FOXSPEWS Labeled Foley A Democrat During O'Reilly's Show Last Night


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O'Reilly Factor" Labels Mark Foley As Democrat

TVNewser | Brad Blog | Posted Wednesday October 4, 2006 at 09:19 AM

It's just a misplaced letter, but what a misplaced letter: Swapping a "D" for an "R" last night, Fox News and "The O'Reilly Factor" labeled disgraced pedophile Congressman Mark Foley, longtime Republican, as a Democrat. Courtesy of TVNewser, here's a clip; apparently it happened a number of times over the course of the broadcast, though they deleted the reference for the rerun (which, let's face it, still gets plenty of viewers). As O'Reilly railed against Foley and his actions — entirely appropriately, and as he has done previously — the visual message to his viewers was that the perpetrator of these heinous crimes against children was a Democrat. This comes at a time when Republicans are desperately fighting the perception that they permissively allowed Foley to go about his business (and his "business") on the hill, and that they are no longer the party of upright moral values.

Picture Here
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At least that was obvious. A lot of the media shows
Rep. Joe Blow when they are talking about a congressman in trouble, so a lot of people mistake 'Rep' for Republican instead of Representative, which the Liberal media makes no effort to clarify and looks perfectly honest.
At least that was obvious. A lot of the media shows
Rep. Joe Blow when they are talking about a congressman in trouble, so a lot of people mistake 'Rep' for Republican instead of Representative, which the Liberal media makes no effort to clarify and looks perfectly honest.

Did you just come down off meth or something?? What planet are you on??

Here's how O'Reilly reprsented Foley: Mark Foley D-Fl. But yeah everybody does it. Everytime they show somebody they lie about their party affiliation. And so what O'Reilly did was just A-OK!!!!!!! Got It!!!!!
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the bill o'reily show is TAPED 4 HOURS before airing....for edits etc...

they INTENTIONALLY AIRED IT WRONG, to believe otherwise is nothing less than naive.
the bill o'reily show is TAPED 4 HOURS before airing....for edits etc...

they INTENTIONALLY AIRED IT WRONG, to believe otherwise is nothing less than naive.

Well when Bill O'Reilly says he's looking out for you he means the Republican Party but he won't last much longer because he is an ignorant GOON. In the story it says "they deleted the reference for the rerun" this is ambiguous, what they did was remove the reference to any policial party at all, and they then just ran the picture of Foley with no name or affiliation.

But O'Reilly is so crooked and so fraudulent he like his radio buddy Rush Limbaugh has a book just devoted to the lies he tells every day on his show.

The Good News Is that Olbermann's "Countdown" is beginning to kick O'Reilly's ass in the ratings. So if you want to get back at O'Reilly start watching Olbermann on MSNBC, and remember if you call the Bill O radio show, and say the name Obermann on the air he will send FOXSPEWS security out to your house. At least that is what he tells the callers who do this. Is that fascistic???
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Just doesn't like to admit the bradblog... ;)

Anyway, I'd like to see some pictures and have a little better verification than brad.
Just doesn't like to admit the bradblog... ;)

Anyway, I'd like to see some pictures and have a little better verification than brad.

Then watch television. Specifically Olbermann's "Countdown", he had the FOIXSPEWS clip. I saw it with my own eyes last night. If your damn board worked any faster I would have posted the link to think progress which had a picture on it as well, but I just didn't have time...
Here's the link with the Picture!!!

Check it out all you doubting Thomases. You can always tell when the right is losing an argument they trot out the I don't believe it is true. I don't trust that source. Now we will hear the I think the picture has been doctored line.

Full Story and Doctored Picture
I never said I doubted, I said I'd like to see a picture. Man you really do love the supposition and attempts to put words in my posts that aren't there!
Now, as the story suggests:
How O'Reilly handles this on the air tonight will provide some indication to how "fair" and "balanced" a position Fox is willing to take on this.

Let's see how he handles this on the air tonight.
I am sure it was a mistake by Fox, much like when CNN had an editing X over Cheney's face a few months ago.

Now the con's were sure CNN had done it on purpose... I am willing to give Fox the bene of the doubt on this one!
Huffy almost as good as Bradblog! LOL But even if it happened, whats the big deal? A simple graphics error or a huge plot to misinform? Come on now you are not that stupid are you?
I am sure it was a mistake by Fox, much like when CNN had an editing X over Cheney's face a few months ago.

Now the con's were sure CNN had done it on purpose... I am willing to give Fox the bene of the doubt on this one!
Only the few were "sure" they had done it on purpose.

The D/R keys are rather close by each other. However when correcting the mistake they should have just replaced the D with an R...
you're too kind...after the way the republicans treated Clinton, I don't give them the benefit of anything....

I wouldn't piss on a republican if he were on fire.
Maineman seems to have this thing about pissing on people. He is always talking about it. HUMMMMMM.....