Fuck the Police...

I call em Neanderthals, If you doulbe the pay you'll get smarter more balanced people applying.

Nope. You are pretty much espousing the tired dumbass lefty solution to all government failure, throw more money at it. What is needed is reward and real punsihment based on merit of their service. That's pretty difficult to get in a socialist/political system.
You are a simple minded fool, top.

If your pool guy does a lousy job do you offer him a raise? No you fire him and hire someone else. You might have to pay that someone else more, but simply paying them more will not insure better performance. They perform better because they have learned they will be rewarded for doing so.

Like most socialized services, there is no reason for police officers to do a better job. Either privatize it or attempt to make it more market like by rewarding good performance and punishing poor performance.
I'm not saying give him a raise you moron.
Pay more for the spot and you'll attract IQ's above neanderthals jeezz how stupid are you.
I'm not saying give him a raise you moron.
Pay more for the spot and you'll attract IQ's above neanderthals jeezz how stupid are you.

Just raising pay will not insure better performance. Maybe some more qualified people will apply, but that won't mean they will perform any better. Frankly, we'd be better off with the qualified people out in the real world doing important jobs where they will get paid for performance.
Do they really? That's wild. Between this and ball hair I've learned a lot today.
Yes, they do. Much of police work is repetitive and boring, high IQ people do not usually last long on the job. They take a mid-range, but they do not want the high IQs.
Yes, they do. Much of police work is repetitive and boring, high IQ people do not usually last long on the job. They take a mid-range, but they do not want the high IQs.

Also, what I am talking about, the fact that there is no reward/punishment for performance tends to drive out good people. Raising base pay alone does not solve that.

One of my first jobs, my starting pay was pretty lousy. I worked hard though and got a good raise and other reinforcement, which made me work even harder. I have had other jobs since where I was started well above the elevated rates of that early job. I worked hard and got meager to nothing raises. I stopped working hard and looked for a different job.
Most places are based strictly on seniority, no matter how good you are. Hierarchy will ultimately fail humanity. Distributed planning, heterarchy, freedom, and merit will someday rule the universe.
99% of police and miltary

do a great job only 1% are bad guys/girls...the same cannot be said of the general population...must you libertarians always look at the half empty rather than the half full glass...then again DD and elBeefy must get in trouble alot...thus they complain the most...end of story!;)