Fox Fires Montel Williams after he talked of troop deaths

LOL.. I would point you to her myspace account but at work I have Websense. I am in a few of the pictures on her myspace, with my fiancee.

One of these days I may take a look to see what all that myspace hoopla is all about. :)

Never been on it or the facebook site. I guess I am becoming an old timer. :fogey:
You know what I admire about Montell though... his calmness. Even when you would expect the guy to be pissed off at the world, he's got a smile on his face and ready to face the day. He and his ex-wife get along great even though they seperated. Rochelle was married to him before he got his show, then they got a divorce when he started making it. He's a class act, and one of the few celebrities who gives a shit about the world.
Bottom line.... if you really do have connections.... pass along an attaboy :hand:

It is refreshing to hear, whether he knew he was gone or not.... still friggin cool.
I didn't know he was on fox, but a guy who supports medicale marijuana strongly doesn't need to be on the republican party network. He's land another gig with a larger audience.
And the broader message missed is this. Fox news is so up the ass of Bush and so pro war yet they try so hard to keep the death of war out of the news by giving us the bread and circuses of Heath Ledger and the Endorse-anator and the bogus false outrage nightly of Insanity and Combs and The O'Lielly Factor. The deaths of men and women in Iraq have been relegated in all the media outlets to the bottom of the screen ticker and a three minute in memorium on This Week. We should have been made aware of EVERY SINGLE man and woman that has given their lives in Iraq.
Interesting that I got reamed bad for suggesting that FOX was right wing a few years ago.
Fairly Unbalanced govt press releases are their forte.
Fox narrowcasts to an insane 30%. There are three all news networks that carry mainstreen news, they compete for the entire audience. Fox on the other hand takes itself out of that "boradcast" market and goes for just the conservative viewers, that way instead if being one of four competing for 100%, likely to get only 25%, they are the only game in town for the 30% who only want to hear one side.
He is going to be Obamas VP ?

LOL, that would be interesting... but no :)

Let's put it this way, his MS is starting to get worse. He doesn't want to be bogged down by a TV-program, and would rather move on to something less restricting to his time.