue heavily injected to an issue of house, where a guy with thick blood had a company he was moving to china. of course, house correctly identified the issue of being one of loyalty, but additionally remarked that loyalty is stupid.

The cruelization of society marches on.
Here we go, again, with comprehnsion. You wrote, "They were deemed by some bureaucrat...." My point is no bureaucrat should be telling any women anything as far as abortion is concerned. Now do you understand? It is the woman's body. She and only she decides what to do with her body.
how is that any different than some bureaucrat telling every other individual what to do with their money? like purchase health insurance?
Now, now, Damo, you know there needs to be laws to protect children. There also needs to be laws to protect people from other people. The seat belt law I agree with, it is your decision whether to buckle, the child car seat law, is a good one. It protects children.

If you wish to sell your own organs, fine, it is just hen you go after other people's, that you have to draw the line.

Speeding laws affect other people, the should be enforced.

When our reckless actions affect others, unfortunately, there have to be law to protect us from others.
those laws don't protect other people though. nothing in those laws STOPS anyone from speeding, or not buckling up.
those laws don't protect other people though. nothing in those laws STOPS anyone from speeding, or not buckling up.

This is for all laws damo. The punishment for the crime is considered to be a deterrent to future acts, and an illustration to others of the ramifications of foul deeds. I guess you don't believe in any laws, based on your moronic utterance?
This is for all laws damo. The punishment for the crime is considered to be a deterrent to future acts, and an illustration to others of the ramifications of foul deeds. I guess you don't believe in any laws, based on your moronic utterance?
that wasn't the argument by rana. do you need to go back to STY school?
Do you know how many people are prevented, by force, from committing suicide ?....Thats against your civil rights, isn't it...?
Are you writing to your congressmen and Obama to stop this unconstitutional practice ?

It certainly is against ones civil rights. As for writing political folks I've been rather busy lately.

Have you written? What's your stand on this? Do you believe people have the right to assisted suicide or do you support the government having the power to watch people suffer until they are unable to breathe and slowly suffocate to death as in cases of ALS?
If such is the case then you should be against several other laws:

1. Helmet laws.
2. laws against smoking in bars.
3. Laws requiring an age limit on smoking (those kids can decide what to do with their bodies when it comes to killing their spawn, they should be able to decide to smoke).
4. Laws requiring an age limit on drinking. (pretty much any age limit law should be thrown out if it has to do with their body, all people, including the mentally and emotionally unprepared can decide all things pertaining to their body, even if it involves a second party.)
5. All laws against selling organs.
6. Euthanasia laws.
7. Speeding laws.
8. Seatbelt laws.

What are your views on each of these? If you are for any of them, you are a hypocrite.

My goodness, the concept of thinking things through is alien to some folks. Speeding, helmets, seatbelts, smoking....all have the very real potential to harm but not kill the individual resulting in society being responsible for their care. Of course, if you don't feel society has an obligation to help the ill and injured then I see your point.

As for euthanasia I have no objection to it.

Regarding selling organs that's a complex question. Again, what happens if they fall ill after selling an organ. Let's say their remaining kidney starts to fail. Do we, as society, offer dialysis or simply say, "tough luck"? On the other hand let's say a young couple are expecting their first child and the husband/father dies in a traffic accident. Should he have had the right to stipulate in his will that if he dies his organs are to be sold to help support his family?

Back to you. :)
Im not really sure if they failed. ANyone who doesn't conform to the globalist globalizationism is considered a populist enemy of proper thought who should be starved or bombed out of existence.

No one is going to starve or bomb you, AssHat. You'll come around. :)
My goodness, the concept of thinking things through is alien to some folks. Speeding, helmets, seatbelts, smoking....all have the very real potential to harm but not kill the individual resulting in society being responsible for their care. Of course, if you don't feel society has an obligation to help the ill and injured then I see your point.

As for euthanasia I have no objection to it.

Regarding selling organs that's a complex question. Again, what happens if they fall ill after selling an organ. Let's say their remaining kidney starts to fail. Do we, as society, offer dialysis or simply say, "tough luck"? On the other hand let's say a young couple are expecting their first child and the husband/father dies in a traffic accident. Should he have had the right to stipulate in his will that if he dies his organs are to be sold to help support his family?

Back to you. :)

maybe you could answer why you think people shouldn't be allowed to be responsible for themselves and be accountable for their actions/inactions.
how is that any different than some bureaucrat telling every other individual what to do with their money? like purchase health insurance?

How is it different?????????? Are you saying demanding someone buy health insurance is the same as forcing a woman to bear a child?
maybe you could answer why you think people shouldn't be allowed to be responsible for themselves and be accountable for their actions/inactions.

Because it is unknown where/when calamity will strike. Before ObamaCare a young man in his early 20s might have skipped health insurance in order to pay for his education. Accident strikes and he's crippled. What do we do with him? Who picks up the tab for his care?
Because it is unknown where/when calamity will strike. Before ObamaCare a young man in his early 20s might have skipped health insurance in order to pay for his education. Accident strikes and he's crippled. What do we do with him? Who picks up the tab for his care?
give me a sec. there's a highly technical term for the relationship involved here........

oh, parents. that's it.