Fred Thompson Entering the Race...

Fred Thompson was a lazy Senator. He didn't do anything significant when he was in the Senate and he couldn't wait to leave, once he got there.

We need a hard working President after George - record vacation days - Bush.

Aside from McCain-Feingold, in his eight years in the Senate, Thompson was the primary sponsor of only four pieces of legislation, none of any significance. "I worked for the music business for years when Fred Thompson was the senator from Tennessee," Hilary Rosen, former chief lobbyist for the Recording Industry Association of America and now a Democratic strategist, said on MSNBC. "So I worked with him in his office fairly regularly, and I have to say, as nice a guy as he is, he is lazy. He was a lazy senator."

"I've been friendly with Thompson for years," Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund said on The Journal Editorial Report. In the Senate, Fund said, Thompson "had a reputation for being a little lazy."

Even Thompson's high school football coach, Garner Ezell, told the Nashville Tennessean, "He was smart, but he was lazy."

Fred Thompson, a Hollywood actor turned White House contender, had a reputation while a U.S. senator of being frustrated with the slow-moving legislative process and preferring dining with friends to late-night congressional sessions.
Fred Thompson was a lazy Senator. He didn't do anything significant when he was in the Senate and he couldn't wait to leave, once he got there.

We need a hard working President after George - record vacation days - Bush.
Let's see what the rest of the story had to say:

But the 64-year-old Republican, who retired from the Senate in 2003 after serving eight years, was also seen as a charismatic speaker who exuded confidence, battled government waste and abuse and backed campaign finance reform.

Battled government waste, backed finance reform... Two things I can see as having benefit.

"The consensus seemed to be that he didn't like to work real hard, but was good to have on your team," said a Senate Republican aide. "People said the same thing about (former President) Ronald Reagan," another one-time Hollywood star.


Yet Norman Ornstein, a congressional scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington think tank, said he saw Thompson as a thoughtful lawmaker able to reach across party lines.

"He worked plenty and he absorbed plenty," said Ornstein.

Much of his work was as chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee where he battled government fraud and waste and took on abuses in campaign finance.

Hmm... Again, across party lines.... It also says he is a conservative with an independant streak... I can like that too.
oh well perhaps so, but you could not pay me enough to vote for any republican in state or federal office next time around. Need more balance.
I said after the first and second R Debates that the Nominee wasn't on the stage. I think it'll be a Fred/Mitt ticket in the end.
Here is what Damo said about Fred when it was announced he was running. Even you thought he was going to be the next Conservative savior.
Sorry soco,beefy and SF

Damo...albeit Fred is more of a real social as well as financial conservative...Reagan like I suppose...but adding Mitt...I don't think so again...way too much negatives about the Mormon religion in the news...Arizona/Utah/Nevada cult leader!...More likely than not McCain will emerge as leader...maybe Fred as VP...that would be okay...a balance of power ( ideals)...!

I called it way back in May...y'all are way late...!:cof1:
Here is what Damo said about Fred when it was announced he was running. Even you thought he was going to be the next Conservative savior.

I can't say a thing about that , I expected him to be billed as the great white hope for the republican party. I would like to know the story of why the reps hung him out to dry. Rove I would suspect played a part.

Me owned as well.
Here is what Damo said about Fred when it was announced he was running. Even you thought he was going to be the next Conservative savior.
I didn't think he'd be a savior, the "talk" was he had the support of the big guns. I was guessing at that.

What I really wanted was to learn more about him, then I found he was empty.
A guy that tells the truth, and holds the American people as priority # 1, can win this damn thing after everybody else pulled eachoother hair out in a hissy fight--with two months of campaigning. Two months to go--and Fred comes back in? People will listen--they are tired of the hissy fights. He will get new time on TV as coming in again, and te issues will actually be address by that time--in stead of everybody being pandering general. Fred might kill them with specifics. He does not like BS at all--and the people lisenting to him will realize it. When they do, they will see right through the liers. I think it would be a great strategy. Kind of "Mavrick" like that can work very well in a sea of BS that we drown in. He might be seen a the life preserver that can pull us out of this sludge, as he is a expert at conveying the facts with truth and full disclosure. I hope we can recogonize that quality again. It has been a long time.