From Obama's Own Lips: He is against a spending freeze

I had a 19-year old American friend who died of a completely preventable heart problem because he didn't have health insurance, and so didn't go to the doctor when the warning signs became obvious.

I'm sorry about your friend, but it's not my fault he "didn't go to the doctor" when he should have. One of the problems with 19 year-old's is, they think they are invincible, nothing can kill them. He could have gone (for free) to any of thousands of health clinics around the nation, and every hospital in the nation provides indigent care. So it's not my fault your friend died.

Your viewpoint is coming from a purely emotional standpoint, you aren't thinking about this pragmatically, you aren't considering how much this will cost. It will ultimately dwarf any welfare program ever considered in America, and it will open the door to widespread abuse. If there is no cost or obligation to the 'patient', people will line up around the block at the doctor's office, for everything from a hangnail to brain surgery, and they will have to be given treatment. Doctors, clinics, and hospitals are not likely going to just do this for free, so the government will be responsible for payment.

Two possibilities remain with regard to insurance companies, they will either go bankrupt, or they will also depend on the government to take care of them. Waterhead, the government can't take care of everybody! As much as your poor little heart bleeds, as much as it may seem like a sweet and nice thing to do, we simply can't afford to.
So you just believe hospitals should foot the bill completely? Or do you just like living in fantasyand?

Isnt' forced charity somekind of socialism?

It's not a matter of what I believe, it's what the law is. I didn't make it the law, other people did, and I have to live with it. Just as, when they make the law that we have to pay for people's insurance and health care, we'll have to live with that, it doesn't mean it's what we 'believe' at all.

Yes, all 'forced charity' is Socialism.
ca, dano...

Pork alone will not cut spending. I was glad to hear McCain take on MAP in the debate. If you include those sort of programs as pork, you might see some bite, but probably not enough. McCain is too gung-ho for the military and I have my doubts that he will go after the corporate welfare, especially after he backed the bailout with pork added.

We cannot afford the perpetual war machine anymore. That money could be sooo much better spent. If not allowed to remain in the hands of individuals, then via the government in infrastructure and human capital.

McCain is more left than Bush was, and Bush did nothing but increase spending on the welfare state. The Rove Republicans have destroyed any position McCain or other Repubs might have taken on cutting spending. Nobody, excepting self deluded hacks, is buying that anymore.

The only winning issue for Repubs right now is to pound fear over terrorism, gay marriage, etc.. They've backed themselves into a hole. Maybe after some time in the minority they can regain the mantle of less government, but right now anybody that is not retarded or drinking koolaid is not going to fall for that one.
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