Fred Thompson is out!

romney. its looking more and more to me like he will get nod.. but surprisingly clinton last night said she thinks will be mccain. strange.
I heard.............

Is that guy from Law and Order still running?

Fred dropped outta the Presidential race because he was offered a part in the remake of the Arnold movie 'The Running Man'...he is going to play the part of that weird Electric opera no running involved!:cof1:
I can't believe it! The NEXT Ronald Reagan is out of the race? I remember all the true believers applauding his entry. He was what was lacking in the republican party. A guy that can act like the president. Funny how the Repubs have been looking for Reagan everywhere and will take him even when he really can't be found. Now even die hards like Willie are willing to annoint McCain the next savior even though he was one half of McCain Feingold, changed his position on Immigration in mid-stream (Which if he was a dem Willie et al would call him a flip flopper) and changed his position on Bush tax cuts midstream (he was against'em before he was for'em). How many times does a republican get to change before he is a flip flopper? Shows how absolutely leaderless the Pubs are right now that conservatives would vote for someone that they applauded as being DOA just few months ago.
I can't believe it! The NEXT Ronald Reagan is out of the race? I remember all the true believers applauding his entry. He was what was lacking in the republican party. A guy that can act like the president. Funny how the Repubs have been looking for Reagan everywhere and will take him even when he really can't be found. Now even die hards like Willie are willing to annoint McCain the next savior even though he was one half of McCain Feingold, changed his position on Immigration in mid-stream (Which if he was a dem Willie et al would call him a flip flopper) and changed his position on Bush tax cuts midstream (he was against'em before he was for'em). How many times does a republican get to change before he is a flip flopper? Shows how absolutely leaderless the Pubs are right now that conservatives would vote for someone that they applauded as being DOA just few months ago.

True on every account.
I can't believe it! The NEXT Ronald Reagan is out of the race? I remember all the true believers applauding his entry. He was what was lacking in the republican party. A guy that can act like the president. Funny how the Repubs have been looking for Reagan everywhere and will take him even when he really can't be found. Now even die hards like Willie are willing to annoint McCain the next savior even though he was one half of McCain Feingold, changed his position on Immigration in mid-stream (Which if he was a dem Willie et al would call him a flip flopper) and changed his position on Bush tax cuts midstream (he was against'em before he was for'em). How many times does a republican get to change before he is a flip flopper? Shows how absolutely leaderless the Pubs are right now that conservatives would vote for someone that they applauded as being DOA just few months ago.

Republicans are allowed to flip flop, failure to doggadly hold firm to a position is an admiral quality in a Republican.
Republicans are allowed to flip flop, failure to doggadly hold firm to a position is an admiral quality in a Republican.
That is what I am learning. Romney and McCain have been for and against so many things before they were against and for them and still not be called a flip flopper that it shows that being a flip flopper is ONLY a democratic sin.
Grandpa Fred must have gotten plum tuckered out.

Back to the retirement home with him.

LOL. Seriously. I honestly am not taking any of the repubilcan candidates seriously. You've got one who's a classical racist, another who's an irrelevent senile rhetorical turd sandwich, a christofacist wackjob who apparently didn't know how AIDS was transmitted back in the 90s, and an another who flip flops on issues such as abortion depending on the election.

They're all going to lose.
LOL. Seriously. I honestly am not taking any of the repubilcan candidates seriously. You've got one who's a classical racist (Ron Paul), another who's an irrelevent senile rhetorical turd sandwich, a christofacist wackjob who apparently didn't know how AIDS was transmitted back in the 90s, and an another who flip flops on issues such as abortion depending on the election.

They're all going to lose.


Stop the madness! You totally described them to a tee! ;)

p.s.: I made one small edit to your post, for increased clarity.

Stop the madness! You totally described them to a tee! ;)

p.s.: I made one small edit to your post, for increased clarity.

Well, that's essentially who they have running. Any politically astute person will know that the important SIGNIFICANT primary is the democratic primary. The other one is one big political playpen of irrelevence.