gay debate

Whatever desh...........

It is a legal agreement and you or I have no right to tell anyone they can not enter into a legal agreement.

Thus the civil union instead of marriage.

Leave the marraige to the church and give it no legal strength.

The civil union would be for anyone wanting the protections of the legal document for whatever reasons they determine.

Its none of your busniess why.

take your test tube babies to the bank...:gives:
Marriage is nothing more than a contract..between opposite sexes to manage the household and off spring...gays can't produce off spring without test tubes or donors...desh is so new age it becomes funny!
First off Lesbians have kids all the time without test tubes. Second, there is not a single statute in the US that defines Marriage in terms of ability to reproduce. If that were the case then marriages could be denied any person that was sterile either through nature or through medical procedures. Queers manage households pretty well from what I have seen and two of my friends manage so well that they both retired before their 50th birthdays. The government has no business regulating marriage, they can regulate civil unions for tax purposes and such but only to the extent that it does not violate equal protection and due process. Your myopic views are dying and before you pass you will see gay marriage in all 50 states. Cling hard to your dying views.