Ford boosts production on Clunker demand

U prove your suv lie tool. I don't like or respect u enough to go get it. There is a rule n min mpg on new car. Dumbest college grad poster=southern tool
U prove your suv lie tool. I don't like or respect u enough to go get it. There is a rule n min mpg on new car. Dumbest college grad poster=southern tool
Yeah the rule is 2 mpg better that the car you got now. So I could trade in a 2002 Expedition for a new one, and have you pay me $3500. LOL Prove otherwise, Topspin.
thats funny!!!! from what i see, the cfc has actually worked in terms of production and getting cars off the lot.....the stupid bailouts......NOTHING

how about instead of 30 billion or so in straight bailouts.....this was applied to cfc.....that i can in cars....have to buy cars here in the states.....production is up (falsely and temporarily, but no worse than government grants as history and time has showed)...

face it....the bailouts failed.....this cash for clunkers is working.....

Yeah. The bailouts gave them 18 billion dollars instantly in loans. Cash for clunkers is, at most, going to result in a profit of a few billion over a long period of time. If they wouldn't have gotten the bailouts, they wouldn't be here right now.
U act like a droppout yet claim a degree that's what. You make unfounded claims all the time. I'm positive your wrong on this. I've read two top ten clunker lists.
Cnnmoney u fucking retard your slut wife prob even knows that.

Oh lookie, from your source:
The government's results showed small cars as the top choice for shoppers looking for Cash for Clunker deals. But an independent analysis by disputed those results, and showed that two full-size trucks and a small crossover SUV were actually among the top-ten buys.

Escape is a car based suv that gets 26 mpg with a v6. Even if edmunds is right 7 of ten are small.

So a vehicle with a road clearance of 8.4 inches, a width of 81.3 inches, a length of 174.7 inches, and a height of 67.9 inches, is based on a car??

And it's got a 4 cylinder in it.
face it....the bailouts failed.....this cash for clunkers is working.....

As I have said all along give the money to the bottom tiers. They will spend it all creating jobs and it will trickle up to the top pretty fast.
face it....the bailouts failed.....this cash for clunkers is working.....

As I have said all along give the money to the bottom tiers. They will spend it all creating jobs and it will trickle up to the top pretty fast.

I love trickle up!
Not sure I understand cypress trolling. Artifical demand spurred by government give away is not sustainable. What's your point? That you're an idiot?[/QUOTE

Maybe you should take the time to look up the word 'stimulous' rather than expose your level of intelligence.
Not sure I understand cypress trolling. Artifical demand spurred by government give away is not sustainable. What's your point? That you're an idiot?[/QUOTE

Maybe you should take the time to look up the word 'stimulous' rather than expose your level of intelligence.

Maybe you can explain how you managed to totally screw up a quote, when all you have to do is hit the button and the program does it for you.
Not sure I understand cypress trolling. Artifical demand spurred by government give away is not sustainable.

What's your point? That you're an idiot?

I didn’t vote for George Dumbya Bush twice, I wasn’t fooled into cheerleading a war for phantom WMD, and I didn’t cheer on the Bush policy of tax cuts for the rich and deregulation for big business.

That would make you an utter f*cking idiot. An undereducated, lower income working dude who takes it willingly up the @ss from conservative politicians who’s only interest is catering to their corporate and wealthy base.

Only a high school, rush limpballs-listening drop out idiot like you could have been dim witted enough to be a two time Bush supporter – one who inexplicably still thinks Cons are looking out for the interest of the working guy, like you.

Topspin is right. Everything you spent 8 years cheerleading was wrong. Keynesian stimulus economics is the only thing that appears to have prevented your Bush economy from developing into a full blown economic depression. Even your hero Bush had to become a Keynsisan. Any comment from the under educated, racist tinfoil on that?

"FUCK YOU NIGGERS!" -- Tinfoil explaining why Cons are unfairly tarnished as racists.
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