Frank Luntz Focus Group on Trump - "Maybe it's time to blow it up. Blow it up."

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Frank Luntz Focus Group on Trump - "Maybe it's time to blow it up. Blow it up."

So I heard something very interesting from the Trump supporters the other night that caused me to pause and feel deep concern.

When asked if they were fine giving the election to a Democrat like Hillary if they still supported Trump in a thrid party candidacy, all said yes. The most stunning comment was when one stated:
"Maybe it's time to blow it up. Blow it up."

This appears to be a common theme with independents and Libertarians. But what you WON'T EVER hear are Democrats making the same comments.

So with that; how is blowing up the Republican Party going to serve Conservatives if Hillary wins and she can name a few more leftists on the Supreme Court and many in Federal Judge appointments?

How is blowing up the Republican Party going to serve Conservatives if Hillary wins and she doubles down on Obama Care, Doubles taxes on businesses and millionaires and doubles down on Federal redistribution schemes?

I look at the current disconnect of Conservatives and think; well, if they want to blow the Party up, have at it and wander in the wilderness without ANY respresentation for the next 35 years.

Some of the many comments I heard during the program:

“I want to put the Republican leadership behind this mirror and let them see. They need to wake up. They don’t realize how the grassroots have abandoned them,” Luntz continued. “Donald Trump is punishment to a Republican elite that wasn’t listening to their grassroots.”

Again, they only see problems within the Republican Party and cannot see the danger of empowering the Democrats handing them victory in 2016.

The group of 29 went around the room, each supplying a single adjective for the legislative body that let them down after the 2014 elections. Congress “does nothing.” It’s “too old.” “Useless.” “Lame.” “Inept.” “Wrong party.” “Cocktail party.” “Gridlock.” “Costly.” “Sold out.” “Sucks.” “Douchebags.”

The above sounds like a description of Obama they also made.

The group of 29 went around the room, each supplying a single adjective for the legislative body that let them down after the 2014 elections. Congress “does nothing.” It’s “too old.” “Useless.” “Lame.” “Inept.” “Wrong party.” “Cocktail party.” “Gridlock.” “Costly.” “Sold out.” “Sucks.” “Douchebags.”

Yet these people don't see that it is the Democrat side of the aisle that is the problem and where they should direct their ire; instead, it's mistakenly directed at their own.

Additionally, more than half of the group said they would vote for Trump running as an independent over Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) as the Republican nominee. Trump frequently threatens to abandon the GOP if the national party does not treat him "fairly" during the nominating process.

"I'd vote for him over Rubio because maybe the party does need to be fractured," a man said. "Maybe it's time to blow it up. Blow it up."
They say the same of Sanders.
Link me up.

People are fed up with the establishment.

I understand that; except that does not include the Democratic Party which will side with Hillary as a majority.

So blowing up the Republican Party will only serve one cause; to ensure that Democrats control the White House and Congress as they have for decades moving their agenda forward.

Good luck with that third party crapola.
Frank Luntz Focus Group on Trump - "Maybe it's time to blow it up. Blow it up."

So I heard something very interesting from the Trump supporters the other night that caused me to pause and feel deep concern.

When asked if they were fine giving the election to a Democrat like Hillary if they still supported Trump in a thrid party candidacy, all said yes. The most stunning comment was when one stated:
"Maybe it's time to blow it up. Blow it up."

This appears to be a common theme with independents and Libertarians. But what you WON'T EVER hear are Democrats making the same comments.

So with that; how is blowing up the Republican Party going to serve Conservatives if Hillary wins and she can name a few more leftists on the Supreme Court and many in Federal Judge appointments?

How is blowing up the Republican Party going to serve Conservatives if Hillary wins and she doubles down on Obama Care, Doubles taxes on businesses and millionaires and doubles down on Federal redistribution schemes?

I look at the current disconnect of Conservatives and think; well, if they want to blow the Party up, have at it and wander in the wilderness without ANY respresentation for the next 35 years.

Some of the many comments I heard during the program:

“I want to put the Republican leadership behind this mirror and let them see. They need to wake up. They don’t realize how the grassroots have abandoned them,” Luntz continued. “Donald Trump is punishment to a Republican elite that wasn’t listening to their grassroots.”

Again, they only see problems within the Republican Party and cannot see the danger of empowering the Democrats handing them victory in 2016.

The group of 29 went around the room, each supplying a single adjective for the legislative body that let them down after the 2014 elections. Congress “does nothing.” It’s “too old.” “Useless.” “Lame.” “Inept.” “Wrong party.” “Cocktail party.” “Gridlock.” “Costly.” “Sold out.” “Sucks.” “Douchebags.”

The above sounds like a description of Obama they also made.

The group of 29 went around the room, each supplying a single adjective for the legislative body that let them down after the 2014 elections. Congress “does nothing.” It’s “too old.” “Useless.” “Lame.” “Inept.” “Wrong party.” “Cocktail party.” “Gridlock.” “Costly.” “Sold out.” “Sucks.” “Douchebags.”

Yet these people don't see that it is the Democrat side of the aisle that is the problem and where they should direct their ire; instead, it's mistakenly directed at their own.

Additionally, more than half of the group said they would vote for Trump running as an independent over Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) as the Republican nominee. Trump frequently threatens to abandon the GOP if the national party does not treat him "fairly" during the nominating process.

"I'd vote for him over Rubio because maybe the party does need to be fractured," a man said. "Maybe it's time to blow it up. Blow it up."

Yup. Blow the fucker up.

Tell me how McCuntell has ruled the Senate any differently than Reid?

How about Boner punishing conservatives?

Maybe you like being fucked over by the GOP, but the rest of us don't.

As for judges? How about Roberts?

You know why you aren't seeing this with the demalquedacrats? Because the demalquedacrats fight for their leftism.

What do the RINOs fight for? Jack shit. We are tired of it. They think they can blow platitudes up our ass and scare us into supporting squishes like McShamnesty and Romney. No thanks.

If for some crazy reason Rubio, Kasich, Bush or Christie get the nomination and Trump goes third party, I will vote Trump as a big FUCK YOU to all the RINOs

That being said I am a Cruz guy. But I agree with blowing up the GOP.
So I heard something very interesting from the Trump supporters the other night that caused me to pause and feel deep concern.

When asked if they were fine giving the election to a Democrat like Hillary if they still supported Trump in a thrid party candidacy, all said yes. The most stunning comment was when one stated:
"Maybe it's time to blow it up. Blow it up."

This appears to be a common theme with independents and Libertarians. But what you WON'T EVER hear are Democrats making the same comments.

So with that; how is blowing up the Republican Party going to serve Conservatives if Hillary wins and she can name a few more leftists on the Supreme Court and many in Federal Judge appointments?

How is blowing up the Republican Party going to serve Conservatives if Hillary wins and she doubles down on Obama Care, Doubles taxes on businesses and millionaires and doubles down on Federal redistribution schemes?

I look at the current disconnect of Conservatives and think; well, if they want to blow the Party up, have at it and wander in the wilderness without ANY respresentation for the next 35 years.


Look at the bright side Bunkie, 4 or 8 years of Hillary will entangle America even deeper in the middle east quagmire, just like every Republican candidate would do, so the BIG government progressive ideology you love will be alive and well. She’ll probably appoint Lindsey Graham, (her trusted advisor), to be Secretary Of Defense. (He’s a Global Warming Believer Religionist Too):cof1:

Give her a Democrat controlled Congress too and look at what happened when y’all RINOs gave Obama a Democrat controlled Congress because your RINO Republicans in Congress gave us 8 years of war. So when Hillary and the Democrat controlled Congress gets things fucked up beyond belief and the country in bankruptcy, the Republicans will get another chance to fuck over the country again.:cof1:
Yup. Blow the fucker up.

Tell me how McCuntell has ruled the Senate any differently than Reid?

How about Boner punishing conservatives?

Maybe you like being fucked over by the GOP, but the rest of us don't.

As for judges? How about Roberts?

You know why you aren't seeing this with the demalquedacrats? Because the demalquedacrats fight for their leftism.

What do the RINOs fight for? Jack shit. We are tired of it. They think they can blow platitudes up our ass and scare us into supporting squishes like McShamnesty and Romney. No thanks.

If for some crazy reason Rubio, Kasich, Bush or Christie get the nomination and Trump goes third party, I will vote Trump as a big FUCK YOU to all the RINOs

That being said I am a Cruz guy. But I agree with blowing up the GOP.

It won't matter who you support; Hillary will be your President and you can whine and carp for eight more years about all the damage Republicans have done. Madam Secretary; get used to saying it.
Look at the bright side Bunkie, 4 or 8 years of Hillary will entangle America even deeper in the middle east quagmire, just like every Republican candidate would do, so the BIG government progressive ideology you love will be alive and well. She’ll probably appoint Lindsey Graham, (her trusted advisor), to be Secretary Of Defense. (He’s a Global Warming Believer Religionist Too)

Democrats are retreating from the area so that ISIS and Al Qaeda can bring the war to us; not the other way around. Cheer louder.

Give her a Democrat controlled Congress too and look at what happened when y’all RINOs gave Obama a Democrat controlled Congress because your RINO Republicans in Congress gave us 8 years of war.

Wrong again shit-for-brains; tyrants and terrorists are giving us war; you and the ObamaTARD are just too stupid to comprehend it.

So when Hillary and the Democrat controlled Congress gets things fucked up beyond belief and the country in bankruptcy, the Republicans will get another chance to fuck over the country again.

Why do you care; you're too busy sitting on the fence like that egghead humpty dumpty.
Democrats are retreating from the area so that ISIS and Al Qaeda can bring the war to us; not the other way around. Cheer louder.

The only “retreat” Obama has made from the Middle East was removing American troops from Iraq in accordance with the SOFA that was signed by G.W. Bush before he left office.

Otherwise like G.W. Bush he, (Obama), has extended the war in Afghanistan, armed along with his Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton, by the badgering of John McCain and Lindsey Graham, the Libyan rebels that established regime change in Libya where the vacuum has been filled with ISIS terrorist who were the rebels armed by Obama and Clinton by the badgering of McCain and Graham, who, (the terrorist they armed), killed 4 Americans in Libya including the American Ambassador.

Now Obama and Hillary promote regime change in Syria just like every Republican candidate for the Presidency except Rand Paul, to also leave a vacuum in Syria to be filled by ISIS just like is the historical case in Iraq and Lybia.

Wrong again shit-for-brains; tyrants and terrorists are giving us war; you and the ObamaTARD are just too stupid to comprehend it.

You and your Neocon RINOs and Obama and Clinton are the guilty party related to America’s unconstitutional insane middle eastern wars Mr. Trashmouth!

Why do you care; you're too busy sitting on the fence like that egghead humpty dumpty.

I don’t sit on any fence Trashmouth! I know the solutions to the UN-American activities of your RINO & DINO anti-Constitution BIG progressive government duopoly crooked twin sisters you vote for in their UN-American corrupt rigged elections.
Frank Luntz Focus Group on Trump - "Maybe it's time to blow it up. Blow it up."

It won't matter who you support; Hillary will be your President and you can whine and carp for eight more years about all the damage Republicans have done. Madam Secretary; get used to saying it.

So which squish do you think we should support?

I won't, but just wondering
So I heard something very interesting from the Trump supporters the other night that caused me to pause and feel deep concern.

When asked if they were fine giving the election to a Democrat like Hillary if they still supported Trump in a thrid party candidacy, all said yes. The most stunning comment was when one stated:
"Maybe it's time to blow it up. Blow it up."

This appears to be a common theme with independents and Libertarians. But what you WON'T EVER hear are Democrats making the same comments.

So with that; how is blowing up the Republican Party going to serve Conservatives if Hillary wins and she can name a few more leftists on the Supreme Court and many in Federal Judge appointments?

How is blowing up the Republican Party going to serve Conservatives if Hillary wins and she doubles down on Obama Care, Doubles taxes on businesses and millionaires and doubles down on Federal redistribution schemes?

I look at the current disconnect of Conservatives and think; well, if they want to blow the Party up, have at it and wander in the wilderness without ANY respresentation for the next 35 years.

Some of the many comments I heard during the program:

“I want to put the Republican leadership behind this mirror and let them see. They need to wake up. They don’t realize how the grassroots have abandoned them,” Luntz continued. “Donald Trump is punishment to a Republican elite that wasn’t listening to their grassroots.”

Again, they only see problems within the Republican Party and cannot see the danger of empowering the Democrats handing them victory in 2016.

The group of 29 went around the room, each supplying a single adjective for the legislative body that let them down after the 2014 elections. Congress “does nothing.” It’s “too old.” “Useless.” “Lame.” “Inept.” “Wrong party.” “Cocktail party.” “Gridlock.” “Costly.” “Sold out.” “Sucks.” “Douchebags.”

The above sounds like a description of Obama they also made.

The group of 29 went around the room, each supplying a single adjective for the legislative body that let them down after the 2014 elections. Congress “does nothing.” It’s “too old.” “Useless.” “Lame.” “Inept.” “Wrong party.” “Cocktail party.” “Gridlock.” “Costly.” “Sold out.” “Sucks.” “Douchebags.”

Yet these people don't see that it is the Democrat side of the aisle that is the problem and where they should direct their ire; instead, it's mistakenly directed at their own.

Additionally, more than half of the group said they would vote for Trump running as an independent over Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) as the Republican nominee. Trump frequently threatens to abandon the GOP if the national party does not treat him "fairly" during the nominating process.

"I'd vote for him over Rubio because maybe the party does need to be fractured," a man said. "Maybe it's time to blow it up. Blow it up."

libertarians aren't voting for a clown like trump. They never were. Take a civics lesson. They aren't blowing anything up. Republicans being fucking retards and embracing lowest common denominator thinking is what is fucking them over. It's now a positive attribute to be a bonefide dumbass in the republican party. Having a cocky swagger about how you don't need know any edumacation from those fancy liberul schools in the big time city.

Donald trumps' biggest claim to fame in the last 15 years is being a fucking reality tv star. I swear to christ this shit is straight out of idiocracy. YOU ARE ELECTING A REALITY TV HOST. WHO IS NEXT, PARIS HILTON OR A KARDASHIAN?

It's amazing how little self awareness republicans have. Maybe they are huffing too many fossil fuels, I don't know. Maybe they just want to see the world burn because that means jesus will come back quicker. Maybe they actually think you can piss off every minority group and still win with just the white vote (it's not the fucking 80's anymore, whites are dying out.. we are going to be only a plurality soon).

At the very least, lie to minorities and then fuck them over once you GET IN office. But being so brazen to act as if you can just march right up the white house steps with no single women, no young people, no hispanics? Not gonna happen.
The only “retreat” Obama has made from the Middle East was removing American troops from Iraq in accordance with the SOFA that was signed by G.W. Bush before he left office.

Otherwise like G.W. Bush he, (Obama), has extended the war in Afghanistan, armed along with his Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton, by the badgering of John McCain and Lindsey Graham, the Libyan rebels that established regime change in Libya where the vacuum has been filled with ISIS terrorist who were the rebels armed by Obama and Clinton by the badgering of McCain and Graham, who, (the terrorist they armed), killed 4 Americans in Libya including the American Ambassador.

Now Obama and Hillary promote regime change in Syria just like every Republican candidate for the Presidency except Rand Paul, to also leave a vacuum in Syria to be filled by ISIS just like is the historical case in Iraq and Lybia.

You and your Neocon RINOs and Obama and Clinton are the guilty party related to America’s unconstitutional insane middle eastern wars Mr. Trashmouth!

I don’t sit on any fence Trashmouth! I know the solutions to the UN-American activities of your RINO & DINO anti-Constitution BIG progressive government duopoly crooked twin sisters you vote for in their UN-American corrupt rigged elections.

Same tired old bullshit; different day. You're such a boor.

So which squish do you think we should support?

I won't, but just wondering

Why would you care? You're going to sit at home or vote for some obscure third party dumbfuck.

Perhaps you need to start practicing it right now; repeat after me....Madam Secretary. ;)

But in answer to your question; it wouldn’t be Trump, Graham, Santorum, Bush, Cruz or Pataki.

By the time the primaries get to California, the candidate will have already been decided; much like every election.
libertarians aren't voting for a clown like trump. They never were. Take a civics lesson. They aren't blowing anything up. Republicans being fucking retards and embracing lowest common denominator thinking is what is fucking them over. It's now a positive attribute to be a bonefide dumbass in the republican party. Having a cocky swagger about how you don't need know any edumacation from those fancy liberul schools in the big time city.

Donald trumps' biggest claim to fame in the last 15 years is being a fucking reality tv star. I swear to christ this shit is straight out of idiocracy. YOU ARE ELECTING A REALITY TV HOST. WHO IS NEXT, PARIS HILTON OR A KARDASHIAN?

It's amazing how little self awareness republicans have. Maybe they are huffing too many fossil fuels, I don't know. Maybe they just want to see the world burn because that means jesus will come back quicker. Maybe they actually think you can piss off every minority group and still win with just the white vote (it's not the fucking 80's anymore, whites are dying out.. we are going to be only a plurality soon).

At the very least, lie to minorities and then fuck them over once you GET IN office. But being so brazen to act as if you can just march right up the white house steps with no single women, no young people, no hispanics? Not gonna happen.

Repeat after me; Madam PRESIDENT, or Komrade.

Libertarians also prefer to vote for actual libertarians in elections (excepting Bob Barr, of course)...

Libertarians vote for Democrats. They're just too dense to comprehend that simple little fact or basic electoral mathematics.

I can't wait for Hillary to be President; the libertarian heads will explode....oh wait, they stupidly think there will be no difference right?