Geez. It just won't go away...


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Jesse Jackson reportedly also used n-word in off-air gaffe

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- The Rev. Jesse Jackson used the N-word during a break in a TV interview where he criticized presidential candidate Barack Obama, Fox News confirmed Wednesday.

The longtime civil rights leader already came under fire this month for crude off-air comments he made against Obama in what he thought was a private conversation during a taping of a "Fox & Friends" news show.

In additional comments from that same conversation, first reported by TVNewser, Jackson is reported to have said Obama was "talking down to black people," and referred to blacks with the N-word when he said Obama was telling them "how to behave."

Though a Fox spokesman confirmed to The Associated Press that Jackson used the slur, the network declined to release the full transcript of the July 6 show and did not air the comments.

Jackson, who is now traveling in Spain, apologized in a statement last Wednesday for "hurtful words" but didn't offer specifics. Is Jackson still relevant?

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why would that be?
Because they aired his comments that were made off-air when he did not know the mic was live. Do you want to go there now?

Of course, I think it will just make others more careful about what they say when they are wired.
Because they aired his comments that were made off-air when he did not know the mic was live. Do you want to go there now?

Of course, I think it will just make others more careful about what they say when they are wired.

how many people drop 'N' bombs while hanging out during commercials?
she said guests won't go on Fox, that has nothing to do with the viewership and believe it or not Democrats watch Fox.
From what I have seen on this board. More Democrats watch Fox than any other demographic. I mean, almost every thread about Fox is started by a Democrat who has a clip they watched...
They taped him in the off time and then played it on national TV to embarrass him and Barrack.

I think you will see guests less likely to trust Fox on any level now.

So they knew Jesse would be dropping the "N" bomb?
There are others who watch it for us so we dont have to all waste our times and destroy our minds.
So they knew Jesse would be dropping the "N" bomb?

He dropped two N bombs , he said both the N words.

No they just taped him in the off time to try to catch him doing something. Jesse proved himself the fool that he is and now anyone who doesnt agree with the Fox agenda knows they will be targeted even in the off time.

It will limit their guest appearances.

If you dont think so you are a fool.
There are others who watch it for us so we dont have to all waste our times and destroy our minds.

i.e. they let Democratic supported MediaMatters spin what Fox supposedly says and then she is the lap dog on the other end.
They have the clips dude.

If you think its spin to catch them saying idiotic fucking shit then fine with me.
People already know that Jesse Jackson is an idiot, there is no further need to continue this story. I'd find the guy who leaked the whole "n-word" crap and fire his behind.