Free at last, all charges dropped by the State!

Hell, what reason would I have to lie.

ANd if I was going to lie, I would say that the Judge called the trooper in front of the court and chastised him and that the trooper had to issue me a letter of apology.
Hell, what reason would I have to lie.

ANd if I was going to lie, I would say that the Judge called the trooper in front of the court and chastised him and that the trooper had to issue me a letter of apology.

Gee I don't know precious... to make it appear that all your claims of being such a victim were justified? Its ok precious... we know.
Who GIVES a Sh*t about some punk, with no respect for the Laws of his State, who got off on a technicality? Statistics SHOW, that people like him will RE-OFFEND, and get thrown in Jail NEXT TIME.
Who GIVES a Sh*t about some punk, with no respect for the Laws of his State, who got off on a technicality? Statistics SHOW, that people like him will RE-OFFEND, and get thrown in Jail NEXT TIME.

Ha... What technicality did I get off on? The reasonableness technicality?
Sure precious, we all believe you. You kept it anonymous. Gotcha. Its ok to abuse the system precious.... it is in a lawyers nature to do so.... we expect it of you.

You want to see abuse of the system? Ask a cop in the US about "professional courtesy".

New Jersey Cops Still Mad at Virginia Police
The dispute over a speeding New Jersey police convoy continues to affect North-South police relations.

Sheriff Jerry Speziale New Jersey police officials appear unable to forget the September 18 incident where a Virginia lawman attempted to slow a convoy of Garden State police from returning from service in the gulf coast region. An angry Passaic County, New Jersey Sheriff Jerry Speziale questions the integrity of the Augusta County, Virginia deputy sheriff who said Speziale's convoy was driving 95 MPH on Interstate 81 in violation of Virginia's reckless driving law.

"The Virginia authorities never produced any documentation, any radar, any evidence," Speziale's spokesman, Bill Maer, told Media General News Service. "All we have is their word, and we have not found them to be very truthful in the past, so we have no reason to believe them now."

Other police officials agree with Speziale that police should be exempt from the laws binding other citizens.

"So they were hogging the left lane -- whoop-de-do," said Frank Ferreyra, president of the New York State Fraternal Order of Police.

Speziale called Augusta County Sheriff Randy Fisher last week to continue his complaint. "We ended up agreeing to disagree," Fisher told Media General News Service.


Here is how it happened, to counter those who claim I got special treatment.

I had a friend (criminal defense attorney) of mine represent me as my attorney.

I happen to not use my first name in every day life, so most people know me by my middle and last name.

My friend called the prosecutor, used my first name and told the story. The prosecutor did not reconise that I used to work in her office. (I dont think we ever knew each other anyway.)

When she heard the story and how I had been charged with a crime, she thought it was so silly that she 1) Dropped the criminal charge, and for my trouble 2) dropped the speeding charge.

I am a free man. Now, in the immortal words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"

The system works?:clink:
The system works?:clink:

Not really, if I had not had a friend who is a criminal defense lawyer, I would have had to pay about $1,000.00 to have that done for me. I had to suffer the inconvience of dealing with the system, my liberty was in jeopardy, and I have a criminal charge on my record for the rest of my life. All because I did not think to change my DL after having my vision corrected with surgery.