Fox's website


New member
Does anyone check this website? I've said it before, but man, are they in full-blown campaign mode. In the past few days, they have had as their "feature story" (the one w/ the big headline & pic):

- Obama's snippet of praise for a book Ayers wrote on education
- A byte from a 2001 Obama speech talking about having a "redistributive" policy
- Obama writing about wanting to hang around with more politically active students & professors when in college, including Marxists

In the meantime, of course, nothing on McCain, at least nothing negative.

When it comes to elections, they are an arm of the GOP; and I don't care what you say...they are much moreso than MSNBC or CNN are for the left...
Does anyone check this website? I've said it before, but man, are they in full-blown campaign mode. In the past few days, they have had as their "feature story" (the one w/ the big headline & pic):

- Obama's snippet of praise for a book Ayers wrote on education
- A byte from a 2001 Obama speech talking about having a "redistributive" policy
- Obama writing about wanting to hang around with more politically active students & professors when in college, including Marxists
In the meantime, of course, nothing on McCain, at least nothing negative.

When it comes to elections, they are an arm of the GOP; and I don't care what you say...they are much moreso than MSNBC or CNN are for the left...

This part cracks me up. Who didn’t want to sleep with Marxists when they were in college? Isn’t that why people go to college?
What..... he's an Arab? :cof1: Or should I say an Arab Marxist?

No, you left out too much.

He is an arab, muslim, marxist, terrorist, with a fraudulent birth certificate and disreputable people on his christmas card list.
This part cracks me up. Who didn’t want to sleep with Marxists when they were in college? Isn’t that why people go to college?

Marxist chicks were fun. The hairy legs didn't bother me, but the bushy armpits did.
This part cracks me up. Who didn’t want to sleep with Marxists when they were in college? Isn’t that why people go to college?

I was a full blown Marxist in college. I wore a Trotsky pin.

Now, I consider myself a fiscal conservative. Go figure.
Marxist chicks were fun. The hairy legs didn't bother me, but the bushy armpits did.
See, I am the exact opposite. I don't mind hair under the arms but furry legs on a woman creap me the fuck out. Oops I said fuck again. Oops there it is again.
See, I am the exact opposite. I don't mind hair under the arms but furry legs on a woman creap me the fuck out. Oops I said fuck again. Oops there it is again.

both are gross i want my girlfriend (future girlfriend :( ) to be hair free, k thx
Okay, so since I've posted this, they had ANOTHER lead story about Obama's "Marxist friends" (with the caveat - on the FRONT PAGE - that "he says he's not a socialist, but look who his friends are"), a big story on another Biden gaffe, "Allies of Palestinians See a Friend in Barack Obama", and a story about Joe the P. warning that Obama will mean the "death of Israel." Now, today, their "big" headline talks about Obama flooding the airwaves, with the sub-head as follows:

"Democrat, flush with cash as a result of his breaking a vow to accept public campaign financing"

In the meantime, the only big story on McCain? "McCain Shows Gritty Determination in Final Week"

I'll tell ya what; that's the network I'm watching Tuesday, to see grown men try to keep from crying...
Okay, well I went there to see what I could see, you finally peaked my curiosity.

I see a story, in that area that they normally have for their big editorial (middle of top of page, the one you keep insisting is for their 'top story') entitled "Tightening Race?".

While I am sure you will maintain this is somehow evil of them to suggest in an editorial, it just doesn't seem to be the same type of thing you suggest earlier in the thread. Maybe they read your post and decided to be more 'fair'...

They do have a story on there on how evil Obama is because he is going to run ads.
Okay, well I went there to see what I could see, you finally peaked my curiosity.

I see a story, in that area that they normally have for their big editorial (middle of top of page, the one you keep insisting is for their 'top story') entitled "Tightening Race?".

While I am sure you will maintain this is somehow evil of them to suggest in an editorial, it just doesn't seem to be the same type of thing you suggest earlier in the thread. Maybe they read your post and decided to be more 'fair'...

I listed all of the stories I have seen in the past 24 hours, including the sub-head of the big story today highlighting that Obama "broke his vow," as well as the stories that have been written about McCain on the front page.

They are in campaign mode. Deal with it.
I listed all of the stories I have seen in the past 24 hours, including the sub-head of the big story today highlighting that Obama "broke his vow," as well as the stories that have been written about McCain on the front page.

They are in campaign mode. Deal with it.
I couldn't care less. I only went there out of curiosity because of the thread. I firmly believe that most of Fox's viewers and visitors to their website are Democrats hoping to "catch them" being evil.