Gender issues?

Haven't seen the "Access Hollywood" tape, eh?

Sure do. And implying that a woman slept their way to a better job is CLASSIC misogyny.

Textbook stuff.

Not if it's true but that's not my problem with the cackling hen. My problem is facts. It's a fact she ran for the nomination of the democratic party for 2020. It's a fact she didnt even make it to the first primary as a candidate for her partys nomination because she had no financial support. It's also a fact even the democrats didn't want her but she is somehow the VP. Whats not a fact but supported by evidence is that she has the job she has for reasons other than her political skill or influence. Now I wouldn't be so crude as to suggest she slept her way to the job but is there because of her pigmentation and genitalia. I dont believe thats a wild or inaccurate assertion given the lefts penchant for all things identity politics.