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They are telling us that Bill Clinton is going to speak. What the eff is up with calling it an alert and putting it in a red background. Is that so all their viewers can turn the channel to reruns of Hee Haw?
Interesting. I just heard on NPR they were saying it was weird that the DNC hadn't scheduled bill for prime time, and they speculated that he may force himself into the prime time slot.

Looks like he just did.
Bill is doing a very good job. And it seems like he specifically got his talking points from the list of what was "missing" from Hillary's speech.

He is ready, etc...
Bill is doing a very good job. And it seems like he specifically got his talking points from the list of what was "missing" from Hillary's speech.

He is ready, etc...

I agree. I like how he said "Last night Hillary told us in no uncertain terms...".

Clears up any lingering doubt from people like you who apparently see eye rolling everywhere.
I'd say he did a good job building a framework for arguments, probably the best case for Obama from this convention to date.
Watch C-SPAN. The network and cable news commentators and horrendous.

I also don't understand why they all go to the conventions just to speak over the convention speakers. Couldn't they do that from the studio? And shouldn't they be listening to the speeches so that they can cover the convention, not just a handful of speakers?
They are telling us that Bill Clinton is going to speak. What the eff is up with calling it an alert and putting it in a red background. Is that so all their viewers can turn the channel to reruns of Hee Haw?

I've noticed the red 'alert' on the bottom of the screen and wondered why the Dem. convention is an alert situation. I cant stand the continuous scroll along the bottom so I dont watch for long.
When I have watched Faux I notice their only job is to point out any negative, either real or imaginary. And to hammer it over and over. We'll see if this mentality continues next week.

Faux news is such a joke.
I doubt that. But you are the one watching so why don't you tell us about it.
Yeah I don't know what in the hell made me think that the right in this country are STILL obsessed with Clinton's blowjob. SIlly of me to think that. That didn't happen. I'm making shit up.
Damo in Dixie's post about hillary saying or referring to herself 42 times he says this:

Dixie said at 8:10 pm my time just to prove my point to Damo:

I don't need to 'learn' anything from Bill... except maybe how to get blowjobs from chicks half my age. I can certainly imagine the egotistical Bill Clinton will not talk about Obama any more than his wife did.

So far, we have heard absolutely nothing about what Obama plans to do as president. Not a damn thing! Nothing on policy, nothing on solutions to the problems, not even an explanation of this 'hope and change' slogan that was adopted... Nadda! Seems to me, the Democrats are squandering a golden opportunity with the voters of America, for the sake of a few egotistical has-been's to have a moment in the sun.

Dixie thank you ever so much for proving my point for me.
Yeah I don't know what in the hell made me think that the right in this country are STILL obsessed with Clinton's blowjob. SIlly of me to think that. That didn't happen. I'm making shit up.
So, tell me who talked about it and what they said, oh sage....

You were the one watching Fox, report, we'll decide.