Free your mind your ass and will follow


Unite or Die
I know it's a lot to ask. But the book is free, 1 chapter a week.

" was another Founding Father, Alexander Hamilton, who knew best how to spawn American industry to make the country independent and competitive. As the nation’s first Treasury secretary, Hamilton submitted his Report on the Subject of Manufactures in 1791 to the U.S. Congress, outlining the need for our government to foster new industries through “bounties” (subsidies) and subsequently protect them from foreign imports until they become globally competitive. Additionally, he proposed a road map for American industrial development. These steps included protective tariffs on imports, import bans, subsidies, export bans on selected materials, and the development of product standards. (See “Alexander Hamilton’s 11-point Plan for ‘American Manufactures’” in the introduction.)

It was this approach of putting America first that our government followed for most of our history, with average tariffs of 30 to 40 percent through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. There is no denying that it helped turn America into an industrial and economic juggernaut in the midtwentieth century and beyond. The three periods when we radically dropped tariffs—for three years in 1857, for nine years in 1913, and by Reagan in 1987— all were followed by economic disasters, particularly for small American manufacturers.

The post-Reagan era has been particularly destructive to our economy because we not only mostly eliminated the tariffs but we also became “free trade” proponents on the international stage. After Reagan blew out our tariffs in the 1980s and Clinton kicked the door off the hinges with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and World Trade Organization (WTO), our average tariffs are now around 2 percent. The predictable result has been the hemorrhaging of American manufacturing capacity to those countries that do protect their industries through high import tariffs but allow exports on the cheap—particularly China and South Korea.

The irony is that we have abandoned Hamilton’s advice—and our own history—while China, South Korea, Japan, and other nations are following his prescriptions and turning into muscular and prosperous economic entities.

It’s high time we relearned Alexander Hamilton’s lessons for our nation..."
I know it's a lot to ask. But the book is free, 1 chapter a week.

" was another Founding Father, Alexander Hamilton, who knew best how to spawn American industry to make the country independent and competitive. As the nation’s first Treasury secretary, Hamilton submitted his Report on the Subject of Manufactures in 1791 to the U.S. Congress, outlining the need for our government to foster new industries through “bounties” (subsidies) and subsequently protect them from foreign imports until they become globally competitive. Additionally, he proposed a road map for American industrial development. These steps included protective tariffs on imports, import bans, subsidies, export bans on selected materials, and the development of product standards. (See “Alexander Hamilton’s 11-point Plan for ‘American Manufactures’” in the introduction.)

It was this approach of putting America first that our government followed for most of our history, with average tariffs of 30 to 40 percent through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. There is no denying that it helped turn America into an industrial and economic juggernaut in the midtwentieth century and beyond. The three periods when we radically dropped tariffs—for three years in 1857, for nine years in 1913, and by Reagan in 1987— all were followed by economic disasters, particularly for small American manufacturers.

The post-Reagan era has been particularly destructive to our economy because we not only mostly eliminated the tariffs but we also became “free trade” proponents on the international stage. After Reagan blew out our tariffs in the 1980s and Clinton kicked the door off the hinges with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and World Trade Organization (WTO), our average tariffs are now around 2 percent. The predictable result has been the hemorrhaging of American manufacturing capacity to those countries that do protect their industries through high import tariffs but allow exports on the cheap—particularly China and South Korea.

The irony is that we have abandoned Hamilton’s advice—and our own history—while China, South Korea, Japan, and other nations are following his prescriptions and turning into muscular and prosperous economic entities.

It’s high time we relearned Alexander Hamilton’s lessons for our nation..."
I heard Thom mention this on this radio program! I listen to him as I drive to the grandkids, it is my new job!
Good stuff crash thanks.

It is really tiring to see the rewriting of histroy the right has to do to prop up their completely failed ideas.

One has to wonder when this segment of the American people will quit rewriting history, denying science spewing hate on higher education and deny court documented evidence to retain failed ideas.

It would be so much easier to just dump the failed ideas and find some that actually work.
Good stuff crash thanks.

It is really tiring to see the rewriting of histroy the right has to do to prop up their completely failed ideas.

One has to wonder when this segment of the American people will quit rewriting history, denying science spewing hate on higher education and deny court documented evidence to retain failed ideas.

It would be so much easier to just dump the failed ideas and find some that actually work.

Higher education helps them rewrite it.

Go ask some liberal professor about protectionism. he will spout the neocon line.
See, the left is not about working people anymore, it's more about elitism and hating americans. Many on the left are fine with destroying the american working class, simply because they're horibble american people.
Good stuff crash thanks.

It is really tiring to see the rewriting of histroy the right has to do to prop up their completely failed ideas.

One has to wonder when this segment of the American people will quit rewriting history, denying science spewing hate on higher education and deny court documented evidence to retain failed ideas.

It would be so much easier to just dump the failed ideas and find some that actually work.

I attribute our sorry state of affairs to the corporate sponsored right wing think tanks and 30 years of corporate propaganda. Profits over people has driven us to the brink or hunger.

The right has been draining the middle class of the wealth it accumulated from WWII to 1980. The only loyalty they have is to wealth and power not Americans. They prove it over and over by the way they govern and the way they legislate for corporate interests over the people. Republicon backed multinational corporations are killing this country and the brainwashed right wing lemmings who back them are slitting their own children's throats.

But Dixie and his hoard will blame our situation on the left and replace real history with Faux news's twisted corporate version. I doubt they have the guts to read Thom Hartmann.
I attribute our sorry state of affairs to the corporate sponsored right wing think tanks and 30 years of corporate propaganda. Profits over people has driven us to the brink or hunger.

The right has been draining the middle class of the wealth it accumulated from WWII to 1980. The only loyalty they have is to wealth and power not Americans. They prove it over and over by the way they govern and the way they legislate for corporate interests over the people. Republicon backed multinational corporations are killing this country and the brainwashed right wing lemmings who back them are slitting their own children's throats.

But Dixie and his hoard will blame our situation on the left and replace real history with Faux news's twisted corporate version. I doubt they have the guts to read Thom Hartmann.

But which leftists are pro-protectionism, crash? Which elected dems?
Higher education helps them rewrite it.

Go ask some liberal professor about protectionism. he will spout the neocon line.

Then go ask the student's dad who just lost his job to the Republicon backed communist Chinese. What are you going to believe, some professor's failed theories or your own lying eyes?
Then go ask the student's dad who just lost his job to the Republicon backed communist Chinese. What are you going to believe, some professor's failed theories or your own lying eyes?

Im just saying. The educational establishment is pretty much on board with globalization stupidity.

Which dems are pro- protectionism again?
Im just saying. The educational establishment is pretty much on board with globalization stupidity.

Which dems are pro- protectionism again?

Friday, July 6, 2007

TRYING TO salvage an American trade policy, the Bush administration took the unusual step of embracing bipartisanship. Unfortunately, the overture hasn't been reciprocated.

In May, the administration accepted Democratic demands for tougher labor and environmental standards in return for Democratic approval of free-trade agreements with Peru and Panama -- and the possibility of more. "Today marks a new day in trade policy," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said. But last week, the speaker, along with House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) and Ways and Means trade subcommittee Chairman Sander M. Levin (D-Mich.), dashed those hopes. There will be no more "fast-track" authority for the administration to negotiate trade deals, they declared, until that glorious day when we "expand the benefits of globalization to all Americans."

A lot of DLC Dems talk the talk but when push comes to shove they vote for their corporate sponsors interests just like the Republicons. There are some DNC Dems, but the right labels them communists or socialists or wackos, the rights propaganda machine can make the lemmings believe anything.

Just txt my oldest son. He graduated 2 yrs ago from Arizona State with political science degree and works for a public relations firm. Heres the txt. waiting for reply.

"Did your profs teach free market globalization as good and necessary for America?"
The only way and person I can think of to get a little first hand info.

His short answer...
Took a class on globalization, very negative towards unrestrained free market approach. Capitalism needs govt restraints or will turn into anti-society monopolies.
What a smart kid.

I'm not saying this is universal in college courses but at least he got it right at ASU.
Friday, July 6, 2007

TRYING TO salvage an American trade policy, the Bush administration took the unusual step of embracing bipartisanship. Unfortunately, the overture hasn't been reciprocated.

In May, the administration accepted Democratic demands for tougher labor and environmental standards in return for Democratic approval of free-trade agreements with Peru and Panama -- and the possibility of more. "Today marks a new day in trade policy," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said. But last week, the speaker, along with House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) and Ways and Means trade subcommittee Chairman Sander M. Levin (D-Mich.), dashed those hopes. There will be no more "fast-track" authority for the administration to negotiate trade deals, they declared, until that glorious day when we "expand the benefits of globalization to all Americans."

A lot of DLC Dems talk the talk but when push comes to shove they vote for their corporate sponsors interests just like the Republicons. There are some DNC Dems, but the right labels them communists or socialists or wackos, the rights propaganda machine can make the lemmings believe anything.

Just txt my oldest son. He graduated 2 yrs ago from Arizona State with political science degree and works for a public relations firm. Heres the txt. waiting for reply.

"Did your profs teach free market globalization as good and necessary for America?"
The only way and person I can think of to get a little first hand info.

His short answer...
Took a class on globalization, very negative towards unrestrained free market approach. Capitalism needs govt restraints or will turn into anti-society monopolies.
What a smart kid.

I'm not saying this is universal in college courses but at least he got it right at ASU.

I don't see anything about protectionism. "Global standards" will just go unenforced, rubber stamped by bogus regulators in a "business as usual" fashion.
I don't see anything about protectionism. "Global standards" will just go unenforced, rubber stamped by bogus regulators in a "business as usual" fashion.

We've seen that firsthand over the years. Appointing regulators who are on or have been on the same corporate payroll that they're supposed to regulate. It's just another way they've manipulated our system. It's really nothing new, they've been doing it since the 1890s.

The way I see it the capitalists want us to live in a capitalist system but they took the capital away. They make it harder and harder for workers to achieve. For working people to save money, work their way out of poverty, build a strong middle class and make a better country and future for their children.
When workers can't achieve these goals then the system has failed and it's time to figure out why and fix it. You and I have said for years that globalization won't raise all boats like the propagandists were preaching. It will sink ours.

Its sad but real change will only happen when people get hungry and you can bet your AssHat it's happening fast. If it takes trade wars, tariffs, and scrapping insane trade deals, I say so be it.
We've seen that firsthand over the years. Appointing regulators who are on or have been on the same corporate payroll that they're supposed to regulate. It's just another way they've manipulated our system. It's really nothing new, they've been doing it since the 1890s.

The way I see it the capitalists want us to live in a capitalist system but they took the capital away. They make it harder and harder for workers to achieve. For working people to save money, work their way out of poverty, build a strong middle class and make a better country and future for their children.
When workers can't achieve these goals then the system has failed and it's time to figure out why and fix it. You and I have said for years that globalization won't raise all boats like the propagandists were preaching. It will sink ours.

Its sad but real change will only happen when people get hungry and you can bet your AssHat it's happening fast. If it takes trade wars, tariffs, and scrapping insane trade deals, I say so be it.

Yes, I agree, but which democrat says one peep about imposing tariffs, or protectionism? The dem party is on the side of the people as much, or as little, as the case may be, as republicans are.

Just admit that the dems arent doing anything helpful either. Admit it.
Kucinich (D-OH) has been one of the most adamant congressional critics of free trade, saying it is responsible for lost jobs in the United States and abusive working conditions abroad. He voted against the creation of FTAs with Oman, Singapore, and Chile, and against the Trade Act of 2002. He says if elected, he will withdraw the United States from NAFTA immediately. In November 2007, Kucinich voted against legislation authorizing an FTA with Peru. That FTA passed in the House, however.
Kucinich also voted against the CAFTA Implementation Bill in 2005, saying, “trade agreements are seeking cheaper labor where they can go to countries where the labor is cheap, but they are not selling American goods there. So we are seeing that we are not finding new markets for our goods; yet, we are finding markets for cheap labor. That is what these trade agreements do.”
Kucinich voted in favor of a 2005 House resolution proposing U.S. withdrawal from the WTO. Although that resolution failed, he continues to advocate withdrawal. He also voted against the Africa Free Trade bill. Kucinich has generally voted against any bills that extend normal trade relations treatment to China. He voted against the U.S.-China Relations Act of 2002, which authorized the extension of normalized trade relations between the U.S. and China, as long as China agreed to join the World Trade Organization.

There are other patriots but not many.

You are correct Asshat. I admit it. The Dem and Rep parties are blurring into one corporate party hellbent on fascism. I hope it doesn't take 3rd world poverty in this country to make people realize what a shit hole globalization has us in.
Kucinich (D-OH) has been one of the most adamant congressional critics of free trade, saying it is responsible for lost jobs in the United States and abusive working conditions abroad. He voted against the creation of FTAs with Oman, Singapore, and Chile, and against the Trade Act of 2002. He says if elected, he will withdraw the United States from NAFTA immediately. In November 2007, Kucinich voted against legislation authorizing an FTA with Peru. That FTA passed in the House, however.
Kucinich also voted against the CAFTA Implementation Bill in 2005, saying, “trade agreements are seeking cheaper labor where they can go to countries where the labor is cheap, but they are not selling American goods there. So we are seeing that we are not finding new markets for our goods; yet, we are finding markets for cheap labor. That is what these trade agreements do.”
Kucinich voted in favor of a 2005 House resolution proposing U.S. withdrawal from the WTO. Although that resolution failed, he continues to advocate withdrawal. He also voted against the Africa Free Trade bill. Kucinich has generally voted against any bills that extend normal trade relations treatment to China. He voted against the U.S.-China Relations Act of 2002, which authorized the extension of normalized trade relations between the U.S. and China, as long as China agreed to join the World Trade Organization.

There are other patriots but not many.

You are correct Asshat. I admit it. The Dem and Rep parties are blurring into one corporate party hellbent on fascism. I hope it doesn't take 3rd world poverty in this country to make people realize what a shit hole globalization has us in.

Ok. I like kucinich too. And thanks for admitting stuff. :clink:

I had to disavow the repukes a while back.
Really the brainwash in this country is so well honed and balanced. We have one party that can find no fault in "corporations" and another party that can see no fault in "government", so when they combine together in full on fashion, each one denies their hero's involvement.

Like it took fannie may and barney frank to insist on bad loans and the banks to really leverage up the damage by securitizing and infecting the world economy with this crap to really screw us all good..