"Forgive me, for I have sinned"

Consertavitism is simply trying to follow tradition---

Not quite.

A hundred-plus years ago when the government actually WAS small and limited and sovereign citizens held great personal responsibility and freedom, the small-government advocates were labelled "conservative", because they seemed to be fighting to defeat changes from this agenda. But in fact, they weren't fighting to stop change - they were pushing for small government and personal responsibility, just as they are today.

Ironically, so-called "liberals" got their label not too long after that, when they started pushing for relaxation of a few of the strict standards government was held to by the Constitution. It didn't take long before they were pushing for much greater change. They pretended they were fighting for the "liberty" to choose one's own course, when in fact their agenda is what led to disobedience of the Constitution and increasing socialism, in which true liberty (freedom from unwanted coercion) is greatly reduced.

Now, the terms "liberal" and "conservative" have each been turned around 180 degrees. Conservatives, pushing for small govt as they always have, are the ones trying to change what govt is today, while "liberals" are in fact fighting to reduce liberty and impose their socialistic ideas, which carry the baggage of HEAVY government coercion. In a word, conservatives are trying to change things while today's liberals are fighting against liberty.

Both titles were mild misnomers when they were first assigned. Now they are much farther off the mark.

I agree---conservatism is not what it use to be
Actually, it's exactly what it used to be: A desire for small, limited government that lets people succeed or fail by their own lights, and learn from their own mistakes to try again.

People calling themselves conservative, though, are not what they used to be. They used to be actually conservative. Now many of them are an odd mix, like GWB with his expanding government, McCain with his unconstitutional censorship of political speech and opposition to tax cuts, and Huckabee with his ambivalence about "reasonable restrictions" on the people's right to keep and bear arms.

But conservatism itself hasn't changed, no matter how many leftist propagandists try to tell you it has.
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I like my Glocks. No fumbling with safeties, they work every time, and are awesomely accurate for the price. Most bang for the buck IMO.
Not quite.

A hundred-plus years ago when the government actually WAS small and limited and sovereign citizens held great personal responsibility and freedom, the small-government advocates were labelled "conservative", because they seemed to be fighting to defeat changes from this agenda. But in fact, they weren't fighting to stop change - they were pushing for small government and personal responsibility, just as they are today.

Ironically, so-called "liberals" got their label not too long after that, when they started pushing for relaxation of a few of the strict standards government was held to by the Constitution. It didn't take long before they were pushing for much greater change. They pretended they were fighting for the "liberty" to choose one's own course, when in fact their agenda is what led to disobedience of the Constitution and increasing socialism, in which true liberty (freedom from unwanted coercion) is greatly reduced.

Now, the terms "liberal" and "conservative" have each been turned around 180 degrees. Conservatives, pushing for small govt as they always have, are the ones trying to change what govt is today, while "liberals" are in fact fighting to reduce liberty and impose their socialistic ideas, which carry the baggage of HEAVY government coercion. In a word, conservatives are trying to change things while today's liberals are fighting against liberty.

Both titles were mild misnomers when they were first assigned. Now they are much farther off the mark.

Actually, it's exactly what it used to be: A desire for small, limited government that lets people succeed or fail by their own lights, and learn from their own mistakes to try again.

People calling themselves conservative, though, are not what they used to be. They used to be actually conservative. Now many of them are an odd mix, like GWB with his expanding government, McCain with his unconstitutional censorship of political speech and opposition to tax cuts, and Huckabee with his ambivalence about "reasonable restrictions" on the people's right to keep and bear arms.

But conservatism itself hasn't changed, no matter how many leftist propagandists try to tell you it has.

conservatives pushing for less govt ? Not in the last 8 years.
But then we do not have a conservative administration or congress, just republicans.
conservatives pushing for less govt ? Not in the last 8 years.
People calling themselves conservative, though, are not what they used to be. They used to be actually conservative. Now many of them are an odd mix, like GWB with his expanding government, ......

But then we do not have a conservative administration or congress, just republicans.
You have correctly pointed out the distinction.