gay debate

Why was ...................

60% of the California voters against it...then it was overturned by the California Supreme Court...maybe false justice!
How did you know I was gay? Don't tell me you were trying to insult me by calling me gay...

How did you know I was gay? Don't tell me you were trying to insult me by calling me gay...

It's pretty obvious...why would a hetrosexual start a thread about Gay Marriage?
Get over it already...most hetros could care less what y'all do in private...but marriage is rediculous!
Exactly. O'Reilly,Hannity, Coulter, Falwell, Keller and I are all gay. Why else would we make such a big deal against it all the time? Olbermann, Maddow, Colmes, Cooper and Blitzer are open with their sexuallity and that's why they're for it.

Get over it already...most hetros could care less what y'all do in private...but marriage is rediculous!

Why is it rediculous?
Why are you against gay marriage?

For religious reasons.Though I certainly do support civil unions for Gay's. Don't call it "Marriage".

Marriage is more than a civil institution it is a religious one, to me. A marriage is a sanctified holy spiritual union between one man and one woman.

But that's just "My" personal religious belief.

I have no problems with civil unions for gays, just don't call it marriage.

Having said that, gay marriage, as a political issue, is about 378th down my list. Right up there with spiting on the side walk.

I've got more important things to worry about.
Regardless of how anyone feels about gay marriage, it will become a reality in America .. as it should.

The so-called religious reasons may be important to the religious, but that makes no sense whatsoever to me.

Marriage is not a religious act. It is a legal union between two people who may or may not be religious .. and which is not required to get married.
I agree with mott, get the gov out of the religious world of marriage. Civil unions for all, for what ever reason anyone wants it. Seniors who want to be each others legal gardians, nieghbors who want to take care of each others children if soemthing happens or whatever the reasons. Leave marriage to the church. Let them marry whoever the hell they want to marry and that marriage means nothing under the law. If they want the legal benifits they have to also get a civil union.
Anyone understand this rant?

I agree with mott, get the gov out of the religious world of marriage. Civil unions for all, for what ever reason anyone wants it. Seniors who want to be each others legal gardians, nieghbors who want to take care of each others children if soemthing happens or whatever the reasons. Leave marriage to the church. Let them marry whoever the hell they want to marry and that marriage means nothing under the law. If they want the legal benifits they have to also get a civil union.

Marriage is nothing more than a contract..between opposite sexes to manage the household and off spring...gays can't produce off spring without test tubes or donors...desh is so new age it becomes funny!
The question is "Is marriage a religious institution or a legal contract in the eyes of the law?"
Marriage is nothing more than a contract..between opposite sexes to manage the household and off spring...gays can't produce off spring without test tubes or donors...desh is so new age it becomes funny!

It is a legal agreement and you or I have no right to tell anyone they can not enter into a legal agreement.

Thus the civil union instead of marriage.

Leave the marraige to the church and give it no legal strength.

The civil union would be for anyone wanting the protections of the legal document for whatever reasons they determine.

Its none of your busniess why.