Ford boosts production on Clunker demand


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Ford boosts production on Clunker demand
The automaker will make 10,000 more vehicles as the government's 'Cash for Clunkers' program strengthens demand.

DEARBORN, Mich (Reuters) -- Ford Motor Co. said Thursday it is increasing production over the rest of the year to meet increased demand spurred by the U.S. government's "Cash for Clunkers" sales incentive program.

Ford said it now plans to build 495,000 vehicles in the third quarter, up 10,000 from its previous forecast. That would mark an increase over year-earlier levels of 18%.

The No. 2 U.S. automaker also set a fourth-quarter production target of 570,000 vehicles, up 33% from year-earlier levels.

The output gains will translate into immediately higher revenues for Ford (F, Fortune 500), the only U.S. automaker to have avoided a federally sponsored bankruptcy. Major automakers book revenue when vehicles are manufactured and shipped to dealers.

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First Published: August 13, 2009: 10:41 AM ET
Ford boosts production on Clunker demand

The automaker will make 10,000 more vehicles as the government's 'Cash for Clunkers' program strengthens demand.

sounds like liberal lies.

I'm a firm believer that the government should stay out of the markets, and anything they do to strengthen the economy is merely a communist plot against our captains of industry.
Not sure I understand cypress trolling. Artifical demand spurred by government give away is not sustainable. What's your point? That you're an idiot?
Not sure I understand cypress trolling. Artifical demand spurred by government give away is not sustainable. What's your point? That you're an idiot?

Artificial? How the hell is it artificial?

And of course it's not sustainable. It's meant to create sustainability, not be the sustainability in itself.
Most of the new vehicles being sold are pickups and SUVs. LOL

They are, at least, more fuel efficient than their predecessors.

I think the cash for clunkers program was way too generous with mileage. The 3500 subsidy for having a mere 4 MPG increase is insane.

However, it has had positive effects:

After the first week of the program, the Department of Transportation reported that the average fuel efficiency of trade-ins was 15.8 mpg, compared to 25.4 mpg for the new cars purchased to replaced them, translating to a 61 percent fuel efficiency improvement.[10][11]
look....i think the plan is great....i mean bush, obama gave billions to automakers and what do we have to chrysler is owned by a FOREIGN company and no less thanks to us taxpayers....but the libs ignore this....

i like the plan because it serves to get older vehicles off the road if the owner wants. it also serves the idea that newer vehicles get better MPG and under the plan, there is a minimum differential required to qualify.

imagine if the cash for clunkers had been done instead of the stupid, worthless bailouts.....older cars/trucks off the market, and many new cars sold.....of course it is not permanent....neither is the stupid bailout money.....

cash for clunkers is a better program that simply handing out $$, which btw, both obama and bush did.....
What did you buy with your George W. Bush funbux?

who are you talking to?

if me....i have no clue wtf you are talking about is that border around your house, given that you want the border around your nation opened up? have you put water on your front porch and invited illegals in?
look....i think the plan is great....i mean bush, obama gave billions to automakers and what do we have to chrysler is owned by a FOREIGN company and no less thanks to us taxpayers....but the libs ignore this....

i like the plan because it serves to get older vehicles off the road if the owner wants. it also serves the idea that newer vehicles get better MPG and under the plan, there is a minimum differential required to qualify.

imagine if the cash for clunkers had been done instead of the stupid, worthless bailouts.....older cars/trucks off the market, and many new cars sold.....of course it is not permanent....neither is the stupid bailout money.....

cash for clunkers is a better program that simply handing out $$, which btw, both obama and bush did.....

It was really a partnership with Fiat. Chrysler is not owned by them.

And it's cheaper to give carmakers a loan than to give random people cars and which results in the carmakers getting some money. Also, Cash For Clunkers wouldn't have provided nearly enough money nearly fast enough.
Wasn't Chrysler previously owned by Daimler-Benz?

Foreign ownership of supposedly "Ammurican" companies is nothing new. Ask Prescott Bush.
E=911America4EVER;493318]It was really a partnership with Fiat. Chrysler is not owned by them.

you swear by this? are you absolutely sure? do i need to ask you who is the controlling SH? are you still sure?

And it's cheaper to give carmakers a loan than to give random people cars and which results in the carmakers getting some money. Also, Cash For Clunkers wouldn't have provided nearly enough money nearly fast enough.

thats funny!!!! from what i see, the cfc has actually worked in terms of production and getting cars off the lot.....the stupid bailouts......NOTHING

how about instead of 30 billion or so in straight bailouts.....this was applied to cfc.....that i can in cars....have to buy cars here in the states.....production is up (falsely and temporarily, but no worse than government grants as history and time has showed)...

face it....the bailouts failed.....this cash for clunkers is working.....
Yurt u cocksucking tool. I've only seen about 3 this week. All small cars except ford escape in the top ten cars bought. Do you EVER read financial sites. It's obvious southern tool doesn't.