Forewarned Is Forearmed

Personal attacks, AssHat?! Perish the thought! These are terms of endearment tied to your nom de guerre.

I would say, though, that if I am a salesman for the NWO, I've yet to receive my commission check. If someone would please contact payroll and get that issued forthwith, it would be greatly appreciated.

As for being transparent, clearly I need to change my cloak and cowl. Now where ever did I put that spare? Perhaps I left it in my Chamber of Reflection....

Do you have anything meaningful to add on any national issues?
I was in a store in Kansas, I think it may have been Wal-Mart, and was standing in line behind somebody who was paying with a check. After patiently waiting for them to write it AFTER all the groceries were all rung up (rather than filling it all out except the amounts while they are ringing it up to save time) they then had to dig out some Identification.

I watched as the clerk looked at the ID, looked back at the gentleman who had just oh so carefully written a powerfully cashable check, look back down at the ID, then exclaim, "West Viginia?!! If you are going to give me a FAKE ID you should at least make it from a REAL STATE!!!"

I stepped forward in the gentleman's defense and told the cashier that West Virginia was indeed a state, placed just West of Virginia on the map, she looked at me disgustedly and said, "So you are in on it too!" then called her manager....

She clearly believed we were a team of Con Artists out to pass fake checks for the HUGE amount of $43 (and some change) using false Identification from imaginary places...
Keep in mind this is the same state that wanted to eliminate the teaching of biological evolution from the State science curriculum. Does it surprise you that their just as bad at geography as science in Kansas? LOL
".....and what we would be willing to sacrifice and do with out! That's the 800 lb gorrilla in the room no one wants to talk about."

Precisely! Who among us is willing to be the first to sacrifice their political sacred cow on the alter of fiscal responsibility?!

Good show, Mott!
I'd be willing to give up my bicycle lanes! :rolleyes:
The real 800 pound gorilla is how do we have an economic recovery without a recovery for the working class? and how does stimulus even assist the american working class when corporations still have sending jobs overseas as their highest priority?

The quesion is not "what must we be forced to do without?". It's "why are our government and corporate elites destroying america?"
That's an excellent question Asshat. The answer is "Become a Republican!" LOL

But seriously, you are right, the concept of a jobless recover is a joke. The only ones who will have recovered are the Kings of Wall Street and to put it simply, thats all they give a fuck about. Recovering the money they pissed away into a black hole.
Bloody Hell!!

Alright, Mott. You step over beside the Kid and wait your turn.

And don't even get me started about Ohio drivers!
Can't say anything there. I dropped a transmision near Bexley and the locals bent over backwards to help me. Had I crossed the river back to Ohio the only one who would have stopped would have been the Kentucky Foreskins and then only to tell me I had 24 hours to get my car off the road or they'd have it towed.

Don't know what a Kentucky Foreskin is?

Well in Ohio when a male child is born he is circumcised. The nurses collect the foreskins and ship them to Kentucky. In Kentucky they plant the foreskins and wait till spring when they become little pricks. Then they water and fertilize the little pricks until they become great big pricks. Then they ship them to the Ohio Highway Patrol.
Q: Why do the girls from West Virginia drop out of school in the Eighth Grade?

A: So they can go teach High School in Arkansas...
Yes, we're always thankful for Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama. As in, "Man, things are bad here, but at least we ain't......." Or, "Thank God for......"
When I was working in Arkansas we had a pipe spring a leak at our plant. Myself, two engineers, a millwright and our plant manager (all from Ohio) were standing around the broken pipe having an animated discussion about how to stop the leak. Our production supervisor (a local from Arkansas) walked over and turned the valve off. He then gave us a baffled look and said "How the hell did we lose that war?"
When I was working in Arkansas we had a pipe spring a leak at our plant. Myself, two engineers, a millwright and our plant manager (all from Ohio) were standing around the broken pipe having an animated discussion about how to stop the leak. Our production supervisor (a local from Arkansas) walked over and turned the valve off. He then gave us a baffled look and said "How the hell did we lose that war?"

Oh my God! That is SO funny! :lolup:

Back in my younger days, I once dated a flight attendant from Atlanta. Her family traced their roots back to before the "War of Northern Aggression". We met them for a weekend at Myrtle Beach and in the midst of a late night drinking session, her father started spouting off about how the South would rise again. In the midst of riding a good buzz, I instinctively replied, "Why, so we can kick your ass and burn down your town again?"

Needless to say, I wasn't invited down for the holidays.

Damned smart ass Yankees.....
Oh my God! That is SO funny! :lolup:

Back in my younger days, I once dated a flight attendant from Atlanta. Her family traced their roots back to before the "War of Northern Aggression". We met them for a weekend at Myrtle Beach and in the midst of a late night drinking session, her father started spouting off about how the South would rise again. In the midst of riding a good buzz, I instinctively replied, "Why, so we can kick your ass and burn down your town again?"

Needless to say, I wasn't invited down for the holidays.

Damned smart ass Yankees.....
I was working a job at a Superfund site on Robins AFB in Warner-Robins, GA. One Friday night after work I was enjoying some beer at a local honkey tonk when a good ole boy hollered "The South's Gonna Do It Again." I yelled back in my northern accent "I certainly hope so!"....that didn't go over to well either.

To give southerners their due though. When I was working in Cola, SC I once asked a local engineer I was working with "Why ya'll still fighting the civil war down here?" to which he replied "Cause ya'lls still here.".....That was a damned good answer!!
I was working a job at a Superfund site on Robins AFB in Warner-Robins, GA. One Friday night after work I was enjoying some beer at a local honkey tonk when a good ole boy hollered "The South's Gonna Do It Again." I yelled back in my northern accent "I certainly hope so!"....that didn't go over to well either.

To give southerners their due though. When I was working in Cola, SC I once asked a local engineer I was working with "Why ya'll still fighting the civil war down here?" to which he replied "Cause ya'lls still here.".....That was a damned good answer!!

Why do I hear Larry The Cable Guy/Mater from "Cars" voice when I read that line?

"Cause ya'lls still here....."

Redneck zen......