Fox News: perfecting the art of false outrage

The latest Newsweek shows a magnified, purposely un-retouched photo of Sarah Palin that highlights every imperfection on her beautiful face.

HAHA! You know a society is fucked up when people get critiscized for not re-touching photos. That photo was probably touched up, there just wasn't enough they could do to fix the ugly bitches face.
The latest Newsweek shows a magnified, purposely un-retouched photo of Sarah Palin that highlights every imperfection on her beautiful face.

HAHA! You know a society is fucked up when people get critiscized for not re-touching photos. That photo was probably touched up, there just wasn't enough they could do to fix the ugly bitches face.

I saw that too. Here's news for you Fox News, real journalists don't "touch up" photos. It's called ethics.
It's NEWSWEEK, not MAXIM. Seriously, if the crybabies on the right are going to whine every time she takes a photo that's not flattering to her only positive addition to the ticket they don't deserve to rule the nation.
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Look at that mole on Obama's face! WAHHHHHHHH! I want my mommy!
Gawd I hate Sean Hannity. I don't hate a lot but I do hate this guy. I especially hate the rude way he talks over anyone who is about to make a point that doesn't fall in line with Republican neo con propaganda. Gotta give it to him though, for a paid propagandist he does a good job. It also amazes me that people can't see thru his phony, pro wrestling like outrage.

I consider him a traitor.
It's NEWSWEEK, not MAXIM. Seriously, if the crybabies on the right are going to whine every time she takes a photo that's not flattering to her only personal asset they don't deserve to rule the nation.

I love to hear them whine and I want to see them fall on the floor kicking and pounding their fists after this election. Then I want to see a lot of them go to jail for the crimes they've committed.
After the Gwen Ifill hysteria, they just had to one-up themselves:

What is wrong w/ the Newsweek picture? Can anyone explain this to me?

I can't stop laughing:

"The left’s blatant bias has crept from within its pages onto the cover shot. The latest Newsweek shows a magnified, purposely un-retouched photo of Sarah Palin that highlights every imperfection on her beautiful face. Women will understand this. We’re talking unwanted facial hair, wrinkles and un-extracted pores. Heck, we all have them. We just don’t expect them to be showcased on the cover of a national magazine, especially when we are running for the position of second in command of the United States. — Calling it unflattering is an understatement. Trust me."

So she is bitching because the big "feminist" appears in a photo that is "un-retouched"??? That's hysterical, but it's nice to see them come clean on that Vanity Fair shoot.

Actually, I don't think the pic is without a little air-brushing, and I see zero sign of facial hair, (Pores??) and the only wrinkles are a few crows feet as she is smiling, which at 35 would be natural, and is inevitable at 45, Palin's age.

What retards.
"The only mustache that deserves to be on a magazine cover is Geraldo’s."

What is she talking about? Are these people crazy? Or am I going blind, does anyone see a mustache on Palin here? What did she do put this under a magnifying glass? man these people are freaking loons. This just goes to show how obsessed the right wing are with women's looks and most especially, with women's aging. She's got no wrinkles, she's got a few crow's feet, when she is smiling , and the one thing that is prominent here are the so-called parenthesis from the nose to the mouth - that might be what she is freaking out about, because according to the new tv commericials, it is simply not done for a woman to have those, and now they have injections which you can go get shot into your face, to get rid of them so you look like plastic surgery barbie.

and maybe this will cause Palin to run in and have herself shot up. cause that's what a feminist would do. and i know that sister sarah, is a big feminist these days!

What a bunch of shallow losers.
"What is she talking about? Are these people crazy? Or am I going blind, does anyone see a mustache on Palin here? What did she do put this under a magnifying glass? man these people are freaking loons"

She prefaced the whole thing with "women will understand this"; I was hoping you or LadyT would take a look at this to let me know that I'm not insane. I thought it was a really good picture.

The thing is, this was featured on the front page of their website for the past 2 days. The whole article is as partisan as it gets; the link for it was right below another crazed article from Michelle Malkin, who is regularly featured on their front page now.

This is how they work the media. or could absolutely not get away with this; it would be like giving Code Pink their own weekly feature on their website. Yet Fox is allowed to run this kind of lunatic ranting on a regular basis.
"What is she talking about? Are these people crazy? Or am I going blind, does anyone see a mustache on Palin here? What did she do put this under a magnifying glass? man these people are freaking loons"

She prefaced the whole thing with "women will understand this"; I was hoping you or LadyT would take a look at this to let me know that I'm not insane. I thought it was a really good picture.

The thing is, this was featured on the front page of their website for the past 2 days. The whole article is as partisan as it gets; the link for it was right below another crazed article from Michelle Malkin, who is regularly featured on their front page now.

This is how they work the media. or could absolutely not get away with this; it would be like giving Code Pink their own weekly feature on their website. Yet Fox is allowed to run this kind of lunatic ranting on a regular basis.

No I don't understand it. I think it's a nice picture too. I think that the only kind of people who wouldn't think it's a nice picture are people who believe a woman should always look 19, through various plastic surgery procedures. I don't even see anything that I would term "wrinkles". I see no hair, no prominent pores. I saw this picture when it was first online, and the only thing I noticed about it, is that I think she wears colored contact lenses. So many people are wearing them now, and they start to all look the same to me, and that's what those look like. But that's just an opinion.

It's a good picture. They're crazy.

(are you saying that codepink are raving lunatics?)
Ok, so its not me. I thought the pic looked pretty good. I don't like her, but I can say that she is a good looking woman.

Politics aside, I'd do her.
"(are you saying that codepink are raving lunatics?)"

Sorry...knew you'd catch that! I like Code Pink, but they are certainly seen as being extremely left-wing by the right, just as I see this writer & Malkin as extremely right-wing. It's a perception thing, and I was just imagining who CNN could feature that would get the same kind of reaction from the other side (except that they are much more vocal & effective about working it, i.e. Gwen Ifill)
"(are you saying that codepink are raving lunatics?)"

Sorry...knew you'd catch that! I like Code Pink, but they are certainly seen as being extremely left-wing by the right, just as I see this writer & Malkin as extremely right-wing. It's a perception thing, and I was just imagining who CNN could feature that would get the same kind of reaction from the other side (except that they are much more vocal & effective about working it, i.e. Gwen Ifill)

LOL It's ok, some of them are lunatics! I just happened to really luck out in my chapter and meet a couple of women who will always be my great friends, and that has been the best thing to come out of the political horror of the past 8 years for me.

But we try and get away from some of them sometimes ourselves. Some of them though, are really brave, smart activists. It's a mix. And your point about what the right would do in that situation is well taken.
The picture looked fine to me. The Fox Blogger ljmartin, whomever that may, and Andrea Tantaros are loony worshipers ready to scoop up the bathwater...
Ok, so its not me. I thought the pic looked pretty good. I don't like her, but I can say that she is a good looking woman.

Politics aside, I'd do her.

I thought she was pretty smokin', until she spoke at the convention. Nowadays, she has the same sexual effect on me as the average man.