Fox blows

Duh! It's the Italiano race. There is your white race, sometimes called cau-casionacs. And then there is your black race . And then there is your yellow race, called, yellows. The Jewish race, that is the Hebrewiacs... And the Italiano race. You sure are stupid.

race baiting coward. If I started calling 'Mexican's' dirty names you'll be on here blasting me as a racist, but if my ethic group gets insulted it's no real big deal. Every tenant of liberalism is false.
as soon as the issues come up...

I for one hope McCain's national gas Tax Moratorium get's to us quicker than he can get into office.
20 gallons of gas and a whopping savings of 3.60. McCain is like my grandpa giving me 5 bucks when I see him.
20 gallons of gas and a whopping savings of 3.60. McCain is like my grandpa giving me 5 bucks when I see him.

You can buy a whole lot of Werther's Originals with a couple of bucks, that is if the oil companies don't keep the prices up and take a most of the savings back, which is likely.
18.4 cents per gallon would be a nice break, I'm sorry.

You stupid asshole, it's going up that much a week these days.

Today, a US ship fired on an Iranian ship.

Go fill up over the weekend and tell me about your 18 cents, you stupid slut.
plain and simple. Clinton's are Freemasons. obama's are not. of course they want clinton. HAHA jk
Oil near $119 after report of Iranian boat firing
Report: Ship under contract to U.S. Defense Dept. shot at Iranian boats
The Associated Press
updated 3:41 p.m. ET, Fri., April. 25, 2008
NEW YORK - Oil prices rose sharply Friday on news that a ship under contract to the U.S. Defense Department fired warning shots at two boats in the Persian Gulf. Retail gas prices as expected rose further into record territory, nearing $3.60 a gallon.
Crude prices rose on initial reports that a U.S. ship had fired on two Iranian boats; the news raised concerns that a conflict between U.S. and Iranian forces could cut oil supplies from the region. A Navy spokeswoman said the origin of the boats was unclear.
The news was enough to send light, sweet crude for June delivery up to $119.55 before the contract retreated to settle up $2.46 at $118.52 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exc
18.4 cents per gallon would be a nice break, I'm sorry.
It wouldn't put gas under 3 bucks a gallon. By Memorial day my bet is average price is 3.60 to 3.80 per gallon. A gallon of milk costs the same now. Produce is up 25%. As for what Obama is going to do about it? What can he do about it. You can't freeze prices. This is what economies do. But to pretend that less than 4 dollars savings on 20 gallons of gas is going to have ANY effect on peoples costs is living in fairyland. But I get it WRL, if the economy goes sour on the Bush watch, McCain, being a republican will unfairly be hurt by it. So lets all pretend that Johnny Mac feels my pain at the pump and is going to allieviate it to the tune of 18.4 cents a gallon. I feel better already.
I would agree something needs to be done about speculators driving up the price of goods over bull, they gave us every news story in the cycle to justify raising prices this high, and all those issues have come and gone, and no dip in gas prices, it's seems like one big scam to line pockets. Between them and OPEC, we're between a rock and a hard place.

And one thing that could really help, liberals won't allow, we are the Saudi Arabia of coal, we have the worlds largest coal reserves, and with this new clean coal technology we could move a lot of our domestic use of oil, and gas, I'm talking in the arena of power planets and such, towards a natural resource we will always have cheap access to. Now I know this isn't going to solve the 'gas crisis' we drive with, but it will drive down how much we have to import foreign oil. We could expand domestic production of oil, unless people still believe a few trees in some arctic part of Alaska they'll never visit is worth bending over for the Saudi's who see no reason to increase production.

Ethanol is a waste of time too, there isn't enough corn to fuel this country let alone the globe, and it would spark a food supply crisis.

I would agree something needs to be done about speculators driving up the price of goods over bull, they gave us every news story in the cycle to justify raising prices this high, and all those issues have come and gone, and no dip in gas prices, it's seems like one big scam to line pockets. Between them and OPEC, we're between a rock and a hard place.

And one thing that could really help, liberals won't allow, we are the Saudi Arabia of coal, we have the worlds largest coal reserves, and with this new clean coal technology we could move a lot of our domestic use of oil, and gas, I'm talking in the arena of power planets and such, towards a natural resource we will always have cheap access to. Now I know this isn't going to solve the 'gas crisis' we drive with, but it will drive down how much we have to import foreign oil. We could expand domestic production of oil, unless people still believe a few trees in some arctic part of Alaska they'll never visit is worth bending over for the Saudi's who see no reason to increase production.

Ethanol is a waste of time too, there isn't enough corn to fuel this country let alone the globe, and it would spark a food supply crisis.

Everything you said here I agree with. Coal is a short term fix that we need to look at. It is not a long term fix, but it will get some of the oil monkey off our back. And until they find a cheaper more efficient way to make ethanol it is a non starter as well.
Everything you said here I agree with. Coal is a short term fix that we need to look at. It is not a long term fix, but it will get some of the oil monkey off our back. And until they find a cheaper more efficient way to make ethanol it is a non starter as well.

I sit back in awe at some of the dumb things our government does. I'm glade we can agree on this important issue, try and convince others on your side the fence and maybe we can actually do something about our dependence on foreign oil... It's become one big money trap, we spend billions on it, and billions fighting the terrorists it finances.